The set [1,2,3,…,n]
contains a total of n! unique permutations.
By listing and labeling all of the permutations in order,
We get the following sequence (ie, for n = 3):
Given n and k, return the kth permutation sequence.
Note: Given n will be between 1 and 9 inclusive.
class Solution { public: string getPermutation(int n, int k) { string result(n, ‘0‘); for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { result[i] += i + 1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < k; ++i) { nextPermutation(result); } return result; } void nextPermutation(string& str) { int i; int j; // From right to left, find the first item(PartitionNumber) which violates the increase trend for (i = str.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) { if (str[i] < str[i + 1]) break; } // From right to left, find the first item(ChangeNumber) which is larger than PartitionNumber for (j = str.size(); j >= i; --j) { if (str[j] > str[i]) break; } // swap PartitionNumber and ChangeNumber if (i >= 0) { swap(str[i], str[j]); } // reverse all after PartitionNumber index reverse(str.begin() + i + 1, str.end()); } };
[LeetCode]Permutation Sequence