curl -X POST -d ‘{"auth": {"tenantName": "IED-as", "passwordCredentials":{"username": "admin", "password": "cloud@tm"}}}‘ -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool
curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token:b5f5e4cad1c2402db27b583256461427" -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool
post v2.0/tokens Returns a token when credentials are supplied 35357/v2.0/
get v2.0/tenants Returns a list of tenants. 5000/v2.0/
get v2/{tenant_id}/limits Returns current limits for the account 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers Lists IDs, names, and links for all servers. 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/detail Lists details for all servers 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id} Lists details for the specified server server_id为id不是hostID 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/metadata Lists metadata associated with the resource 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{key}
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/ips Lists all server addresses ???
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/ips/{network_id} Lists addresses by network ID ???
get v2/images Lists IDs, names, and links for available images 9292/v1/
get v2/images/detail Lists all details for available images 9292/v1/
get v2/images/{image_id} Lists details of the specified image. 9292/v1/ 显示元数据
get v2/images/{image_id}/metadata Lists metadata associated with the resource 9292/v1/
get v2/flavors Lists IDs, names, and links for available flavors ???
get v2/flavors/detail Lists all details for available flavors ???
get v2/flavors/{flavor_id} Lists details for the specified flavor ???
Compute API Extensions
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-floating-ips Lists floating IP addresses associated with the tenant or account 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-floating-ips/{id} Lists details of the floating IP address associated with floating_IP_address_ID 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-floating-ip-dns Get a list of registered DNS Domains published by the DNS drivers 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-floating-ip-pools View a list of Floating IP Pools 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/flavors/{flavor_id} Describe a single flavor with extra attributes 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/flavors/detail List flavors with extra attributes 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs View a lists of keypairs associated with the account. 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair_name} Show a keypair associated with the account 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-hosts List all hosts 8774/v2/ 必须用admmin的id和tenant_id
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-hosts/{host_name} Describe a specific host 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-hypervisors List hypervisors information per server 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-hypervisors/{id} Offers detailed hypervisors API information per server 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-networks Lists networks 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-networks/{id} Gets information about an individual network. 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-quota-sets/{tenant_id} Show quotas for tenant. 8774/v2/ 第一个tenant_id为admin的 第二个tenant_id为项目的
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-quota-sets/{tenant_id}/defaults Retrieve default quotas 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups List security groups 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-security-groups/{security_group_id} Get specific security group 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-security-groups List security groups for a specific server. 8774/v2/ ???
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-simple-tenant-usage View usage for all tenants. tenant_id 为admin的 8774/v2/
get v2/{tenant_id}/os-simple-tenant-usage/{tenant_id} Retrieve usage for a tenant 8774/v2/ 后面的tenant_id为项目的id
get v2/{tenant_id}/limits Returns absolute and rate limit information, including information on currently used absolute limits
get v1/images Requesting a List of Public VM Images 9292/v1/
get v1/images/detail List available images (all details). 9292/v1/
get v1/images/{image_id} List details of the specified image 9292/v1/
get v1/shared-images/{tenant_id} Requesting a List of VM Images shared with a given tenant. 9292/v1/
get v1/{tenant_id}/volumes View a list of simple Volume entities.
get v1/{tenant_id}/volumes/detail View a list of detailed Volume entities
get v1/{tenant_id}/volumes/{volume_id} View all information about a single Volume
get v1/{tenant_id}/volume_types Request a list of Volume Types.
get v1/{tenant_id}/volume_types/{volume_type_id} Request a single Volume Type
get v1/{tenant_id}/snapshots View a list of simple Snapshot entities
get v1/{tenant_id}/snapshots/detail View a list of detailed Snapshot entities
get v1/{tenant_id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} View all information about a single Snapshot.
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volumes Lists the volumes associated with the account
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volumes/detail Lists details for a specified volume
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volumes/{volume_id} Shows information for a specified volume
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volume-types Lists volume types.
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-volume-types/{volume_type_id} Shows information for a specified volume type
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-snapshots Lists snapshots
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-snapshots/detail Lists details for a specified snapshot.
get v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-snapshots/{snapshot_id} Shows information for a specified snapshot.
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments Lists the volume attachments for the specified server.
get v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{attachment_id} Lists volume details for the specified volume attachment ID