<?php import ( ‘@.Common.Calendar‘ ); class UserAction extends Action { //会员后台 public function my() { //查询当前会员的相关数据 $id = $_SESSION [‘user_id‘]; if ($id == "") { $this->success ( "请登录", U ( "User/login" ) ); exit (); } $User = M ( ‘User‘ ); $data = $User->where ()->find ( $id ); $this->assign ( ‘data‘, $data ); //获取日历 $year = date ( "Y" ); $month = date ( "m" ); $params = array (‘year‘ => $year, ‘month‘ => $month ); if (isset ( $_GET [‘year‘] ) && isset ( $_GET [‘month‘] )) { $params = array (‘year‘ => $_GET [‘year‘], ‘month‘ => $_GET [‘month‘] ); $year = $_GET [‘year‘]; $month = $_GET [‘month‘]; } //获取会员签到列表 $User_sign = M ( "User_sign" ); $list_sign = $User_sign->where ( "si_year=‘$year‘ and si_month=‘$month‘ and user_id=$id" )->select (); //一共签到多少次 $sign_num = $User_sign->where ( "user_id=$id" )->count (); $this->assign ( ‘sign_num‘, $sign_num ); //调用日历 $cal = new Calendar ( $params, $list_sign ); $this->assign ( ‘calendar‘, $cal->display () ); $this->display (); } //签到 public function sign() { $id = $_SESSION [‘user_id‘]; //查询当前会员的相关数据 if ($id == "") { $this->success ( "请登录", U ( "User/login" ) ); exit (); } //增加用户积分,每次增加1积分 $User = M ( ‘User‘ ); $data = $User->find ( $id ); $dateN = date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); $dateF = $data [‘sign_time‘]; $newdate = strtotime ( $dateN ) - strtotime ( $dateF ); $hour = floor ( $newdate / 3600 ); //时 if ($hour >= 24) { $udata [‘user_jifen‘] = $data [‘user_jifen‘] + 1; $udata [‘user_id‘] = $id; $udata [‘sign_time‘] = date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); $User->save ( $udata ); //将签到信息添加到签到表 $User_sign = M ( ‘User_sign‘ ); $sdata [‘user_id‘] = $id; $sdata [‘si_year‘] = date ( "Y" ); $sdata [‘si_month‘] = date ( "m" ); $sdata [‘si_day‘] = date ( "d" ); $sdata [‘si_time‘] = date ( "H:i:s" ); if ($User_sign->add ( $sdata )) { $this->success ( "签到成功,增加1积分" ); } else { $this->error ( "签到失败" ); } } else { $this->error ( "您今天已经签到了" ); } } }
<?php class Calendar { private $year; private $month; private $val; private $weeks = array (‘日‘, ‘一‘, ‘二‘, ‘三‘, ‘四‘, ‘五‘, ‘六‘ ); function __construct($options = array(), $val) { $this->year = date ( ‘Y‘ ); $this->month = date ( ‘m‘ ); $this->val = $val; $vars = get_class_vars ( get_class ( $this ) ); foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) { if (array_key_exists ( $key, $vars )) { $this->$key = $value; } } } function display() { $value .= ‘<table class="calendar">‘; $value .= $this->showChangeDate (); $value .= $this->showWeeks (); $value .= $this->showDays ( $this->year, $this->month ); $value .= ‘</table>‘; return $value; } private function showWeeks() { $value .= ‘<tr>‘; foreach ( $this->weeks as $title ) { $value .= ‘<th>‘ . $title . ‘</th>‘; } $value .= ‘</tr>‘; return $value; } private function showDays($year, $month) { $firstDay = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year ); $starDay = date ( ‘w‘, $firstDay ); $days = date ( ‘t‘, $firstDay ); $value .= ‘<tr>‘; for($i = 0; $i < $starDay; $i ++) { $value .= ‘<td> </td>‘; } $day = $this->val; $count = count ( $day ); $flag = false; for($j = 1; $j <= $days; $j ++) { $i ++; for($m = 0; $m < $count; $m ++) { $dd = $day [$m] [‘si_day‘]; if ($dd == $j) { $flag = true; break; } else { $flag = false; } } if ($j == date ( ‘d‘ )) { if ($flag) { $value .= ‘<td class="today dd">‘ . $j . ‘</td>‘; } else { $value .= ‘<td class="dd">‘ . $j . ‘</td>‘; } } else { if ($flag) { $value .= ‘<td class="today">‘ . $j . ‘</td>‘; } else { $value .= ‘<td>‘ . $j . ‘</td>‘; } } if ($i % 7 == 0) { $value .= ‘</tr><tr>‘; } } $value .= ‘</tr>‘; return $value; } private function showChangeDate() { $url = basename ( $_SERVER [‘PHP_SELF‘] ); $value = ‘<tr>‘; $value .= ‘<td><a href="?‘ . $this->preYearUrl ( $this->year, $this->month ) . ‘">‘ . ‘上年‘ . ‘</a></td>‘; $value .= ‘<td><a href="?‘ . $this->preMonthUrl ( $this->year, $this->month ) . ‘">‘ . ‘上月‘ . ‘</a></td>‘; $value .= ‘<td colspan="3"><form>‘; $value .= ‘<select name="year" onchange="window.location=\‘‘ . $url . ‘?year=\‘+this.options[selectedIndex].value+\‘&month=‘ . $this->month . ‘\‘">‘; for($ye = 1970; $ye <= 2038; $ye ++) { $selected = ($ye == $this->year) ? ‘selected‘ : ‘‘; $value .= ‘<option ‘ . $selected . ‘ value="‘ . $ye . ‘">‘ . $ye . ‘</option>‘; } $value .= ‘</select>‘; $value .= ‘<select name="month" onchange="window.location=\‘‘ . $url . ‘?year=‘ . $this->year . ‘&month=\‘+this.options[selectedIndex].value+\‘\‘">‘; for($mo = 1; $mo <= 12; $mo ++) { $selected = ($mo == $this->month) ? ‘selected‘ : ‘‘; $value .= ‘<option ‘ . $selected . ‘ value="‘ . $mo . ‘">‘ . $mo . ‘</option>‘; } $value .= ‘</select>‘; $value .= ‘</form></td>‘; $value .= ‘<td><a href="?‘ . $this->nextMonthUrl ( $this->year, $this->month ) . ‘">‘ . ‘下月‘ . ‘</a></td>‘; $value .= ‘<td><a href="?‘ . $this->nextYearUrl ( $this->year, $this->month ) . ‘">‘ . ‘下年‘ . ‘</a></td>‘; $value .= ‘</tr>‘; return $value; } private function preYearUrl($year, $month) { $year = ($this->year <= 1970) ? 1970 : $year - 1; return ‘year=‘ . $year . ‘&month=‘ . $month; } private function nextYearUrl($year, $month) { $year = ($year >= 2038) ? 2038 : $year + 1; return ‘year=‘ . $year . ‘&month=‘ . $month; } private function preMonthUrl($year, $month) { if ($month == 1) { $month = 12; $year = ($year <= 1970) ? 1970 : $year - 1; } else { $month --; } return ‘year=‘ . $year . ‘&month=‘ . $month; } private function nextMonthUrl($year, $month) { if ($month == 12) { $month = 1; $year = ($year >= 2038) ? 2038 : $year + 1; } else { $month ++; } return ‘year=‘ . $year . ‘&month=‘ . $month; } }