import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection; import ch.ethz.ssh2.Session; import ch.ethz.ssh2.StreamGobbler; public class ConvertUtil { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SendMessageUtil.class); /** * Method name: convertOfficeToSwf <BR> * Description: 文件转换方法,可以把.doc .docx .ppt .pptx .xls .xlsx 文件转换成.swf文件 <BR> * Remark: <BR> * @param filepath 传入文件的路径及文件名(最前面不要带"/") 示例: aa/bb.docx<BR> * @return boolean 发送结果 true:转换成功,false:转换失败<BR> */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static boolean convertOfficeToSwf(String filepath) { // 定义服务器的地址、用户名、密码 String hostname = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("SERVER_HOST"); String username = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("USER_NAME"); String password = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("PASS_WORD") + PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperties("keyword"); // 从property文件中获取路径前辍 String filepath_prefix = PropertyUtil .getConfigureProperties("FILE_PATH"); filepath = filepath_prefix + filepath; String fileName = filepath.substring(0, filepath.lastIndexOf(".")); // 拼出pdf和swf文件的路径 String pdfFile = fileName + ".pdf"; String swfFile = fileName + ".swf"; log.info("pdf file path: " + pdfFile); log.info("swf file path: " + swfFile); String commadStr = "java -jar /home/hxj/jodconverter-2.2.2/lib/jodconverter-cli-2.2.2.jar " + filepath + " " + pdfFile + ";export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib;pdf2swf " //+ ";pdf2swf " + pdfFile + " -o " + swfFile; log.info("command string: " + commadStr); // 指明连接主机的IP地址 Connection conn = new Connection(hostname); Session ssh = null; try { // 连接到主机 conn.connect(); // 使用用户名和密码校验 boolean isconn = conn.authenticateWithPassword(username, password); if (!isconn) { log.info("ssh connect fail,username or password error"); } else { log.info("ssh connect success"); ssh = conn.openSession(); // 使用多个命令用分号隔开 ssh.execCommand(commadStr.toString()); // 只允许使用一行命令,即ssh对象只能使用一次execCommand这个方法,多次使用则会出现异常 // 将屏幕上的文字全部打印出来 InputStream stdout = new StreamGobbler(ssh.getStdout()); InputStream stderr = new StreamGobbler(ssh.getStderr()); BufferedReader stdoutReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stdout)); BufferedReader stderrReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stderr)); log.info("Here is the output from stdout:"); while (true) { String line = stdoutReader.readLine(); if (line == null) break; log.info(line); } log.info("Here is the output from stderr:"); while (true) { String line = stderrReader.readLine(); if (line == null) break; log.info(line); } log.info("ssh finish"); } // 连接的Session和Connection对象都需要关闭 ssh.close(); conn.close(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); log.error("file convert fail"); return false; } } // 视频转码后的文件后缀 private static final String FLV_FILE_EXT = ".flv"; // 视频转码开关: on表示开启;off表示关闭 private static final String VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH_ON = "on"; // 支持的视频类型文件后缀名,暂时只有一种,可以按需添加 // 注意需要对应修改相关的上传控件的参数:添加对应的后缀名 private static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TYPE_SET; static { SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TYPE_SET = new HashSet<String>(); SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TYPE_SET.add(".mp4"); } /** * @author JFTT)wangyifeng * Method name: needConvertToFlv <BR> * Description: 判断是否需要进行视频转码 <BR> * Remark: <BR> * @param fileExt 文件后缀名 * @return boolean 返回传入的文件后缀类型是否需要进行视频转码:true需要;false不需要<BR> */ public static boolean needConvertToFlv(String fileExt) { String VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH = PropertyUtil .getConfigureProperties("VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH"); log.info(String.format("VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH value is %s.", VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH)); // 视频转码开关不等于VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH_ON时,固定返回false,即认为不需要转码 if (!VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH_ON.equals(VIDEO_CONVERT_SWITCH)) { return false; } Assert.hasText(fileExt); return SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TYPE_SET.contains(fileExt.toLowerCase()); } /** * @author JFTT)wangyifeng * class name:ConvertToFlvFailedException <BR> * class description: 视频转码异常类(运行时异常) <BR> * Remark: <BR> * @version 1.00 2015/09/24 */ public static class ConvertToFlvFailedException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ConvertToFlvFailedException(String message) { super(message); } public ConvertToFlvFailedException(String message, Throwable e) { super(message, e); } } /** * Method name: convertToFlv <BR> * Description: 视频文件转换方法,把常用的视频文件如:mp4,avi,3gp等转换成flv文件用于网页播放 <BR> * Remark: <BR> * 1.调用该方法前,请先用needToBeConvertedToFlv方法来确认待转换文件是否支持视频转码<BR> * 2.视频转码失败时会抛出运行时异常:ConvertToFlvFailedException<BR> * @param filepath 传入文件的路径及文件名(最前面不要带"/") 示例: aa/bb.docx<BR> * @return String 发送结果 转换成功:转换后的文件路径及文件名;转换失败:抛出ConvertToFlvFailedException异常<BR> */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static String convertToFlv(String filepath) { // 定义服务器的地址、用户名、密码 String hostname = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("SERVER_HOST"); String username = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("USER_NAME"); String password = PropertyUtil.getConfigureProperties("PASS_WORD") + PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperties("keyword"); // 从property文件中获取路径前辍 String filepath_prefix = PropertyUtil .getConfigureProperties("FILE_PATH"); log.info("input video file: " + filepath_prefix + filepath); // 拿到文件扩展名 String fileExt = filepath.substring(filepath.lastIndexOf("."), filepath.length()); // 如果获取到的扩展名经判断无需转码,则扔异常 if (!needConvertToFlv(fileExt)) { throw new ConvertToFlvFailedException(String.format( "传入的视频文件不需要转码: %s.", filepath_prefix + filepath)); } String fileName = filepath.substring(0, filepath.lastIndexOf(".")); // 拼出flv文件的路径 String flvFile = fileName + FLV_FILE_EXT; log.info("flv file path: " + filepath_prefix + flvFile); // 拼接命令字符串 String commadStr = "ffmpeg -i " + filepath_prefix + filepath + " " + "-ab 128 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 22050 -qscale 10 -s 640*480 -r 15 " + filepath_prefix + flvFile; log.info("command string: " + commadStr); // 指明连接主机的IP地址 Connection conn = new Connection(hostname); Session ssh = null; try { // 连接到主机 conn.connect(); // 使用用户名和密码校验 boolean isconn = conn.authenticateWithPassword(username, password); if (!isconn) { log.info("ssh connect fail,username or password error"); throw new ConvertToFlvFailedException( "ssh connect fail,username or password error"); } log.info("ssh connect success"); ssh = conn.openSession(); // 使用多个命令用分号隔开 ssh.execCommand(commadStr.toString()); // 只允许使用一行命令,即ssh对象只能使用一次execCommand这个方法,多次使用则会出现异常 // 将屏幕上的文字全部打印出来 InputStream stdout = new StreamGobbler(ssh.getStdout()); InputStream stderr = new StreamGobbler(ssh.getStderr()); BufferedReader stdoutReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stdout)); BufferedReader stderrReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stderr)); log.info("Here is the output from stdout:"); while (true) { String line = stdoutReader.readLine(); if (line == null) break; log.info(line); } log.info("Here is the output from stderr:"); while (true) { String line = stderrReader.readLine(); if (line == null) break; log.info(line); } log.info(String.format("ssh finished with exit status: %d", ssh.getExitStatus())); if (ssh.getExitStatus() != 0) { throw new ConvertToFlvFailedException( "file convert fail: command exit code is not 0!"); } return flvFile; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("file convert fail", e); throw new ConvertToFlvFailedException("file convert fail", e); } finally { // 连接的Session和Connection对象都需要关闭 if (ssh != null) { ssh.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub convertOfficeToSwf("a.docx"); // convertOfficeToSwf("b2.xlsx"); // convertOfficeToSwf("c1.ppt"); // convertOfficeToSwf("c2.pptx"); } }