+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |*****************************************************************| |* *| |* XCrySDen -- (X-Window) CRYstalline Structures and DENsities *| |* = === = === *| |*---------------------------------------------------------------*| |* *| |* Anton Kokalj (tone.kokalj@ijs.si) *| |* Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia *| |* *| |* Copyright (c) 1996--2014 by Anton Kokalj *| |* *| |*****************************************************************| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Version: 1.5.60 Please report bugs to: tone.kokalj@ijs.si TERMS OF USE: ------------- XCRYSDEN is released under the GNU General Public License. Whenever graphics generated by XCRYSDEN are used in scientific publications, it shall be greatly appreciated to include an explicit reference. The preferred form is the following: [ref] A. Kokalj, J. Mol. Graph. Model., Vol. 17, pp. 176-179, 1999. Code available from http://www.xcrysden.org/. TCL_LIBRARY=/home/hongyz/xcrySden/xcrysden-1.5.60/external/lib/tcl8.5 XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR=/home/hongyz/xcrySden/xcrysden-1.5.60 XCRYSDEN_SCRATCH=/tmp *** cleaning XCRYSDEN_SCRATCH directory: /tmp/xc_10065 Running on platform : unix Operating system : Linux Package ImageMagick‘s convert: /usr/bin/convert Package ImageMagick‘s import: /usr/bin/import Package Xwd: /usr/bin/xwd Executing: /home/hongyz/xcrySden/xcrysden-1.5.60/bin/ftnunit