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Discrimination As I see It

时间:2015-09-20 10:22:10      阅读:189      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


There are many types of discrimination, and what I am going to talk about is discrimination based on color.With al lot of factors combined, this kind of discrimination can not be eliminated,no matter what we do.And only time can dilute it. So what are these factors?


First, a social hierarchy that placed whites at the top and the blacks at the bottom. European colonialism created a system of white supremacy and racist ideology, which led to a structure of domination that privileged whiteness over blackness. Biological differences in skin color were used as a justification for the enslavement and oppression of Africans, which aggravates this discrimination. 


Besides, discrimination stemming form historical backgrounds, old media carved this stereotype on public. In fashion, black models are often portrayed as overtly aggressive, less intelligible and achievement-oriented. In sports, natural academic achievement is questioned in black communities. Some sports commentators even questioned whether black people are intelligent enough to hold “strategic” positions or coach games such as football. In criminal stereotypes, violent acts committed by a person of color often take up more than half of local news broadcasts. African-Americans are not only more likely to seen as suspects of horrendous crimes in the United States, but also interpreted as being violent or harmful individuals to the general public.  Media disproportionately show African-Americans under arrest, living in slums, on welfare, and in need of help from community. In films, there is also a stereotypical manner that promotes notions of moral inferiority. Statistics show that 89% black people using vulgar profanity, 56% black people being physically violent, 55% black people lacking self-control, while the whites are only 17%, 11%, and 6%.


What pushes us to a more embarrassing edge is the new media stereotypes. Although print media and TV shows  generally do not spread racist images, people have gone online. Moody, assistant professor of journalism, public relations, and new media in Baylor’s College of Arts and Sciences analyzed more than 20 Facebook groups using the keywords “hate”, “Barack Obama”, “ Michelle Obama.” Users rely heavily on old stereotypes of blacks as animalist, evil or shiftless.


With three factors intertwined, it seems that we are at a loss to do with this discrimination. When we are blaming this discrimination and striving for equality, have we ever thought the idea that inequality is what the real world is and what it ought to be? Hard discrimination can be eliminated by laws, but soft discrimination, like biased perception rooted in public, financial background, and education vicious circle , can not be eliminated. The gap between whites and blacks can only be narrowed as time goes by. Discrimination of all kinds exits everywhere, whether we are in a big world and a small world. We must admit discrimination is a normal phenomenon, and the world where our human beings rely on is essentially unbalanced. Without discrimination, whoever will have impetus to strive for better future? Maybe it is not how to change “inequality” to “equality” that matters, but how to win equality that really counts. None of us is Big Brother. Thus none of us can control or change others’ perceptions towards color. Equality is like rewards, which can only be won through harsh fights.  Let alone endless talking, maybe it’s time for blacks to prove what they can do. And I have seen a lot of blacks standing up in front of the whites.


Discrimination As I see It



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