本文节选自《Netkiller PHP 手札》
# pear channel-discover pear.phalconphp.com # pear install phalcon/Devtools
运行 phalcon 测试是否正确安装
# phalcon Phalcon DevTools (2.0.7) Help: Lists the commands availables in Phalcon devtools Available commands: commands (alias of: list, enumerate) controller (alias of: create-controller) model (alias of: create-model) all-models (alias of: create-all-models) project (alias of: create-project) scaffold migration webtools
# phalcon project --help Phalcon DevTools (2.0.7) Help: Creates a project Usage: project [name] [type] [directory] [enable-webtools] Arguments: help Shows this help text Example phalcon project store simple Options: --name Name of the new project --enable-webtools Determines if webtools should be enabled [optional] --directory=s Base path on which project will be created [optional] --type=s Type of the application to be generated (micro, simple, multi-module) --template-path Specify a template path [optional] --use-config-ini Use a ini file as configuration file [optional] --trace Shows the trace of the framework in case of exception. [optional] --help Shows this help
# phalcon project test Phalcon DevTools (2.0.7) Success: Controller "index" was successfully created. Success: Project "test" was successfully created.
[root@netkiller example.com]# phalcon project www.example.com Phalcon DevTools (2.0.7) Success: Controller "index" was successfully created. Success: Project "www.example.com" was successfully created. [root@netkiller example.com]# find www.example.com/ www.example.com/ www.example.com/app www.example.com/app/logs www.example.com/app/views www.example.com/app/views/index www.example.com/app/views/index/index.phtml www.example.com/app/views/layouts www.example.com/app/views/index.phtml www.example.com/app/config www.example.com/app/config/config.php www.example.com/app/models www.example.com/app/controllers www.example.com/app/controllers/ControllerBase.php www.example.com/app/controllers/IndexController.php www.example.com/public www.example.com/public/img www.example.com/public/css www.example.com/public/temp www.example.com/public/files www.example.com/public/js www.example.com/public/index.php www.example.com/public/.htaccess www.example.com/.phalcon www.example.com/.htaccess www.example.com/index.html
# phalcon controller sample Phalcon DevTools (2.0.7) Success: Controller "sample" was successfully created.
# cat app/controllers/SampleController.php <?php class SampleController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller { public function indexAction() { } }