当初花了2天时间写的一个自动生成的Excel Report
Public Function Report (status, objtype, text) Dim TestName Reporter.Filter = rtEnableAll Reporter.ReportEvent status, objtype, text Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll Call WExcel(status,objtype,text) End Function Function CreateExcel(sFolderPath) Dim cTestName_Sum,cStatus_Sum,cSum_Sum,cPass_Sum,cFail_Sum,cTime_Sum Dim cTestName,cStep,cStatus,cDetail,cTime,cPicName Dim oFile,oExcel,sExcelPath,sNewBook,sNewSheet cTestName_Sum = 1 cStatus_Sum = 2 cSum_Sum = 3 cPass_Sum = 4 cFail_Sum = 5 cTime_Sum = 6 cTestName = 1 cStep = 2 cStatus = 3 cDetail = 4 cTime = 5 cPicName = 6 Set oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oExcel.Visible = False If not oFile.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then oFile.CreateFolder(sFolderPath) End If sExcelPath = sFolderPath&"/Result.xls" If not oFile.FileExists(sExcelPath) Then Set sNewBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add With sNewBook.Worksheets(1) End With With sNewBook.Worksheets(1) .Activate .Cells(1,cTestName_Sum).value = "TestName" .Cells(1,cStatus_Sum).value = "Status" .Cells(1,cSum_Sum).value = "Sum Num" .Cells(1,cPass_Sum).value = "Passed Num" .Cells(1,cFail_Sum).value = "Failed Num" .Cells(1,cTime_Sum).value = "TestTime" .Name = "Summary" .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True .Columns(cTestName_Sum).ColumnWidth= 25 .Columns(cStatus_Sum).ColumnWidth= 10 .Columns(cSum_Sum).ColumnWidth= 11 .Columns(cPass_Sum).ColumnWidth= 11 .Columns(cFail_Sum).ColumnWidth= 11 .Columns(cTime_Sum).ColumnWidth= 15 End With With sNewBook.Worksheets(2) .Activate .Cells(1,cTestName).value = "TestName" .Cells(1,cStep).value = "Step Object" .Cells(1,cStatus).value = "Status" .Cells(1,cDetail).value = "Result Detail" .Cells(1,cTime).value = "TestTime" ‘ .Cells(1,cPicName).value = "Capture Screen Name" .Name = "Passed Step" .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True .Columns(cTestName).ColumnWidth= 25 .Columns(cStep).ColumnWidth= 40 .Columns(cStatus).ColumnWidth= 8 .Columns(cDetail).ColumnWidth= 50 .Columns(cTime).ColumnWidth= 15 .Columns(cPicName).ColumnWidth= 40 End With With sNewBook.Worksheets(3) .Activate .Cells(1,cTestName).value = "TestName" .Cells(1,cStep).value = "Step Object" .Cells(1,cStatus).value = "Status" .Cells(1,cDetail).value = "Result Detail" .Cells(1,cTime).value = "TestTime" .Cells(1,cPicName).value = "Capture Screen Name" .Name = "Failed Step" .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True .Columns(cTestName).ColumnWidth= 25 .Columns(cStep).ColumnWidth= 40 .Columns(cStatus).ColumnWidth= 8 .Columns(cDetail).ColumnWidth= 50 .Columns(cTime).ColumnWidth= 15 .Columns(cPicName).ColumnWidth= 40 End With sNewBook.SaveAs sExcelPath oExcel.Application.quit Set sNewBook = Nothing ‘ CreateExcel = sExcelPath End If End Function Function WExcel(Status,sStep,sDetail) Dim cTestName_Sum,cStatus_Sum,cSum_Sum,cPass_Sum,cFail_Sum,cTime_Sum Dim cTestName,cStep,cStatus,cDetail,cTime,cPicName Dim oFile,oExcel,sExcelPath,sNewBook,sNewSheet Dim iLen,iLenPass,iLenFail,sTestName,sFolderPath sTestName = Environment.Value("TestName") sFolderPath = "C:/FP_Results" cTestName_Sum = 1 cStatus_Sum = 2 cSum_Sum = 3 cPass_Sum = 4 cFail_Sum = 5 cTime_Sum = 6 cTestName = 1 cStep = 2 cStatus = 3 cDetail = 4 cTime = 5 cPicName = 6 CreateExcel(sFolderPath) ‘ msgbox sExcelPath Set oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oExcel.Visible = False sExcelPath = sFolderPath&"/result.xls" Set sNewBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sExcelPath) Set sNewSheet = sNewBook.Worksheets(1) Set sNewSheetPass = sNewBook.Worksheets(2) Set sNewSheetFail = sNewBook.Worksheets(3) iLen = sNewSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count iLenPass = sNewSheetPass.UsedRange.Rows.count iLenFail = sNewSheetFail.UsedRange.Rows.count If Status = 0 Then With sNewSheetPass .Activate .Cells(iLenPass+1,cTestName).value = sTestName .Cells(iLenPass+1,cStep).value = sStep .Cells(iLenPass+1,cDetail).value = sDetail .Cells(iLenPass+1,cTime).value = now .Cells(iLenPass+1,cStatus).value = "Passed" .Cells(iLenPass+1,cStatus).Font.Color = vbGreen .Cells(iLenPass+1,cStatus).Font.Bold = True End With With sNewSheet .Activate If sNewSheet.Cells(iLen,cTestName_Sum).value = sTestName Then .Cells(iLen,cSum_Sum).value = .Cells(iLen,cSum_Sum).value+1 .Cells(iLen,cPass_Sum).value = .Cells(iLen,cPass_Sum).value+1 Else .Cells(iLen+1,cTestName_Sum).value = sTestName .Cells(iLen+1,cSum_Sum).value = 1 .Cells(iLen+1,cTime_Sum).value =now .Cells(iLen+1,cPass_Sum).value = 1 .Cells(iLen+1,cFail_Sum).value = 0 .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).value = "Passed" .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).Font.Color = vbGreen .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).Font.Bold = True End If End With Else With sNewSheetFail .Activate .Cells(iLenFail+1,cTestName).value = sTestName .Cells(iLenFail+1,cStep).value = sStep .Cells(iLenFail+1,cDetail).value = sDetail .Cells(iLenFail+1,cTime).value = now .Cells(iLenFail+1,cStatus).value = "Failed" .Cells(iLenFail+1,cStatus).Font.Color = vbRed .Cells(iLenFail+1,cStatus).Font.Bold = True ‘ oExcel.Application.Visible = False .Cells(iLenFail+1,cPicName).value = CapturePic(sFolderPath,sStep) Call .Hyperlinks.Add(.Cells(iLenFail+1,cPicName),sFolderPath&"/"&.Cells(iLenFail+1,cPicName).value,"","Capture screen when failed") End With With sNewSheet .Activate If sNewSheet.Cells(iLen,cTestName_Sum).value = sTestName Then .Cells(iLen,cSum_Sum).value = .Cells(iLen,cSum_Sum).value+1 .Cells(iLen,cFail_Sum).value = .Cells(iLen,cFail_Sum).value+1 .Cells(iLen,cStatus_Sum).value = "Failed" .Cells(iLen,cStatus_Sum).Font.Color = vbRed .Cells(iLen,cStatus_Sum).Font.Bold = True Else .Cells(iLen+1,cTestName_Sum).value = sTestName .Cells(iLen+1,cSum_Sum).value = 1 .Cells(iLen+1,cTime_Sum).value =now .Cells(iLen+1,cPass_Sum).value = 0 .Cells(iLen+1,cFail_Sum).value = 1 .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).value = "Failed" .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).Font.Color = vbRed .Cells(iLen+1,cStatus_Sum).Font.Bold = True end if End With End If sNewBook.Save oExcel.Application.Quit Set sNewBook = Nothing Set oExcel = Nothing End Function Public Function CapturePic(pathway,sStep) Dim datestamp Dim picName Dim filename Dim ofile,ran datestamp = Hour(Now)&Minute(Now)&Second(Now) Set ofile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Randomize ran = Int(Rnd()*100) filename = Environment("TestName")&"_"&sStep&datestamp&ran filename = Replace(filename,"|","") filename = Replace(filename,">","") filename = Replace(filename,"<","") filename = Replace(filename,"?","") filename = Replace(filename,"*","") filename = Replace(filename,"\","") filename = Replace(filename,"/","") filename = Replace(filename,":","") If ofile.FileExists(pathway+"/"+""&filename&".png") Then filename=filename&"1" End If filename = filename&".png" picName = filename filename = pathway + "/" + ""&filename Desktop.CaptureBitmap filename CapturePic = picName End Function
With Object
With Browser("DUI 02").Page("DUI 02").SlvWindow("Shell").SlvDialog("FileFlightFormView") iTimer=Timer Do Loop until .Exist or (Timer-iTimer)>500 If .Exist Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"The system displays the fill form","dialog box displays successfully" .SlvButton("Select").Click end if
ArrayList Sort
Option Explicit Dim mArray() ReDim mArray(10) mArray(0)="0AABB" mArray(1)="11abc" mArray(2)="2ec11" mArray(3)="aAACC" mArray(4)="aAACC" mArray(5)="aaaxx" mArray(6)="AAAyb" mArray(7)="AAdew" mArray(8)="aaxew" mArray(9)="ddddd" mArray(10)="zzaAA1" ‘ Call function to check the order of the array Call IsSorted(mArray) Function IsSorted(arraylist) Dim leng,i ‘get the length of the array leng=Ubound(arraylist)+1 ‘check whether arraylist length is more than two If leng < 2Then msgbox("No enough data in this arraylist.") End If For i=0 to Ubound(arraylist)-1 ‘The StrComp function compares two strings and returns a value that represents the result of the comparison. ‘0 = vbBinaryCompare - Perform a binary comparison,1 = vbTextCompare - Perform a textual comparison If strcomp(arraylist(i),arraylist(i+1),1) = 1 Then ‘ call Report (micFail, "Check the Sort of the array", "The array sort is not correct between "&arraylist(i)& " and "&arraylist(i+1)& " .") msgbox "The array sort is not correct between "&arraylist(i)& " and "&arraylist(i+1)& " ." Exit function End If Next end function
Send Key
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
Wshshell.SendKeys "%(123)"
Set shell=Createobject("WScript.Shell")
shell.SendKeys "{END}"
Run Action
RunAction "login [login_search]", oneIteration, , , url RunAction "Search_Flight [login_search]", oneIteration, flight, "", ""
Dim itype itype="^(3[0-1]|2[0-9]|1[0-9]|0[1-9])-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-\d{2}/[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d$" msgbox isPatternMatch(itype,"30-Jan-04/00:00") Public Function isPatternMatch(patternType,inputData) Dim myReg If trim(inputData) = "" Then isPatternMatch = true Exit function End If Set myReg= New RegExp ‘Set pattern myReg.Pattern =patternType ‘ Set case insensitivity myReg.IgnoreCase = True ‘ Set global applicability myReg.Global = True ‘ Execute search isPatternMatch=myReg.test(inputData) End Function
Import from Excel
‘datatable.ImportSheet "C:\FP\datatable\Input _ Initial018.xls" ,1 ,"Global" rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet("Global").GetRowCount ‘msgbox "step1:the number need to check is: "&rowcount
Get Value from Table
‘Get value value=datatable.getsheet("sheet").getparameter("Para").valueByrow(1) value=slvTable("table).getcelldata(1,"para") ‘Get Rowcount count=datatable.getsheet("sheet").getrowcount count=slvTable("table").rowcount
Connect Oracle
Dim Cnn Set Cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Cnn.ConnectionString ="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=skyobj;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=skyobj;Data Source=TAEDFLP.airservices.eds.com" Cnn.Open If (Cnn.State = 0 )Then MsgBox "failed" ‘ Call Report(micFail, "Database connect testing", "Failed!") ‘Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Database connect testing", "连接数据库失败" Else MsgBox "success" ‘ Call Report(micPass, "Database connect testing", "Success!") ‘Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Database connect testing", "连接数据库成功" end if
Public Function currentdate() a = day(date) b = MonthName(month(date),true) c = right(Year(date),2) if cint(a) <10 then a = "0"&a currentdate = a&"-"&b&"-"&c End Function MsgBox currentdate()
Click Save button (FP,silverligh)
Set var_Object = Browser("FPC").Page("FPC").Object.body var_Object.doScroll("pageDown") x = Browser("FPC").Page("FPC").SlvWindow("Shell").SlvButton("btnSave").GetROProperty("x") + 10 y = Browser("FPC").Page("FPC").SlvWindow("Shell").SlvButton("btnSave").GetROProperty("y") + 10 Browser("FPC").Page("FPC").WinObject("MicrosoftSilverlight").Click x,y