在分析 连接的建立过程 之前,先来看一下UDT API的用法。在UDT网络中,通常要有一个UDT Server监听在某台机器的某个UDP端口上,等待客户端的连接;有一个或多个客户端连接UDT Server;UDT Server接收到来自客户端的连接请求后,创建另外一个单独的UDT Socket用于与该客户端进行通信。
先来看一下UDT Server的简单的实现,UDT的开发者已经提供了一些demo程序可供参考,位于app/目录下。
#include <unistd.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <netdb.h> #include <iostream> #include <udt.h> using namespace std; void* recvdata(void*); struct UDTUpDown { UDTUpDown() { // use this function to initialize the UDT library UDT::startup(); } ~UDTUpDown() { // use this function to release the UDT library UDT::cleanup(); } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ((1 != argc) && ((2 != argc) || (0 == atoi(argv[1])))) { cout << "usage: appserver [server_port]" << endl; return 0; } // Automatically start up and clean up UDT module. UDTUpDown _udt_; addrinfo hints; addrinfo* res; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; //hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; string service("9000"); if (2 == argc) service = argv[1]; if (0 != getaddrinfo(NULL, service.c_str(), &hints, &res)) { cout << "illegal port number or port is busy.\n" << endl; return 0; } UDTSOCKET serv = UDT::socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); // UDT Options //UDT::setsockopt(serv, 0, UDT_CC, new CCCFactory<CUDPBlast>, sizeof(CCCFactory<CUDPBlast>)); //UDT::setsockopt(serv, 0, UDT_MSS, new int(9000), sizeof(int)); //UDT::setsockopt(serv, 0, UDT_RCVBUF, new int(10000000), sizeof(int)); //UDT::setsockopt(serv, 0, UDP_RCVBUF, new int(10000000), sizeof(int)); if (UDT::ERROR == UDT::bind(serv, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { cout << "bind: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; return 0; } freeaddrinfo(res); cout << "server is ready at port: " << service << endl; if (UDT::ERROR == UDT::listen(serv, 10)) { cout << "listen: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; return 0; } sockaddr_storage clientaddr; int addrlen = sizeof(clientaddr); UDTSOCKET recver; while (true) { if (UDT::INVALID_SOCK == (recver = UDT::accept(serv, (sockaddr*) &clientaddr, &addrlen))) { cout << "accept: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; return 0; } char clienthost[NI_MAXHOST]; char clientservice[NI_MAXSERV]; getnameinfo((sockaddr *) &clientaddr, addrlen, clienthost, sizeof(clienthost), clientservice, sizeof(clientservice), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); cout << "new connection: " << clienthost << ":" << clientservice << endl; pthread_t rcvthread; pthread_create(&rcvthread, NULL, recvdata, new UDTSOCKET(recver)); pthread_detach(rcvthread); } UDT::close(serv); return 0; } void* recvdata(void* usocket) { UDTSOCKET recver = *(UDTSOCKET*) usocket; delete (UDTSOCKET*) usocket; char* data; int size = 100000; data = new char[size]; while (true) { int rsize = 0; int rs; while (rsize < size) { int rcv_size; int var_size = sizeof(int); UDT::getsockopt(recver, 0, UDT_RCVDATA, &rcv_size, &var_size); if (UDT::ERROR == (rs = UDT::recv(recver, data + rsize, size - rsize, 0))) { cout << "recv:" << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; break; } rsize += rs; } if (rsize < size) break; } delete[] data; UDT::close(recver); return NULL; }1. 如在 UDT协议实现分析——UDT初始化和销毁 一文中提到的, 在调用任何UDT API之前,需要首先调用UDT::startup()来对库做一个初始化,并在结束之后执行UDT::cleanup()做最后的清理。在这个示例中,是创建了一个helper类UDTUpDown来帮助做这些事情的。利用编程语言本身提供的构造-析够机制来对UDT进行初始化和销毁要比手动调用这些函数要可靠得多。
2. 获得本地UDP端口的网络地址。
3. 调用UDT::socket()函数创建一个UDT Socket。这个Socket是UDT抽象出来的一个逻辑的Socket,我们并不能利用这个Socket本身来收发数据。
4. 调用UDT::bind()将创建的UDT Socket绑定到本地端口的网络地址。这一步将会把UDT的逻辑Socket与能够进行数据收发的系统UDP socket进行关联,自此我们就可以利用UDT Socket进行收发数据了。
5. 调用UDT::listen()告诉UDT,把这个UDT Socket做为这个端口上的Listening Socket。一个UDP端口可以被多个UDT Socket复用,在调用UDT::listen()之后,UDT就知道,在有其它节点连接这个UDP端口时,需要把相关的连接请求消息发送到哪个UDT Socket的接收缓冲区了。
对绑定到相同UDP端口的多个不同UDT Socket调用UDT::listen()时,UDT是如何处理的?我们知道,一个UDP端口上最多只能有一个listening Socket。
6. 调用UDT::accept()函数等待其它节点的连接。其它节点连接时,这个函数返回另外一个单独的UDT Socket,以用于与发起连接的节点进行通信。
UDT::accept()函数返回的UDT Socket会被绑定到另外的一个不同的UDP端口,还是会被绑定到listening Socket所绑定的UDP端口?
7. 使用UDT::accept()返回的UDT Socket,利用UDT::recv()与UDT::send()等函数同发起连接的节点进行数据传输。
8. 在不再需要UDT Socket时,调用UDT::close()函数关掉它,以释放资源。
然后再来看下UDT Client的实现:
#include <unistd.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <netdb.h> #include <iostream> #include <udt.h> using namespace std; void* monitor(void*); struct UDTUpDown { UDTUpDown() { // use this function to initialize the UDT library UDT::startup(); } ~UDTUpDown() { // use this function to release the UDT library UDT::cleanup(); } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ((3 != argc) || (0 == atoi(argv[2]))) { cout << "usage: appclient server_ip server_port" << endl; return 0; } // Automatically start up and clean up UDT module. UDTUpDown _udt_; struct addrinfo hints, *local, *peer; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; //hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; if (0 != getaddrinfo(NULL, "9000", &hints, &local)) { cout << "incorrect network address.\n" << endl; return 0; } UDTSOCKET client = UDT::socket(local->ai_family, local->ai_socktype, local->ai_protocol); // UDT Options //UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDT_CC, new CCCFactory<CUDPBlast>, sizeof(CCCFactory<CUDPBlast>)); //UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDT_MSS, new int(9000), sizeof(int)); //UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDT_SNDBUF, new int(10000000), sizeof(int)); //UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDP_SNDBUF, new int(10000000), sizeof(int)); //UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDT_MAXBW, new int64_t(12500000), sizeof(int)); // for rendezvous connection, enable the code below /* UDT::setsockopt(client, 0, UDT_RENDEZVOUS, new bool(true), sizeof(bool)); if (UDT::ERROR == UDT::bind(client, local->ai_addr, local->ai_addrlen)) { cout << "bind: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; return 0; } */ freeaddrinfo(local); if (0 != getaddrinfo(argv[1], argv[2], &hints, &peer)) { cout << "incorrect server/peer address. " << argv[1] << ":" << argv[2] << endl; return 0; } // connect to the server, implict bind if (UDT::ERROR == UDT::connect(client, peer->ai_addr, peer->ai_addrlen)) { cout << "connect: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; return 0; } freeaddrinfo(peer); int size = 100000; char* data = new char[size]; pthread_create(new pthread_t, NULL, monitor, &client); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { int ssize = 0; int ss; while (ssize < size) { if (UDT::ERROR == (ss = UDT::send(client, data + ssize, size - ssize, 0))) { cout << "send:" << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; break; } ssize += ss; } if (ssize < size) break; } UDT::close(client); delete[] data; return 0; } void* monitor(void* s) { UDTSOCKET u = *(UDTSOCKET*) s; UDT::TRACEINFO perf; cout << "SendRate(Mb/s)\tRTT(ms)\tCWnd\tPktSndPeriod(us)\tRecvACK\tRecvNAK" << endl; while (true) { sleep(1); if (UDT::ERROR == UDT::perfmon(u, &perf)) { cout << "perfmon: " << UDT::getlasterror().getErrorMessage() << endl; break; } cout << perf.mbpsSendRate << "\t\t" << perf.msRTT << "\t" << perf.pktCongestionWindow << "\t" << perf.usPktSndPeriod << "\t\t\t" << perf.pktRecvACK << "\t" << perf.pktRecvNAK << endl; } return NULL; }
可以看到UDT Client连接UDT Server并发送数据的过程大体如下:
1. 同样需要在调用任何UDT API之前,先调用UDT::startup()来对库做初始化,并在结束之后执行UDT::cleanup()做最后的清理。这里同样使用helper类UDTUpDown来帮助做这些事情。
2. 获得UDT Server的网络地址。
3. 调用UDT::socket()函数创建一个UDT Socket。这个Socket可以与特定的本地地址绑定,也可以不绑定。如果绑定,则发送数据时的出口地址就是该端口,如果不绑定,出口地址则是一个不确定的值。
4. 调用UDT::connect()连接UDT Server。
5. 使用UDT Socket,利用UDT::recv()与UDT::send()等函数同UDT Server进行数据传输。
6. 在不再需要UDT Socket时,调用UDT::close()函数关掉它,以释放资源。
无论是UDT Server要listening,还是UDT client要连接UDT Server,在调用UDT::startup()初始化UDT之后,首先要做的事情都是调用UDT::socket()创建UDT Socket了。我们就来看一下创建UDT Socket的过程:
UDTSOCKET CUDTUnited::newSocket(int af, int type) { if ((type != SOCK_STREAM) && (type != SOCK_DGRAM)) throw CUDTException(5, 3, 0); CUDTSocket* ns = NULL; try { ns = new CUDTSocket; ns->m_pUDT = new CUDT; if (AF_INET == af) { ns->m_pSelfAddr = (sockaddr*) (new sockaddr_in); ((sockaddr_in*) (ns->m_pSelfAddr))->sin_port = 0; } else { ns->m_pSelfAddr = (sockaddr*) (new sockaddr_in6); ((sockaddr_in6*) (ns->m_pSelfAddr))->sin6_port = 0; } } catch (...) { delete ns; throw CUDTException(3, 2, 0); } CGuard::enterCS(m_IDLock); ns->m_SocketID = --m_SocketID; CGuard::leaveCS(m_IDLock); ns->m_Status = INIT; ns->m_ListenSocket = 0; ns->m_pUDT->m_SocketID = ns->m_SocketID; ns->m_pUDT->m_iSockType = (SOCK_STREAM == type) ? UDT_STREAM : UDT_DGRAM; ns->m_pUDT->m_iIPversion = ns->m_iIPversion = af; ns->m_pUDT->m_pCache = m_pCache; // protect the m_Sockets structure. CGuard::enterCS(m_ControlLock); try { m_Sockets[ns->m_SocketID] = ns; } catch (...) { //failure and rollback CGuard::leaveCS(m_ControlLock); delete ns; ns = NULL; } CGuard::leaveCS(m_ControlLock); if (NULL == ns) throw CUDTException(3, 2, 0); return ns->m_SocketID; } UDTSOCKET CUDT::socket(int af, int type, int) { if (!s_UDTUnited.m_bGCStatus) s_UDTUnited.startup(); try { return s_UDTUnited.newSocket(af, type); } catch (CUDTException& e) { s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(e)); return INVALID_SOCK; } catch (bad_alloc&) { s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(3, 2, 0)); return INVALID_SOCK; } catch (...) { s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(-1, 0, 0)); return INVALID_SOCK; } } UDTSOCKET socket(int af, int type, int protocol) { return CUDT::socket(af, type, protocol); }
调用流程为,UDT::socket() -> CUDT::socket() -> CUDTUnited::newSocket()。
创建UDT Socket的工作实际都在CUDTUnited::newSocket()函数中完成。可以看到,在这个函数中主要做了如下的这样一些事情:
1. 创建一个CUDTSocket对象ns,并创建一个CUDT对象被ns->m_pUDT引用。初始化ns对象的Self网络地址,端口会被设置为0。在UDT中使用CUDTSocket和CUDT共同来描述一个Socket。每个UDT Socket都会有其相应的CUDTSocket对象和CUDT对象。
可以看一下CUDTSocket类的定义,来了解它都描述了UDT Socket的哪些属性(src/api.h):
class CUDTSocket { public: CUDTSocket(); ~CUDTSocket(); UDTSTATUS m_Status; // current socket state uint64_t m_TimeStamp; // time when the socket is closed int m_iIPversion; // IP version sockaddr* m_pSelfAddr; // pointer to the local address of the socket sockaddr* m_pPeerAddr; // pointer to the peer address of the socket UDTSOCKET m_SocketID; // socket ID UDTSOCKET m_ListenSocket; // ID of the listener socket; 0 means this is an independent socket UDTSOCKET m_PeerID; // peer socket ID int32_t m_iISN; // initial sequence number, used to tell different connection from same IP:port CUDT* m_pUDT; // pointer to the UDT entity std::set<UDTSOCKET>* m_pQueuedSockets; // set of connections waiting for accept() std::set<UDTSOCKET>* m_pAcceptSockets; // set of accept()ed connections pthread_cond_t m_AcceptCond; // used to block "accept" call pthread_mutex_t m_AcceptLock; // mutex associated to m_AcceptCond unsigned int m_uiBackLog; // maximum number of connections in queue int m_iMuxID; // multiplexer ID pthread_mutex_t m_ControlLock; // lock this socket exclusively for control APIs: bind/listen/connect private: CUDTSocket(const CUDTSocket&); CUDTSocket& operator=(const CUDTSocket&); };
CUDTSocket::CUDTSocket() : m_Status(INIT), m_TimeStamp(0), m_iIPversion(0), m_pSelfAddr(NULL), m_pPeerAddr(NULL), m_SocketID(0), m_ListenSocket(0), m_PeerID(0), m_iISN(0), m_pUDT(NULL), m_pQueuedSockets(NULL), m_pAcceptSockets(NULL), m_AcceptCond(), m_AcceptLock(), m_uiBackLog(0), m_iMuxID(-1) { #ifndef WIN32 pthread_mutex_init(&m_AcceptLock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&m_AcceptCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_ControlLock, NULL); #else m_AcceptLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_AcceptCond = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); m_ControlLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); #endif }
CUDT类有两个主要的职责,一是描述UDT Socket,包括所有的非静态成员变量和非静态成员函数,定义UDT Socket的大部分属性和所能提供操作;二是提供API,包括绝大部分的static成员函数,这些函数将调用者与UDT内部的实现连接起来。CUDT类这样的设计,明显违背了OO的SRP单一职责原则,这多少还是给代码的阅读带来了一定的障碍。再来看一下CUDT的构造函数实现(src/core.cpp):
CUDT::CUDT() { m_pSndBuffer = NULL; m_pRcvBuffer = NULL; m_pSndLossList = NULL; m_pRcvLossList = NULL; m_pACKWindow = NULL; m_pSndTimeWindow = NULL; m_pRcvTimeWindow = NULL; m_pSndQueue = NULL; m_pRcvQueue = NULL; m_pPeerAddr = NULL; m_pSNode = NULL; m_pRNode = NULL; // Initilize mutex and condition variables initSynch(); // Default UDT configurations m_iMSS = 1500; m_bSynSending = true; m_bSynRecving = true; m_iFlightFlagSize = 25600; m_iSndBufSize = 8192; m_iRcvBufSize = 8192; //Rcv buffer MUST NOT be bigger than Flight Flag size m_Linger.l_onoff = 1; m_Linger.l_linger = 180; m_iUDPSndBufSize = 65536; m_iUDPRcvBufSize = m_iRcvBufSize * m_iMSS; m_iSockType = UDT_STREAM; m_iIPversion = AF_INET; m_bRendezvous = false; m_iSndTimeOut = -1; m_iRcvTimeOut = -1; m_bReuseAddr = true; m_llMaxBW = -1; m_pCCFactory = new CCCFactory<CUDTCC>; m_pCC = NULL; m_pCache = NULL; // Initial status m_bOpened = false; m_bListening = false; m_bConnecting = false; m_bConnected = false; m_bClosing = false; m_bShutdown = false; m_bBroken = false; m_bPeerHealth = true; m_ullLingerExpiration = 0; } void CUDT::initSynch() { #ifndef WIN32 pthread_mutex_init(&m_SendBlockLock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&m_SendBlockCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_RecvDataLock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&m_RecvDataCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_SendLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_RecvLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_AckLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_ConnectionLock, NULL); #else m_SendBlockLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_SendBlockCond = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); m_RecvDataLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_RecvDataCond = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); m_SendLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_RecvLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_AckLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_ConnectionLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); #endif }
2. 为Socket分配SocketID,其值为CUDTUnited的m_SocketID递减的结果。m_SocketID在CUDTUnited的构造函数中初始化:
CUDTUnited::CUDTUnited() : m_Sockets(), m_ControlLock(), m_IDLock(), m_SocketID(0), m_TLSError(), m_mMultiplexer(), m_MultiplexerLock(), m_pCache(NULL), m_bClosing(false), m_GCStopLock(), m_GCStopCond(), m_InitLock(), m_iInstanceCount(0), m_bGCStatus(false), m_GCThread(), m_ClosedSockets() { // Socket ID MUST start from a random value srand((unsigned int) CTimer::getTime()); m_SocketID = 1 + (int) ((1 << 30) * (double(rand()) / RAND_MAX)); #ifndef WIN32 pthread_mutex_init(&m_ControlLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_IDLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_InitLock, NULL); #else m_ControlLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_IDLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); m_InitLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); #endif #ifndef WIN32 pthread_key_create(&m_TLSError, TLSDestroy); #else m_TLSError = TlsAlloc(); m_TLSLock = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL); #endif m_pCache = new CCache<CInfoBlock>; }
3. 初始化ns及它的CUDT对象的一些成员变量。
4. 将ns放在std::map<UDTSOCKET, CUDTSocket*> m_Sockets中。
5. 将UDT socket的SocketID返回给调用者。
这个接口直接返回一个表示UDT Socket的类对象,而不是一个handle,以便于调用者在调用UDT API时无需每次都输入UDT Socket handle参数,这样的API设计相对于UDT的这种API设计,有什么样的优缺点?
在前面UDT Server和UDT Client的demo程序中,我们有看到,所有的UDT API都会在出错时返回一个错误码,比如UDT::bind()、UDT::bind2()、UDT::listen()和UDT::connect()等返回值类型为int的函数,在出错时返回UDT::ERROR,UDT::socket()和UDT::accept()等返回值类型为UDTSOCKET的函数在出错时返回UDT::INVALID_SOCK。
UDT API的调用者在检测到它们返回了错误值时,通过调用UDT::getlasterror()函数来获取关于异常更加详细的信息。这里我们就来看一下这套机制的实现。
注意看CUDT::socket()函数的实现。在这个函数中,会将实际创建UDT Socket的任务委托给s_UDTUnited.newSocket(),但这个调用会被包在一个try-catch块中。在s_UDTUnited.newSocket()函数执行的过程中发生任何的异常,都会先被CUDT::socket()捕获。CUDT::socket()函数在捕获这些异常之后,会根据捕获的异常的类型创建不同的CUDTException对象,并通过调用CUDTUnited::setError()函数将该CUDTException对象设置给s_UDTUnited。
void CUDTUnited::setError(CUDTException* e) { #ifndef WIN32 delete (CUDTException*) pthread_getspecific(m_TLSError); pthread_setspecific(m_TLSError, e); #else CGuard tg(m_TLSLock); delete (CUDTException*)TlsGetValue(m_TLSError); TlsSetValue(m_TLSError, e); m_mTLSRecord[GetCurrentThreadId()] = e; #endif }
在这个函数中,会首先取出线程局部存储变量m_TLSError中保存的本线程上一次创建的 CUDTException对象,将其delete掉,并将本次创建的CUDTException对象设置进去。CUDTUnited类定义中m_TLSError的声明(src/api.h):
private: pthread_key_t m_TLSError; // thread local error record (last error) #ifndef WIN32 static void TLSDestroy(void* e) { if (NULL != e) delete (CUDTException*) e; } #else std::map<DWORD, CUDTException*> m_mTLSRecord; void checkTLSValue(); pthread_mutex_t m_TLSLock; #endif
在CUDTUnited构造函数中也可以看到对这个对象的初始化。 CUDTUnited::TLSDestroy()函数是m_TLSError的析构函数,在m_TLSError最后被销毁时,这个函数被调用,以便于释放搜有还未释放的资源。
再来看UDT API的调用者获取上一次发生的异常的函数UDT::getlasterror():
CUDTException* CUDTUnited::getError() { #ifndef WIN32 if (NULL == pthread_getspecific(m_TLSError)) pthread_setspecific(m_TLSError, new CUDTException); return (CUDTException*) pthread_getspecific(m_TLSError); #else CGuard tg(m_TLSLock); if(NULL == TlsGetValue(m_TLSError)) { CUDTException* e = new CUDTException; TlsSetValue(m_TLSError, e); m_mTLSRecord[GetCurrentThreadId()] = e; } return (CUDTException*)TlsGetValue(m_TLSError); #endif } CUDTException& CUDT::getlasterror() { return *s_UDTUnited.getError(); } ERRORINFO& getlasterror() { return CUDT::getlasterror(); }
调用过程为UDT::getlasterror() -> CUDT::getlasterror() -> CUDTUnited::getError()。
总结一下,UDT的使用者在调用UDT API时,UDT API会直接调用CUDT类对应的static API函数,在CUDT类的这些static API函数中会将做实际事情的工作委托给s_UDTUnited的相应函数,但这个委托调用会被包在一个try-catch block中。s_UDTUnited的函数在遇到异常情况时抛出异常,CUDT类的static API函数捕获异常,根据捕获到的异常的具体类型,创建不同的CUDTException对象设置给s_UDTUnited的线程局部存储变量m_TLSError中并向UDT API调用者返回错误码,UDT API的调用者检测到错误码后,通过UDT::getlasterror()获取存储在m_TLSError中的异常。
class UDT_API CUDTException { public: CUDTException(int major = 0, int minor = 0, int err = -1); CUDTException(const CUDTException& e); virtual ~CUDTException(); // Functionality: // Get the description of the exception. // Parameters: // None. // Returned value: // Text message for the exception description. virtual const char* getErrorMessage(); // Functionality: // Get the system errno for the exception. // Parameters: // None. // Returned value: // errno. virtual int getErrorCode() const; // Functionality: // Clear the error code. // Parameters: // None. // Returned value: // None. virtual void clear(); private: int m_iMajor; // major exception categories // 0: correct condition // 1: network setup exception // 2: network connection broken // 3: memory exception // 4: file exception // 5: method not supported // 6+: undefined error int m_iMinor; // for specific error reasons int m_iErrno; // errno returned by the system if there is any std::string m_strMsg; // text error message std::string m_strAPI; // the name of UDT function that returns the error std::string m_strDebug; // debug information, set to the original place that causes the error public: // Error Code static const int SUCCESS; static const int ECONNSETUP; static const int ENOSERVER; static const int ECONNREJ; static const int ESOCKFAIL; static const int ESECFAIL; static const int ECONNFAIL; static const int ECONNLOST; static const int ENOCONN; static const int ERESOURCE; static const int ETHREAD; static const int ENOBUF; static const int EFILE; static const int EINVRDOFF; static const int ERDPERM; static const int EINVWROFF; static const int EWRPERM; static const int EINVOP; static const int EBOUNDSOCK; static const int ECONNSOCK; static const int EINVPARAM; static const int EINVSOCK; static const int EUNBOUNDSOCK; static const int ENOLISTEN; static const int ERDVNOSERV; static const int ERDVUNBOUND; static const int ESTREAMILL; static const int EDGRAMILL; static const int EDUPLISTEN; static const int ELARGEMSG; static const int EINVPOLLID; static const int EASYNCFAIL; static const int EASYNCSND; static const int EASYNCRCV; static const int ETIMEOUT; static const int EPEERERR; static const int EUNKNOWN; };
CUDTException::CUDTException(int major, int minor, int err) : m_iMajor(major), m_iMinor(minor) { if (-1 == err) #ifndef WIN32 m_iErrno = errno; #else m_iErrno = GetLastError(); #endif else m_iErrno = err; } CUDTException::CUDTException(const CUDTException& e) : m_iMajor(e.m_iMajor), m_iMinor(e.m_iMinor), m_iErrno(e.m_iErrno), m_strMsg() { } CUDTException::~CUDTException() { } const char* CUDTException::getErrorMessage() { // translate "Major:Minor" code into text message. switch (m_iMajor) { case 0: m_strMsg = "Success"; break; case 1: m_strMsg = "Connection setup failure"; switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg += ": connection time out"; break; case 2: m_strMsg += ": connection rejected"; break; case 3: m_strMsg += ": unable to create/configure UDP socket"; break; case 4: m_strMsg += ": abort for security reasons"; break; default: break; } break; case 2: switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg = "Connection was broken"; break; case 2: m_strMsg = "Connection does not exist"; break; default: break; } break; case 3: m_strMsg = "System resource failure"; switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg += ": unable to create new threads"; break; case 2: m_strMsg += ": unable to allocate buffers"; break; default: break; } break; case 4: m_strMsg = "File system failure"; switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg += ": cannot seek read position"; break; case 2: m_strMsg += ": failure in read"; break; case 3: m_strMsg += ": cannot seek write position"; break; case 4: m_strMsg += ": failure in write"; break; default: break; } break; case 5: m_strMsg = "Operation not supported"; switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg += ": Cannot do this operation on a BOUND socket"; break; case 2: m_strMsg += ": Cannot do this operation on a CONNECTED socket"; break; case 3: m_strMsg += ": Bad parameters"; break; case 4: m_strMsg += ": Invalid socket ID"; break; case 5: m_strMsg += ": Cannot do this operation on an UNBOUND socket"; break; case 6: m_strMsg += ": Socket is not in listening state"; break; case 7: m_strMsg += ": Listen/accept is not supported in rendezous connection setup"; break; case 8: m_strMsg += ": Cannot call connect on UNBOUND socket in rendezvous connection setup"; break; case 9: m_strMsg += ": This operation is not supported in SOCK_STREAM mode"; break; case 10: m_strMsg += ": This operation is not supported in SOCK_DGRAM mode"; break; case 11: m_strMsg += ": Another socket is already listening on the same port"; break; case 12: m_strMsg += ": Message is too large to send (it must be less than the UDT send buffer size)"; break; case 13: m_strMsg += ": Invalid epoll ID"; break; default: break; } break; case 6: m_strMsg = "Non-blocking call failure"; switch (m_iMinor) { case 1: m_strMsg += ": no buffer available for sending"; break; case 2: m_strMsg += ": no data available for reading"; break; default: break; } break; case 7: m_strMsg = "The peer side has signalled an error"; break; default: m_strMsg = "Unknown error"; } // Adding "errno" information if ((0 != m_iMajor) && (0 < m_iErrno)) { m_strMsg += ": "; #ifndef WIN32 char errmsg[1024]; if (strerror_r(m_iErrno, errmsg, 1024) == 0) m_strMsg += errmsg; #else LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, m_iErrno, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); m_strMsg += (char*)lpMsgBuf; LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); #endif } // period #ifndef WIN32 m_strMsg += "."; #endif return m_strMsg.c_str(); } int CUDTException::getErrorCode() const { return m_iMajor * 1000 + m_iMinor; } void CUDTException::clear() { m_iMajor = 0; m_iMinor = 0; m_iErrno = 0; } const int CUDTException::SUCCESS = 0; const int CUDTException::ECONNSETUP = 1000; const int CUDTException::ENOSERVER = 1001; const int CUDTException::ECONNREJ = 1002; const int CUDTException::ESOCKFAIL = 1003; const int CUDTException::ESECFAIL = 1004; const int CUDTException::ECONNFAIL = 2000; const int CUDTException::ECONNLOST = 2001; const int CUDTException::ENOCONN = 2002; const int CUDTException::ERESOURCE = 3000; const int CUDTException::ETHREAD = 3001; const int CUDTException::ENOBUF = 3002; const int CUDTException::EFILE = 4000; const int CUDTException::EINVRDOFF = 4001; const int CUDTException::ERDPERM = 4002; const int CUDTException::EINVWROFF = 4003; const int CUDTException::EWRPERM = 4004; const int CUDTException::EINVOP = 5000; const int CUDTException::EBOUNDSOCK = 5001; const int CUDTException::ECONNSOCK = 5002; const int CUDTException::EINVPARAM = 5003; const int CUDTException::EINVSOCK = 5004; const int CUDTException::EUNBOUNDSOCK = 5005; const int CUDTException::ENOLISTEN = 5006; const int CUDTException::ERDVNOSERV = 5007; const int CUDTException::ERDVUNBOUND = 5008; const int CUDTException::ESTREAMILL = 5009; const int CUDTException::EDGRAMILL = 5010; const int CUDTException::EDUPLISTEN = 5011; const int CUDTException::ELARGEMSG = 5012; const int CUDTException::EINVPOLLID = 5013; const int CUDTException::EASYNCFAIL = 6000; const int CUDTException::EASYNCSND = 6001; const int CUDTException::EASYNCRCV = 6002; const int CUDTException::ETIMEOUT = 6003; const int CUDTException::EPEERERR = 7000; const int CUDTException::EUNKNOWN = -1;