created 2007 · complexity basic · author Robert Iannucci · version 7.0
This tip applies to those Mac, Linux, and Windows users who are unable to access the System clipboard using the builtin copy and paste mechanism that Vim provides. Note that most Vim users can use the built-in methods of Accessing the system clipboard with no trouble. If you have problems, first make sure your Vim is compiled with clipboard support. If you still have problems, or cannot get a Vim compiled with clipboard support for some reason, this tip can help provide a workaround.
This has been covered in other places, but it can be annoying to only be able to copy and paste line-wise. It can be particularly annoying when you just want to yank a single word to do a web search or similar. Luckily, Vim can use external utilities on many systems to access the clipboard with a system call:
" On OSX vmap <C-c> y:call system("pbcopy", getreg("\""))<CR> nmap <C-v> :call setreg("\"",system("pbpaste"))<CR>p
" On ubuntu (running Vim in gnome-terminal) " The reason for the double-command on <C-c> is due to some weirdness with the X clipboard system. vmap <C-c> y:call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", getreg("\""))<CR>:call system("xclip -i", getreg("\""))<CR> nmap <C-v> :call setreg("\"",system("xclip -o -selection clipboard"))<CR>p
But the double command problem seems to be caused by the xclip utility. That bug is present in xclip 0.08-7. But xclip 0.11 downloaded from sourceforge works fine and:
vmap <C-c> y: call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", getreg("\""))<CR>
is sufficient.
" groovyness in Insert mode (lets you paste and keep on typing) " This blows away i_CTRL-V though (see :help i_CTRL-V) imap <C-v> <Esc><C-v>a
"+ and "* are supposed to ‘do the right thing‘, but there isn‘t any such integration with OS X, and I have simply had complete failure with ubuntu (even with +xterm_clipboard +clipboard +X11).
Though, it has been reported to work fine on Ubuntu 8.04 with default packages (vim 7.1-138).
One other thing to note: mapping <C-v> blows away the whole visual block mode, but I never use it. A possible alternative mapping would be to map these with something like ‘:vnoremap y‘ so that it‘s automatic in visual mode.
This same problem has been observed not just on OS X, but also on Linux machines. Fortunately, if the "+ and "* buffers don‘t work, a call can be made to the xclip utility. The following maps ‘ctrl+c‘ to copy and ‘insert‘ to paste (since ctrl+v is used for visual block mode in vim)
vmap <C-c> :<Esc>`>a<CR><Esc>mx`<i<CR><Esc>my‘xk$v‘y!xclip -selection c<CR>u map <Insert> :set paste<CR>i<CR><CR><Esc>k:.!xclip -o<CR>JxkJx:set nopaste<CR>
The copy shortcut uses marks so that rather than having the entire line copied, only the text selected in visual mode is copied. Finally, an undo at the end restores the text that would otherwise have been deleted. The paste shortcut switches to paste mode so that certain options like indenting are disabled, then switches back after pasting the text. Note the <CR> and J commands so that text can be pasted in the middle of the line.
On Windows machines that have Cygwin support, /dev/clipboard can be used in place of xclip to gain access to the clipboard, should users find the "+ and "* registers don‘t work.
To address the first question, the point of mapping <C-c> is to be able to copy large blocks of text from vim into another application. I use this to copy from vim into an rdesktop session, for example.
and "+p
. The tip needs to explain when that is not adequate.:version
and note whether it shows +clipboard (support for clipboard has been compiled into Vim), or -clipboard (clipboard notsupported). See :help +clipboard.This page is very useful for Linux. As far as I know, this is only an issue in linux, and possibly Mac OS X.
Copying out of terminal emulators in Linux is sometimes problematic. For example, I use a perl script to send text (on highlight) via the ‘xsel‘ program to the PRIMARY clipboard in rxvt-unicode. This perl script, however, does not function in other applications, case in point, vim, when vim is running in my urxvt virtual terminal.
The solution suggested here allows me (and others) to select a block (or single word of text) and transfer it to another application, vim in a another terminal, web browser, anything. Vim‘s built in features only work for the same terminal window in which vim is already running. --mtkoan 23:16, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
In line copy and paste to system clipboard