Sample Input
3 5 4 5 7 3
Sample Output
fill B pour B A empty A pour B A fill B pour B A success fill A pour A B fill A pour A B empty B pour A B success
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #include <cstring> #include <queue> #include <stack> struct cup { int x, y; int step; int flag;//标记操作 cup *pre;//记录路径 }; queue<cup>Q; stack<int>R; int a, b, e; int vis[117][117];//标记当前状态是否到达过 int ans; void BFS(int x, int y) { cup c; cup t[317];//目前瓶子里剩余的水量 c.x = 0, c.y = 0; c.flag = 0; c.pre = NULL; c.step = 0; Q.push(c); vis[x][y] = 1; int count = -1; while(!Q.empty()) { count++; t[count] = Q.front(); Q.pop(); for(int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { switch(i) { case 1: //fill a c.x = a; c.y = t[count].y; c.flag = 1; break; case 2: //fill b c.x = t[count].x; c.y = b; c.flag = 2; break; case 3: //drop a c.x = 0; c.y = t[count].y; c.flag = 3; break; case 4: //drop b c.x = t[count].x; c.y = 0; c.flag = 4; break; case 5: //pour a to b if(t[count].x > b-t[count].y) { c.x = t[count].x-(b-t[count].y); c.y = b; } else { c.x = 0; c.y = t[count].y+t[count].x; } c.flag = 5; break; case 6: //pour b to a if(t[count].y > a-t[count].x) { c.y = t[count].y - (a-t[count].x); c.x = a; } else { c.x = t[count].x+t[count].y; c.y = 0; } c.flag = 6; break; } if(vis[c.x][c.y]) continue; vis[c.x][c.y] = 1; c.step = t[count].step+1; c.pre = &t[count]; if(c.x == e || c.y == e) { ans = c.step; while(c.pre) { R.push(c.flag); c = *c.pre; } return; } Q.push(c); } } } void print() { while(!R.empty()) { int i = R.top(); R.pop(); switch(i) { case 1:cout<<"fill A"<<endl;break; case 2:cout<<"fill B"<<endl;break; case 3:cout<<"empty A"<<endl;break; case 4:cout<<"empty B"<<endl;break; case 5:cout<<"pour A B"<<endl;break; case 6:cout<<"pour B A"<<endl;break; } } cout<<"success"<<endl; } int main() { while(cin >>a>>b>>e) { while(!Q.empty()) Q.pop(); while(!R.empty()) R.pop(); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); BFS(0,0); print(); } return 0; }
poj1606 Jugs(BFS+路径输出),布布扣,bubuko.com