The previous examples are just let us get used to link list, but in practice we don‘t just use link list to input and show the data, in other word there are functions we can implement to link list and make it more powerful.
Here is an ADT definiton to link list:
ADT LinkList Data instances ordered finite collections of zero or more elements Operations Initial(*L): Initialize to create an empty link list L IsEmpty(L): Return whether the list is empty Clear(*L): Clear list L to make it empty GetElem(L, i, *e): Get the ith element in list L, return it to e HasElem(L, e): Return true if found e in list L, otherwise return false Insert(*L, i ,e): Insert element e in the position i of list L Delete(*L, i, *e): Delete the ith element e, and return e Length(L); Return number of elements in list L endADT
SinglyLinkList 3 -- What are we going to do?