Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists.
/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * struct ListNode *next; * }; */ struct ListNode* mergeTwoLists(struct ListNode* l1, struct ListNode* l2) { struct ListNode* tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)); struct ListNode* head = tmp; struct ListNode* nextP; while (l1 != NULL && l2 != NULL) { nextP = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)); if (l1->val < l2->val) { nextP->val = l1->val; nextP->next = NULL; tmp->next = nextP; tmp = nextP; l1 = l1->next; continue;
//这里有个问题是因为没有使用elseif所以如果不用continue,会继续下面的判断就会出错 } if (l1->val > l2->val) { nextP->val = l2->val; nextP->next = NULL; tmp->next = nextP; tmp = nextP; l2 = l2->next; continue; } if (l1->val == l2->val) { struct ListNode *twice = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)); twice->val = l1->val; twice->next = nextP; nextP->val = l1->val; nextP->next = NULL; tmp->next = twice; tmp = nextP; l1 = l1->next; l2 = l2->next; continue; } } if (l1 == NULL) { tmp->next = l2; return head->next; } if (l2 == NULL) { tmp->next = l1; return head->next; } return head->next; }