前段时间为了练手,自己设计了一个仿QQ邮箱日历 的在线日记系统
后端用的 是 MVC+DBMapper 实现
农历查看(状态栏下方显示鼠标停放 的日期的农历)
1 ReFill: function () {//用最后一次填充的年月再次填充 2 this.Fill(this.last_Year_Month); 3 }, 4 Fill: function (s_d) {//参数必须是2015-9-1 格式 某个月的第一天 好确定 从哪个单元格开始绑定数字 到哪个单元格结束 5 var table = document.getElementById(this.id); 6 var ndate1 = this.getFormatDay(s_d); 7 var todayDate = this.getFormatDay(); 8 var curday = 1; 9 var maxday = this.monthDays[ndate1.Month]; 10 if (ndate1.Month === 1) { 11 if ((ndate1.Year % 100 != 0 && ndate1.Year % 4 === 0) || ndate1.Year % 400 === 0) { 12 maxday = 29; 13 14 } 15 16 } 17 for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) 18 for (var j = 0; j < table.rows[i].cells.length; j++) { 19 table.rows[i].cells[j].className = ‘‘; 20 table.rows[i].cells[j].setAttribute(‘data‘, ‘‘); 21 table.rows[i].cells[j].onmouseover = null; 22 table.rows[i].cells[j].onmouseout = null; 23 table.rows[i].cells[j].onclick = null;//清理上次填充时 加载的事件和属性 以免影响本次 24 25 if ((i === 1) && (j < parseInt(ndate1.Week, 10))) { 26 table.rows[i].cells[j].innerHTML = ‘ ‘; 27 28 } 29 else { 30 if (curday > maxday) { 31 table.rows[i].cells[j].innerHTML = ‘ ‘; 32 } 33 else { 34 if (todayDate.Year === ndate1.Year && todayDate.Month === ndate1.Month && todayDate.Date0 === curday) { 35 table.rows[i].cells[j].className = ‘today-cell‘; 36 } 37 table.rows[i].cells[j].setAttribute(‘data‘, ndate1.Year + ‘-‘ + (ndate1.Month + 1) + ‘-‘ + curday); 38 table.rows[i].cells[j].innerHTML = curday + ‘<br/><span class="nongli-cell">‘ 39 + nongli.GetLunarDay(ndate1.Year, (ndate1.Month + 1), curday).CDay + ‘</span>‘; 40 curday++; 41 var b = this; 42 //显示农历鼠标移入移除事件 43 table.rows[i].cells[j].onmouseover = function () { 44 var selectDate = this.getAttribute(‘data‘); 45 var de = selectDate.split(‘-‘); 46 var nong = nongli.GetLunarDay(parseInt(de[0]), parseInt(de[1]), parseInt(de[2])); 47 document.getElementById(b.longli).innerHTML = ‘农历‘ + nong.CMonth + nong.CDay; 48 } 49 table.rows[i].cells[j].onmouseout = function () { 50 51 document.getElementById(b.longli).innerHTML = ‘‘; 52 } 53 54 table.rows[i].cells[j].onclick = function () { 55 var selectDate = this.getAttribute(‘data‘); 56 if (b.onDateCellClick instanceof Function) 57 { b.onDateCellClick(selectDate); } 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 } 62 this.last_Year_Month = ndate1.Year + ‘-‘ + (ndate1.Month + 1) + ‘-1‘; 63 this.selectNotedDates(this.last_Year_Month); 64 }, 65 dateChange: function () { 66 var IndexMonth = document.getElementById(this.selectMonth).selectedIndex; 67 var month = document.getElementById(this.selectMonth).options[IndexMonth].value; 68 69 70 var IndexYear = document.getElementById(this.selectYear).selectedIndex; 71 var year = document.getElementById(this.selectYear).options[IndexYear].value; 72 73 this.Fill(year + ‘-‘ + month + ‘-1‘); 74 },
1 public class NoteEntity:IDbTableNaming 2 { 3 [PrimaryKey] 4 public int? Id { get; set; } 5 public int? UserNameId { get; set; } 6 public string Title { get; set; } 7 public string NoteTime { get; set; } 8 public string Content { get; set; } 9 string IDbTableNaming.DBTableName//显示实现接口 10 { 11 get { return "Note"; } 12 } 13 } 14 15 16 IDbMapper db = DbMapper.CreateDbMapper(DbMapper.PROVIDER_SQLSERVER, null); 17 public NoteEntity GetNote(int userId, string date) 18 { 19 List<NoteEntity> lst = db.Query<NoteEntity>("select Id,UserNameId,Title,NoteTime,Content from Note where UserNameId=@UserNameId and CONVERT(varchar(100),NoteTime,23)=@NoteTime", 20 new NoteEntity(){ 21 UserNameId=userId, 22 NoteTime=Convert.ToDateTime(date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")//把 2015-9-4 转换为 2015-09-04 23 }).ToList(); 24 if(lst.Count>0){return lst[0];} 25 else{return null;} 26 } 27 28 public bool DeleteNote(string date,int userId) { 29 List<NoteEntity> lst = db.Query<NoteEntity>("select Id,UserNameId,Title,NoteTime,Content from Note where UserNameId=@UserNameId and CONVERT(varchar(100),NoteTime,23)=@NoteTime", 30 new NoteEntity() 31 { 32 UserNameId = userId, 33 NoteTime = Convert.ToDateTime(date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")//把 2015-9-4 转换为 2015-09-04 34 }).ToList(); 35 if (lst.Count > 0) 36 { 37 db.Delete<NoteEntity>(new NoteEntity() { 38 Id=lst[0].Id 39 }); 40 return (db.Execute() > 0); 41 } 42 else { 43 return false; 44 } 45 }