function EnableEdit() { var editor; editor = document.getElementById("HtmlEdit").contentWindow; // 针对IE浏览器, make it editable editor.document.designMode = ‘On‘; editor.document.contentEditable = true; // For compatible with FireFox, it should open and write something to make it work editor.document.open(); editor.document.writeln(‘<html><head>‘); editor.document.writeln(‘<style>body {background: white;font-size:9pt;margin: 2px; padding: 0px;}</style>‘); editor.document.writeln(‘</head><body></body></html>‘); editor.document.close(); } <iframe ID="HtmlEdit" MARGINHEIGHT="1" MARGINWIDTH="1" width="100%" height="312"> </iframe>
<iframe src="" name="editor" id="editor" style="border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);" frameborder="0" height="200" width="400"></iframe> <div> <input type="button" onclick="insert(1)" value="insert image"> <input type="button" onclick="insert(2)" value="insert text"> </div> <script> _win=$(‘#editor‘)[0].contentWindow; // 我们用 _win 变量代替 iframe window _doc=_win.document; // 用 _doc 变量代替 iframe的document _doc.designMode = ‘On‘; if( $.browser.msie ){ _doc.write(‘<img src="pet_store_api.png">‘); }else{ _doc.open(); _doc.write(‘<img src="pet_store_api.png">‘); _doc.close(); } function insertHTML( sHtml ) { _win.focus(); if( $.browser.msie ){ _doc.selection.createRange().pasteHTML( sHtml ) ; }else{ _doc.execCommand( ‘InsertHtml‘ , ‘‘ , sHtml ); } } function insert(type){ if(type==1){ insertHTML( ‘<img src="pet_store_api.png">‘ ); }else{ insertHTML( ‘haha‘ ); } } </script>