To open the search panel for the active file, press Ctrl + F. Someoptions and actions available through this panel can be controlled from thekeyboard:
Toggle Regular Expressions | Alt + R |
Toggle Case Sensitivity | Alt + C |
Toggle Exact Match | Alt + W |
Find Next | Enter |
Find Previous | Shift + Enter |
Find All | Alt + Enter |
The incremental search panel is bound to Ctrl + I. The only differencewith the regular search panel lies in the behavior of the Enter key: inincremental searches, it will select the next match in the file and dismissthe search panel for you. Choosing between this panel or the regular searchpanel is mainly a matter of preference.
To open the replace planel, press Ctrl + H. Some actions available throughthis panel can be controlled from the keyboard.
Replace All | Ctrl + Alt + Enter |
Goto Anything provides the # operator to search in the active file. Thesearch term will be the text following the operator.
You can type in multiline search patterns into search panels. To enter newlinecharacters, press Ctrl + Enter. Note that search panels are resizable.