1 function TWebRequestHandler.HandleRequest(Request: TWebRequest; 2 Response: TWebResponse): Boolean; 3 var 4 I: Integer; 5 LWebModule: TComponent; 6 LWebAppServices: IWebAppServices; 7 LGetWebAppServices: IGetWebAppServices; 8 LComponent: TComponent; 9 begin 10 Result := False; 11 LWebModule := ActivateWebModules; 12 if Assigned(LWebModule) then 13 try 14 try 15 if Supports(IInterface(LWebModule), IGetWebAppServices, LGetWebAppServices) then 16 LWebAppServices := LGetWebAppServices.GetWebAppServices; 17 if LWebAppServices = nil then 18 for I := 0 to LWebModule.ComponentCount - 1 do 19 begin 20 LComponent := LWebModule.Components[I]; 21 if Supports(LComponent, IWebAppServices, LWebAppServices) then 22 if LWebAppServices.Active then 23 break 24 else 25 LWebAppServices := nil; 26 end; 27 if LWebAppServices = nil then 28 LWebAppServices := TDefaultWebAppServices.Create; 29 LWebAppServices.InitContext(LWebModule, Request, Response); 30 try 31 try 32 Result := LWebAppServices.HandleRequest; 33 except 34 ApplicationHandleException(LWebAppServices.ExceptionHandler); 35 end; 36 finally 37 LWebAppServices.FinishContext; 38 end; 39 if Result and not Response.Sent then 40 Response.SendResponse; 41 except 42 ApplicationHandleException(LWebAppServices.ExceptionHandler); 43 end; 44 finally 45 DeactivateWebModules(LWebModule); 46 end; 47 end;
第14行到第26行代码,判断WebModule中是否实现了 IGetWebAppServices 接口的,具体做什么先略过。因为WebModule没有继承这个接口。
1 function TDefaultWebAppServices.HandleRequest: Boolean; 2 begin 3 Result := InvokeDispatcher; 4 end; 5 6 function TDefaultWebAppServices.InvokeDispatcher: Boolean; 7 begin 8 if RequestHandler <> nil then 9 begin 10 Result := RequestHandler.HandleRequest(Request, Response); 11 end 12 else 13 raise EWebBrokerException.CreateRes(@sNoDispatcherComponent); 14 end;
property RequestHandler: IWebRequestHandler read GetRequestHandler;
function TDefaultWebAppServices.GetRequestHandler: IWebRequestHandler; begin if FRequestHandler = nil then FRequestHandler := FindRequestHandler; Result := FRequestHandler; end; function TDefaultWebAppServices.FindRequestHandler: IWebRequestHandler; var Component: TComponent; begin Result := nil; Component := FindWebDispatcher; if Component <> nil then if not Supports(Component, IWebRequestHandler, Result) then Assert(False, ‘Expect support for IWebRequestHandler‘); { do not localize } end;
function TDefaultWebAppServices.FindWebDispatcher: TComponent;
J: Integer;
Result := nil;
if WebModule is TCustomWebDispatcher then
Result := WebModule
for J := 0 to WebModule.ComponentCount - 1 do
if WebModule.Components[J] is TCustomWebDispatcher then
Result := WebModule.Components[J];
上面红色标记的代码,最终会返回 WebModule.
TWebModule = class(TCustomWebDispatcher)
所以,上面绿色标记的代码,是调用TCustomWebDispatcher.HandleRequest方法, 内部代码如下:
function TCustomWebDispatcher.HandleRequest( Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse): Boolean; begin FRequest := Request; FResponse := Response; Result := DispatchAction(Request, Response); end;