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1 Displaying a Search Input Field

You want to present a user with a search form field.

 <p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query"></label></p>
 <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

2 Contact Information Input Fields

You want to present a user with a form to provide contact information, such as an email address, a URL, and a telephone number.
Use the input element with HTML5 type with email,url,and tel.

   <legend>Contact Information</legend>
    <p><label>E-mail address <input type="email" name="email"></label></p>
    <p><label>Web site <input type="url" name="website"></label></p>
    <p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"></label></p>
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

It can warn you if you enter a invaild email or url.

3 Utilizing Date and Time Input Fields

You want to provide a user with a form to specify a date and/or time—for example,when scheduling an appointment.

  <legend>Appointment Request</legend>
  <p><label>Date <input type="date" name="date" min="2011-03-15"
  <p><label>Time <input type="time" name="time" min="08:00"

4 Number Inputs

input type is number.

 <p><label>Quantity <input type="number" name="quantity"></label></p>
<p><label>Quantity (must order in pairs of 2) <input type="number"
name="quantity" min="2" max="20" step="2"></label></p>

5 Selecting from a Range of Numbers

You want to present a user with a form to select a number from a range—for example, to adjust the volume on a video.

<p><label>Volume <input type="range" name="volume"
min="0" max="10" step=".5" value="5"></label></p>

6 Selecting Colors

   <p><label>Background color <input type="color" name="bg"></label></p>
   <p><label>Foreground color <input type="color" name="fg"></label></p>

7 Creating an Editable Drop-Down

You want to give the user the ability to enter text but also prompt her with some suggestions to choose from. This is sometimes known as an editable drop-down or a combo box.

  <p><label>Donation amount <input type="text" name="donation" list="donations"></label></p>
  <datalist id="donations">
  <option value="10.00">10.00</option>
  <option value="25.00">25.00</option>
  <option value="50.00">50.00</option>

8 Requiring a Form Field

You want to require a form field’s completion prior to form submission.

<p><label>Username <input type="text" name="username" required></label></p>
<p><label>Password <input type="password" name="pwd" required></label></p>
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

9 Autofocusing a Form Field

You want to place the focus in a particular form field when a page loads.

<p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query" autofocus></label></p>
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

10 Displaying Placeholder Text

You want to display some hint or help text within a form field.

<legend>Contact Information</legend>
<p><label>E-mail address <input type="email" name="email"
<p><label>Web site <input type="url" name="website"
<p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

11 Disabling Autocomplete

You want to prevent autocompletion tools from populating a form field.

<p><label>Username <input type="text" name="username"></label></p>
<p><label>Password <input type="password" name="pwd"
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

12 Restricting Values

You want to restrict the value of an input field according to a set of rules you specify.Use the HTML5 pattern attribute to specify a regular expression that will be used tovalidate the user’s input:

<p><label>Telephone number <input type="tel" name="phone"
title="North American format: XXX-XXX-XXXX"></label></p>
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

13 Making HTML5 Work in Older Browsers

You want to make HTML5 input types and attributes work in browsers that do not support HTML5. Use the Modernizr JavaScript library (see http://www.modernizr.com) to detect support for specific HTML5 attributes, then develop or use alternate solutions, such as jQuery UI (see http://jqueryui.com), for instances where features are not supported.

<script src="modernizer.js"></script>

<p><label>Search <input type="search" name="query" id="query"
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
if (!Modernizr.input.autofocus) {

14 Validating Form Data in Older Browsers with JavaScript

You want to validate form data in browsers that do not support HTML5.

if (!Modernizr.input.required || !Modernizr.input.pattern) {
$(‘form‘).submit(function() {
var validData = true;
$(‘[required], [pattern]‘).each(function() {
if (($(this).attr(‘required‘) !== false) && ($(this).val() == "")){
alert("The " + $(this).attr(‘name‘) + " field is required!");
validData = false;
return false;
if ($(this).attr(‘pattern‘)){
var regexp = new RegExp($(this).attr(‘pattern‘));
if (!regexp.test($(this).val())){
alert("The data in the " + $(this).attr(‘name‘) +
" field isn‘t in the right format!");
validData = false;
return false;
return validData;

Author: mlhy

Created: 2015-10-10 六 16:17

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)




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