HDU 1166 敌兵布阵
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 50010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int sum; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int src[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; if (l == r) { tree[id].sum = src[l]; return; } int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } void update(int id,int pos,int val) { if (tree[id].l == pos && tree[id].r == pos) { tree[id].sum += val; return; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (pos <= mid) update(id * 2,pos,val); else update(id * 2 + 1,pos,val); tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } int query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].sum; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return query(id * 2,l,r); else { return query(id * 2 ,l,mid) + query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { int T,kase = 1; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { int N; scanf("%d",&N); for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) scanf("%d",&src[i]); build(1,1,N); printf("Case %d:\n",kase++); char op[10]; while(scanf("%s",op) != EOF) { if (op[0] == ‘E‘) break; if (op[0] == ‘Q‘) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%d\n",query(1,l,r)); } if (op[0] == ‘A‘) { int x,val; scanf("%d%d",&x,&val); update(1,x,val); } if(op[0] == ‘S‘) { int x,val; scanf("%d%d",&x,&val); update(1,x,-val); } } } return 0; }
HDU 1754 I Hate It
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 200010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int val; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int src[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; if (l == r) { tree[id].val = src[l]; return; } int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); tree[id].val = max(tree[id * 2].val,tree[id * 2 + 1].val); } void update(int id,int pos,int val) { if (tree[id].l == pos && tree[id].r == pos) { tree[id].val = val; return; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (pos <= mid) update(id * 2,pos,val); else update(id * 2 + 1,pos,val); tree[id].val = max(tree[id * 2].val,tree[id * 2 + 1].val); } int query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].val; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return query(id * 2,l,r); else { return max(query(id * 2,l,mid) ,query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r)); } } int main() { int N,Q; while (scanf("%d%d",&N,&Q) != EOF) { for (int i = 1 ; i <= N; i++) scanf("%d",&src[i]); build(1,1,N); while (Q--) { char op[5]; scanf("%s",op); if (op[0] == ‘Q‘) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%d\n",query(1,l,r)); } else { int x,val; scanf("%d%d",&x,&val); update(1,x,val); } } } return 0; }
POJ 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 100010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; LL lazy,sum; }tree[MAXN * 4]; LL src[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lazy = 0; if (l == r) { tree[id].sum = src[l]; return; } int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid +1,r); tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].lazy == 0) return; tree[id * 2].sum += (tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1) * tree[id].lazy; tree[id * 2].lazy += tree[id].lazy; tree[id * 2 + 1].sum += (tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1) * tree[id].lazy; tree[id * 2 + 1].lazy += tree[id].lazy; tree[id].lazy = 0; } void update(int id,int l,int r,LL val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].lazy += val; tree[id].sum += val * (r - l + 1); return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].r + tree[id].l) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2 ,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } LL query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].sum; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return query(id * 2,l,r); else { return query(id * 2,l,mid) + query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { int N,Q; while (scanf("%d%d",&N,&Q) != EOF) { for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) scanf("%I64d",&src[i]); build(1,1,N); char op[10]; while (Q--) { scanf("%s",op); if (op[0] == ‘Q‘) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%I64d\n",query(1,l,r)); } else { int l,r; LL val; scanf("%d%d%I64d",&l,&r,&val); update(1,l,r,val); } } } return 0; }
POJ 2528 Mayor‘s posters
区间为 1-10,1--4,5 -- 10
区间为 1--10,1--4,6-10;
一般的离散化是变成了这样 1离散为1,4离散为2,5离散为3,10离散为4
区间都变成了1-4,1--2,3 -- 4;
那么按照这种离散上面变成了有6个点1,3,4,5,9,10,离散成了1-6,1-3,4-6 答案为2
和第二组问题 变成这样几个点1 3 4 5 6 9 10 离散成了 1--7,1--3,5--7答案为3
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 10010; map<int,int>mp,res; struct point { int l,r; int idx; }src[MAXN]; struct node { int l,r; int val; bool flag; }tree[MAXN * 16]; int ori[MAXN * 2],newdata[MAXN * 4]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = newdata[l]; tree[id].r = newdata[r]; tree[id].val = -1; tree[id].flag = false; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].flag) { tree[id * 2].flag = tree[id * 2 + 1].flag = true; tree[id * 2].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val = tree[id].val; tree[id].flag = false; } } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (r < tree[id].l || l > tree[id].r) return; if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].val = val; tree[id].flag = true; return; } push_down(id); /*int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2 ,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); }*/ update(id * 2,l,r,val); update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); } void query(int id,int l,int r,int &ret) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) { if (mp[tree[id].val] == 0 && tree[id].val != -1) { ret++; // printf("%d\n",tree[id].val); mp[tree[id].val] = 1; } return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; query(id * 2,l,mid,ret); query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,ret); } int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { mp.clear(); res.clear(); int N; scanf("%d",&N); int cas = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= N ; i++) { scanf("%d%d",&src[i].l,&src[i].r); src[i].idx = i; ori[++cas] = src[i].l; ori[++cas] = src[i].r; } sort(ori + 1,ori + 1 + cas); int leap = 0; ori[0] = -1; for (int i = 1; i <= cas ; i++) { if (ori[i] != ori[i - 1]) ori[++leap] = ori[i]; } cas = 0; newdata[++cas] = ori[1]; for (int i = 2 ; i <= leap ; i++) { if (ori[i] > ori[i - 1] + 1) { newdata[++cas] = ori[i] - 1; newdata[++cas] = ori[i]; } else { newdata[++cas] = ori[i]; } } // printf("%d\n",cas); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= cas ; i++) // printf("%d ",newdata[i]); putchar(‘\n‘); build(1,1,cas); for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) { update(1,src[i].l,src[i].r,src[i].idx); } int ret = 0; query(1,1,cas,ret); printf("%d\n",ret); } return 0; }
hdu 1698 Just a Hook
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 100010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; bool sta; int val; bool flag; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int L; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].val = 1; tree[id].flag = false; tree[id].sta = true; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].flag) { tree[id * 2].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val = tree[id].val; tree[id * 2].flag = true; tree[id * 2 + 1].flag = true; tree[id].flag = false; tree[id].sta = true; tree[id * 2].sta = true; tree[id * 2 + 1].sta = true; } } void push_up(int id) { if (tree[id * 2].sta == true && tree[id * 2 + 1].sta == true) { if (tree[id * 2].val == tree[id * 2 + 1].val) { tree[id].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val; tree[id].sta = true; } else tree[id].sta = false; } else tree[id].sta = false; } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].flag = true; tree[id].val = val; tree[id].sta = true; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } push_up(id); } int query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { if (tree[id].sta == true) { // printf("%d %d %d\n",tree[id].l,tree[id].r,tree[id].val); return tree[id].val * (tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1); } } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return query(id * 2,l,r); else { return query(id * 2,l,mid) + query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { int T,kase = 1; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { scanf("%d",&L); build(1,1,L); int Q; scanf("%d",&Q); while (Q--) { int l,r,val; scanf("%d%d%d",&l,&r,&val); update(1,l,r,val); //printf("%d %d %d\n",l,r,val); } printf("Case %d: The total value of the hook is %d.\n",kase++,query(1,1,L)); } return 0; }
ZOJ 1610 Count the Colors
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 8110; struct node { int l,r,col; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int cnt[MAXN],col[MAXN],N; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].col = -1; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].col != -1) { tree[id * 2].col = tree[id * 2 + 1].col = tree[id].col; tree[id].col = -1; } } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].col = val; //printf("%d %d %d\n",tree[id].l,tree[id].r,tree[id].col); return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } } void query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { //printf("%d\n",tree[id].col); if (tree[id].col != -1) { //printf("%d\n",tree[id].col); for (int i = tree[id].l ; i <= tree[id].r ; i++) col[i] = tree[id].col; return; } } push_down(id); if (l == r) return; int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r ) / 2; if (l > mid) query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) query(id * 2,l,r); else { query(id * 2,l,mid); query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { while (scanf("%d",&N) != EOF) { memset(cnt,0,sizeof(cnt)); build(1,1,8000); for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) { int l,r,val; scanf("%d%d%d",&l,&r,&val); update(1,l + 1,r,val); } memset(col,-1,sizeof(col)); query(1,1,8000); int pre = -1; for (int i = 0 ; i <= 8000 ; i++) { if (col[i] == -1) { pre = -1; continue; } if (pre != col[i]) { cnt[col[i]]++; pre = col[i]; } } for (int i = 0 ; i <= 8000 ; i++) { if (cnt[i]) printf("%d %d\n",i,cnt[i]); } puts(""); } return 0; }
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 8110; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; bool flag,sta; int val; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int N; int cnt[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].val = -1; tree[id].flag = false; tree[id].sta = true; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].flag) { tree[id * 2].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val = tree[id].val; tree[id * 2].flag = true; tree[id * 2 + 1].flag = true; tree[id].flag = false; tree[id].sta = true; tree[id * 2].sta = true; tree[id * 2 + 1].sta = true; } } void push_up(int id) { if (tree[id * 2].sta == true && tree[id * 2 + 1].sta == true) { if (tree[id * 2].val == tree[id * 2 + 1].val) { tree[id].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val; tree[id].sta = true; } else tree[id].sta = false; } else tree[id].sta = false; } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].flag = true; tree[id].val = val; tree[id].sta = true; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } push_up(id); } void query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { if (tree[id].sta == true) { if (tree[id].val != -1) { cnt[tree[id].val]++; //a printf("%d\n",tree[id].val); } return; } } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) query(id * 2 ,l,r); else { query(id * 2,l,mid); query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { //freopen("sample.txt","r",stdin); while (scanf("%d",&N) != EOF) { build(1,1,8010); for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) { int l,r,val; scanf("%d%d%d",&l,&r,&val); if (l > r) swap(l,r); if (l == r) continue; update(1,l + 1,r,val); } memset(cnt,0,sizeof(cnt)); query(1,1,8010); for (int i = 0 ; i <= 8010 ; i++) { if (cnt[i] == 0) continue; printf("%d %d\n",i,cnt[i]); } puts(""); } return 0; }
POJ 3264 Balanced Lineup
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 50010; struct node { int l,r,MIN,MAX; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int src[MAXN],N; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; if (l == r) { tree[id].MIN = tree[id].MAX = src[l]; return; } int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); tree[id].MIN = min(tree[id * 2].MIN,tree[id * 2 + 1].MIN); tree[id].MAX = max(tree[id * 2].MAX,tree[id * 2 + 1].MAX); } int querymax(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].MAX; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return querymax(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return querymax(id * 2,l,r); else { return max(querymax(id * 2,l,mid),querymax(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r)); } } int querymin(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].MIN; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return querymin(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return querymin(id * 2,l,r); else { return min(querymin(id * 2,l,mid),querymin(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r)); } } int main() { int Q; while (scanf("%d%d",&N,&Q) != EOF) { for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) scanf("%d",&src[i]); build(1,1,N); while (Q--) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("%d\n",querymax(1,l,r) - querymin(1,l,r)); } } return 0; }
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 100010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; LL sum; bool flag; }tree[MAXN * 4]; LL src[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; if (l == r) { tree[id].sum = src[l]; return; } int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) { tree[id].sum = (LL)sqrt(1.0 * tree[id].sum); return; } push_down(id * 2); push_down(id * 2 + 1); tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2 + 1].sum + tree[id * 2].sum; } void update(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { if (tree[id].sum == (LL)(tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1)) return; push_down(id); return; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r); else { update(id * 2,l,mid); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; } LL query(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].sum; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return query(id * 2,l,r); else { return query(id * 2,l,mid) + query(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int main() { int N,M,kase = 1; while (scanf("%d",&N) != EOF) { for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) scanf("%I64d",&src[i]); scanf("%d",&M); build(1,1,N); printf("Case #%d:\n",kase++); while (M--) { int op; scanf("%d",&op); if (op == 0) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); if (l > r) swap(l,r); update(1,l,r); } else { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); if (l > r) swap(l,r); printf("%I64d\n",query(1,l,r)); } } putchar(‘\n‘); } return 0; }
HDU 1540 Tunnel Warfare
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 50010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int leftlen,rightlen,maxlen; }tree[MAXN * 4]; stack<int>s; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].leftlen = tree[id].rightlen = tree[id].maxlen = r - l + 1; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_up(int id) { //leftlen; if (tree[id * 2].leftlen == tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1) { tree[id].leftlen = tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1 + tree[id * 2 + 1].leftlen; } else tree[id].leftlen = tree[id * 2].leftlen; //right len if (tree[id * 2 + 1].rightlen == tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1) { tree[id].rightlen = tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1 + tree[id * 2].rightlen; } else tree[id].rightlen = tree[id * 2 + 1].rightlen; tree[id].maxlen = max(tree[id * 2].maxlen,tree[id * 2 + 1].maxlen); tree[id].maxlen = max(tree[id].maxlen,tree[id * 2].rightlen + tree[id * 2 + 1].leftlen); } void update(int id,int pos,bool flag) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) { if (flag) tree[id].maxlen = tree[id].leftlen = tree[id].rightlen = 0; else tree[id].maxlen = tree[id].leftlen = tree[id].rightlen = 1; return; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (pos > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,pos,flag); if (pos <= mid) update(id * 2,pos,flag); push_up(id); } int query(int id,int pos) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r || tree[id].maxlen == tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1) { return tree[id].maxlen; } int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (pos <= mid)//左半段 { int tmppos = tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].rightlen + 1; if (pos >= tmppos) return tree[id * 2].rightlen + tree[id * 2 + 1].leftlen; else return query(id * 2,pos); } else { int tmppos = tree[id * 2 + 1].l + tree[id * 2 + 1].leftlen - 1; if (pos <= tmppos) return tree[id * 2 + 1].leftlen + tree[id * 2].rightlen; else return query(id * 2 + 1,pos); } } int main() { //freopen("sample.txt","r",stdin); int N,Q; while (scanf("%d%d",&N,&Q) != EOF) { build(1,1,N); while (!s.empty()) s.pop(); while (Q--) { char op[5]; scanf("%s",op); if (op[0] == ‘D‘) { int pos; scanf("%d",&pos); s.push(pos); update(1,pos,true); } if (op[0] == ‘Q‘) { int pos; scanf("%d",&pos); printf("%d\n",query(1,pos)); } if (op[0] == ‘R‘) { if (s.empty()) continue; int x = s.top(); s.pop(); update(1,x,false); } } } return 0; }
HDU 3794 Assign the task
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") #include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 50010; int L[MAXN],R[MAXN]; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int val; bool flag; }tree[MAXN * 4]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].val = -1; tree[id].flag = false; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].flag) { tree[id * 2].flag = tree[id * 2 + 1].flag = true; tree[id * 2].val = tree[id * 2 + 1].val = tree[id].val; tree[id].flag = false; } } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { tree[id].flag = true; tree[id].val = val; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } } int query(int id,int pos) { if (tree[id].l == pos && tree[id].r == pos) { return tree[id].val; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (pos > mid) return query(id * 2 + 1,pos); else return query(id * 2,pos); } /* int Stack[MAXN * 2],top; int deg[MAXN]; int Index,seq[MAXN]; bool vis[MAXN]; queue<int>q[MAXN]; void get_seq(int st)//这段先序遍历树形转线性我应该是不会的 { int pos; int idx = 0; top = 1; Stack[top] = st; memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis)); while (top) { pos = Stack[top]; if (!vis[pos]) { vis[pos] = true; seq[++idx] = pos; L[pos] = idx; } if (!q[pos].empty()) { Stack[++top] = q[pos].front(); q[pos].pop(); } else { R[pos] = idx; top--; } } }*/ vector<int>q[MAXN]; int Index; int deg[MAXN]; bool vis[MAXN]; void get_seq(int u) { L[u] = ++Index; vis[u] = true; for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)q[u].size() ; i++) { int v = q[u][i]; if (vis[v]) continue; get_seq(v); } R[u] = Index; } int main() { //freopen("sample.txt","r",stdin); int T,kase = 1; scanf("%d",&T); int N,Q; while(T--) { memset(deg,0,sizeof(deg)); scanf("%d",&N); for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) q[i].clear(); for (int i = 1 ; i < N ; i++) { int u,v; scanf("%d%d",&u,&v); //q[v].push(u); q[v].push_back(u); deg[u]++; } build(1,1,N); int root = 1; for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) { if (deg[i] == 0) { root = i; break; } } Index = 0; memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis)); //printf("%d\n",root); get_seq(root); printf("Case #%d:\n",kase++); //for (int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++) printf("%d %d\n",L[i],R[i]); scanf("%d",&Q); while (Q--) { char op[5]; scanf("%s",op); if (op[0] == ‘C‘) { int x; scanf("%d",&x); printf("%d\n",query(1,L[x])); } else { int x,val; scanf("%d%d",&x,&val); //printf("%d %d\n",L[x],R[x]); update(1,L[x],R[x],val); } } } return 0; }
HDU 4578 Transformation
这题很吊看这里 http://www.cnblogs.com/Commence/p/4871352.html
HDU 4614 Vases and Flowers
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 50010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int sum,lazy,lft,rht; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int N,Q; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].sum = r - l + 1; tree[id].lft = l; tree[id].rht = r; tree[id].lazy = 0; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_up(int id) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) return; tree[id].sum = tree[id * 2].sum + tree[id * 2 + 1].sum; if (tree[id * 2].lft != -1) tree[id].lft = tree[id * 2].lft; else tree[id].lft = tree[id * 2 + 1].lft; if (tree[id * 2 + 1].rht != -1) tree[id].rht = tree[id * 2 + 1].rht; else tree[id].rht = tree[id * 2].rht; } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) return; if (tree[id].lazy == 1) { tree[id * 2].lft = tree[id * 2].l; tree[id * 2].rht = tree[id * 2].r; tree[id * 2].sum = tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1; tree[id * 2].lazy = 1; tree[id * 2 + 1].lft = tree[id * 2 + 1].l; tree[id * 2 + 1].rht = tree[id * 2 + 1].r; tree[id * 2 + 1].sum = tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1; tree[id * 2 + 1].lazy = 1; } if (tree[id].lazy == -1) { tree[id * 2].lft = -1; tree[id * 2].rht = -1; tree[id * 2].sum = 0; tree[id * 2].lazy = -1; tree[id * 2 + 1].lft = -1; tree[id * 2 + 1].rht = -1; tree[id * 2 + 1].sum = 0; tree[id * 2 + 1].lazy = -1; } tree[id].lazy = 0; } void update(int id,int l,int r,int val) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { if (val == 0) { if (tree[id].sum == 0) return; tree[id].sum = 0; tree[id].lft = -1; tree[id].rht = -1; tree[id].lazy = -1; return; } else if (val == 1) { if (tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].sum) return; tree[id].sum = tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1; tree[id].lazy = 1; tree[id].lft = tree[id].l; tree[id].rht = tree[id].r; return; } } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r,val); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2,l,r,val); else { update(id * 2,l,mid,val); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r,val); } push_up(id); } int getsum(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].sum; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return getsum(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return getsum(id * 2,l,r); else { return getsum(id * 2,l,mid) + getsum(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } } int queryleft(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].lft; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return queryleft(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return queryleft(id * 2,l,r); else { int ret; ret = queryleft(id * 2,l,mid); if (ret != -1) return ret; ret = queryleft(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); return ret; } } int queryright(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l >= l && tree[id].r <= r) { return tree[id].rht; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) return queryright(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) return queryright(id * 2,l,r); else { int ret = queryright(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); if (ret != -1) return ret; return queryright(id * 2,l,mid); } } int binseach(int A,int F) { int tmp = getsum(1,A,N); if (tmp == 0) return - 1; if (tmp < F) return N; int l = A,r = N; while (l < r) { int mid = (l + r) / 2; int val = getsum(1,A,mid); if (val >= F) { r = mid; } else l = mid + 1; } return l; } int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { scanf("%d%d",&N,&Q); build(1,1,N); while (Q--) { int op; scanf("%d",&op); if (op == 1) { int A,F; scanf("%d%d",&A,&F); A++; int tmp = binseach(A,F); if (tmp == -1) { puts("Can not put any one."); continue; } printf("%d %d\n",queryleft(1,A,tmp) - 1,queryright(1,A,tmp) - 1); update(1,A,tmp,0); } else { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); l++; r++; printf("%d\n",r - l + 1 - getsum(1,l,r)); update(1,l,r,1); } } putchar(‘\n‘); } return 0; }
HDU 4553 约会安排
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 100010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int lmax,rmax,mmax; int lmax1,rmax1,mmax1; }tree[MAXN * 4]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = tree[id].mmax = r - l + 1; tree[id].lmax1 = tree[id].rmax1 = tree[id].mmax1 = r - l + 1; if (l == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } void push_up(int id) { if (tree[id].r == tree[id].l) return; tree[id].lmax = tree[id * 2].lmax; if (tree[id * 2].lmax == tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1) tree[id].lmax += tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax; tree[id].rmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax; if (tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax == tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1) tree[id].rmax += tree[id * 2].rmax; tree[id].mmax = max(tree[id * 2].mmax,tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax); tree[id].mmax = max(tree[id].mmax,tree[id * 2].rmax + tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax); tree[id].lmax1 = tree[id * 2].lmax1; if (tree[id * 2].lmax1 == tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1) tree[id].lmax1 += tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax1; tree[id].rmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax1; if (tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax1 == tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1) tree[id].rmax1 += tree[id * 2].rmax1; tree[id].mmax1 = max(tree[id * 2].mmax1,tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax1); tree[id].mmax1 = max(tree[id].mmax1,tree[id * 2].rmax1 + tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax1); } void push_down(int id) { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r) return; if (tree[id].mmax == 0) { tree[id * 2].lmax = tree[id * 2].rmax = tree[id * 2].mmax = 0; tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax = 0; } if (tree[id].mmax == tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1) { tree[id * 2].lmax = tree[id * 2].rmax = tree[id * 2].mmax = tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1; tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax = tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1; } if (tree[id].mmax1 == 0) { tree[id * 2].lmax1 = tree[id * 2].rmax1 = tree[id * 2].mmax1 = 0; tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax1 = 0; } if (tree[id].mmax1 == tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1) { tree[id * 2].lmax1 = tree[id * 2].rmax1 = tree[id * 2].mmax1 = tree[id * 2].r - tree[id * 2].l + 1; tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].rmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].mmax1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].r - tree[id * 2 + 1].l + 1; } } int query(int id,int x) { if (tree[id].mmax < x) return 0; if (tree[id].lmax >= x) return tree[id].l; if (tree[id * 2].mmax >= x) return query(id * 2,x); if (tree[id * 2].rmax + tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax >= x) return tree[id * 2].r- tree[id * 2].rmax + 1; return query(id * 2 + 1,x); } int query1(int id,int x) { if (tree[id].mmax1 < x) return 0; if (tree[id].lmax1 >= x) return tree[id].l; if (tree[id * 2].mmax1 >= x) return query1(id * 2,x); if (tree[id * 2].rmax1 + tree[id * 2 + 1].lmax1 >= x) return tree[id * 2].r- tree[id * 2].rmax1 + 1; return query1(id * 2 + 1,x); } void update(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l == l && tree[id].r == r) { tree[id].mmax = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1; tree[id].mmax1 = tree[id].lmax1 = tree[id].rmax1 = tree[id].r - tree[id].l + 1; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) update(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) update(id * 2 ,l,r); else { update(id * 2,l,mid); update(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } push_up(id); } void diors(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l == l && tree[id].r == r) { tree[id].mmax = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = 0; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) diors(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) diors(id * 2,l,r); else { diors(id * 2,l,mid); diors(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } push_up(id); } void godness(int id,int l,int r) { if (tree[id].l == l && tree[id].r == r) { tree[id].mmax = tree[id].lmax = tree[id].rmax = 0; tree[id].mmax1 = tree[id].lmax1 = tree[id].rmax1 = 0; return; } push_down(id); int mid = (tree[id].l + tree[id].r) / 2; if (l > mid) godness(id * 2 + 1,l,r); else if (r <= mid) godness(id * 2 ,l,r); else { godness(id * 2,l,mid); godness(id * 2 + 1,mid + 1,r); } push_up(id); } int main() { //freopen("sample.txt","r",stdin); int T,kase = 1; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { printf("Case %d:\n",kase++); int N,M; scanf("%d%d",&N,&M); build(1,1,N); while (M--) { char op[5]; scanf("%s",op); if (op[0] == ‘D‘) { int x; scanf("%d",&x); int tmp = query(1,x); if (tmp == 0) puts("fly with yourself"); else { diors(1,tmp,tmp + x - 1); printf("%d,let‘s fly\n",tmp); } } else if (op[0] == ‘N‘) { int x; scanf("%d",&x); int tmp = query(1,x); if (tmp != 0) { godness(1,tmp,tmp + x - 1); printf("%d,don‘t put my gezi\n",tmp); continue; } tmp = query1(1,x); if (tmp != 0) { godness(1,tmp,tmp + x - 1); printf("%d,don‘t put my gezi\n",tmp); continue; } printf("wait for me\n"); } else { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); printf("I am the hope of chinese chengxuyuan!!\n"); update(1,l,r); } } } return 0; }
POJ 1177 Picture
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 10010; struct node { int l,r; int cnt; int lf,rf; int numseg; int c; bool lcover,rcover; }tree[MAXN * 4]; struct Line { int y; int x1,x2; int f; friend bool operator < (const Line &a,const Line &b) { return a.y < b.y; } }line[MAXN]; int x[MAXN],debug; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lf = x[l]; tree[id].rf = x[r]; tree[id].cnt = 0; tree[id].numseg = 0; tree[id].c = 0; tree[id].lcover = tree[id].rcover = false; if (l + 1 == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid,r); } void callen(int id) { if (tree[id].c > 0) { tree[id].cnt = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; tree[id].numseg = 1; tree[id].lcover = tree[id].rcover = true; return; } if (tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].r) { tree[id].cnt = 0; tree[id].numseg = 0; tree[id].lcover = tree[id].rcover = false; } else { // printf("%d %d %d\n",tree[id].cnt,tree[id * 2].cnt ,tree[id * 2 + 1].cnt); // printf("%d %d %d %d\n",tree[id * 2].l,tree[id * 2].r,tree[id * 2 + 1].l,tree[id * 2 + 1].r); tree[id].cnt = tree[id * 2].cnt + tree[id * 2 + 1].cnt; tree[id].lcover = tree[id * 2].lcover; tree[id].rcover = tree[id * 2 + 1].rcover; tree[id].numseg = tree[id * 2].numseg + tree[id * 2 + 1].numseg; if (tree[id * 2].rcover && tree[id * 2 + 1].lcover) tree[id].numseg--; } } void update(int id,Line e) { if (tree[id].lf == e.x1 && tree[id].rf == e.x2) { tree[id].c += e.f; // printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",debug,tree[id].lf,tree[id].rf,tree[id].cnt,tree[id].c,tree[id].l,tree[id].r); callen(id); return; } if (e.x2 <= tree[id * 2].rf) update(id * 2,e); else if (e.x1 >= tree[id * 2 + 1].lf) update(id * 2 + 1,e); else { Line tmp = e; tmp.x2 = tree[id * 2].rf; update(id * 2,tmp); tmp = e; tmp.x1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].lf; update(id * 2 + 1,tmp); } callen(id); } int main() { int n; while (scanf("%d",&n) != EOF) { int cas = 0; int x1,x2,y1,y2; debug = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y1; line[cas].f = 1; x[cas] = x1; cas++; line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y2; line[cas].f = -1; x[cas] = x2; cas++; } sort(line,line + cas); sort(x,x + cas); int num = unique(x,x + cas) - x; build(1,0,num - 1); int ret = 0,last = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < cas - 1 ; i++) { debug++; update(1,line[i]); ret += tree[1].numseg * 2 * (line[i + 1].y - line[i].y); ret += abs(tree[1].cnt - last); // printf("%d %d %d %d\n",line[i].x1,line[i].x2,line[i].y,tree[1].cnt); // printf("%d\n\n",ret); last = tree[1].cnt; } update(1,line[cas - 1]); ret += abs(tree[1].cnt - last); printf("%d\n",ret); } return 0; }
HDU 1542 Atlantis
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 210; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; int N; struct node { int l,r; double lf,rf; int c; double cnt; }tree[MAXN * 4]; struct Line { double x1,x2; double y; int f; friend bool operator < (const Line &a,const Line &b) { return a.y < b.y; } }line[MAXN]; double x[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lf = x[l]; tree[id].rf = x[r]; tree[id].c = 0; tree[id].cnt = 0; if (l + 1 == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid,r); } void callen(int id) { if (tree[id].c > 0) { tree[id].cnt = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; return; } if (tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].r) { tree[id].cnt = 0; } else tree[id].cnt = tree[id * 2].cnt + tree[id * 2 + 1].cnt; } void update(int id,Line e) { if (tree[id].lf == e.x1 && tree[id].rf == e.x2) { tree[id].c += e.f; callen(id); return; } if (tree[id * 2].rf >= e.x2) update(id * 2,e); else if (e.x1 >= tree[id * 2 + 1].lf) update(id * 2 + 1,e); else { Line tmp = e; tmp.x2 = tree[id * 2].rf; update(id * 2,tmp); tmp = e; tmp.x1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].lf; update(id * 2 + 1,tmp); } callen(id); } int main() { int kase = 1; while (scanf("%d",&N) != EOF) { if (N == 0) break; int cas = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) { double x1,x2,y1,y2; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y1; line[cas].f = 1; x[cas++] = x1; line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y2; line[cas].f = -1; x[cas++] = x2; } sort(x,x + cas); sort(line,line + cas); int num = unique(x ,x + cas) - x; build(1,0,num - 1); double ret = 0; update(1,line[0]); for (int i = 1 ; i < cas ; i++) { ret += (line[i].y - line[i - 1].y) * tree[1].cnt; update(1,line[i]); } printf("Test case #%d\n",kase++); printf("Total explored area: %.2lf\n\n",ret); } return 0; }
HDU 1255 覆盖的面积
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 2010; struct node { int l,r; int c; double lf,rf; double cnt,more; }tree[MAXN * 4]; struct Line { double x1,x2; double y; int f; friend bool operator < (const Line &a,const Line &b) { return a.y < b.y; } }line[MAXN]; double x[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lf = x[l]; tree[id].rf = x[r]; tree[id].cnt = tree[id].more = tree[id].c = 0; if (l + 1 == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid,r); } void callen(int id) { if (tree[id].c >= 2) { tree[id].more = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; return; } if (tree[id].c == 1) { tree[id].cnt = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; if (tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].r) tree[id].more = 0; else tree[id].more = tree[id * 2].cnt + tree[id * 2 + 1].cnt; } else { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r - 1) tree[id].cnt = tree[id].more = 0; else { tree[id].cnt = tree[id * 2].cnt + tree[id * 2 + 1].cnt; tree[id].more = tree[id * 2].more + tree[id * 2 + 1].more; } } } void update(int id,Line e) { if (tree[id].lf == e.x1 && tree[id].rf == e.x2) { tree[id].c += e.f; // printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",debug,tree[id].lf,tree[id].rf,tree[id].cnt,tree[id].c,tree[id].l,tree[id].r); callen(id); return; } if (e.x2 <= tree[id * 2].rf) update(id * 2,e); else if (e.x1 >= tree[id * 2 + 1].lf) update(id * 2 + 1,e); else { Line tmp = e; tmp.x2 = tree[id * 2].rf; update(id * 2,tmp); tmp = e; tmp.x1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].lf; update(id * 2 + 1,tmp); } callen(id); } int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { int N; scanf("%d",&N); int cas = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) { double x1,x2,y1,y2; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y1; line[cas].f = 1; x[cas++] = x1; line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].y = y2; line[cas].f = -1; x[cas++] = x2; } sort(line,line + cas); sort(x,x + cas); int num = unique(x,x + cas) - x; build(1,0,num - 1); update(1,line[0]); double ret = 0; for (int i = 1 ; i < cas ; i++) { ret += (line[i].y - line[i - 1].y) * tree[1].more; update(1,line[i]); } printf("%.2lf\n",ret); } return 0; }
HDU 3642 Get The Treasury
如何计算callen 中的once,twice,more是关键,理解很关键
#include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cctype> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define LL long long #define PI 3.1415926535897932626 using namespace std; int gcd(int a, int b) {return a % b == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a % b);} const int MAXN = 2010; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; struct node { int l,r; int lf,rf; int once,twice,more; int c; }tree[MAXN * 4]; int x[MAXN],z[MAXN]; struct Line { int y; int x1,x2; int z1,z2; int f; friend bool operator < (const Line &a,const Line &b) { return a.y < b.y; } }line[MAXN],res[MAXN]; void build(int id,int l,int r) { tree[id].l = l; tree[id].r = r; tree[id].lf = x[l]; tree[id].rf = x[r]; tree[id].c = 0; tree[id].once = tree[id].twice = tree[id].more = 0; if (l + 1 == r) return; int mid = (l + r) / 2; build(id * 2,l,mid); build(id * 2 + 1,mid,r); } void callen(int id) { if (tree[id].c >= 3) { tree[id].more = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; tree[id].once = tree[id].twice = 0; return; } else if (tree[id].c == 2) { if (tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].r) { tree[id].more = 0; tree[id].twice = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; tree[id].once = 0; return; } else { tree[id].more = tree[id * 2].once + tree[id * 2].twice + tree[id * 2].more + tree[id * 2 + 1].once + tree[id * 2 + 1].twice + tree[id * 2 + 1].more; tree[id].twice = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf - tree[id].more; tree[id].once = 0; } } else if (tree[id].c == 1) { if (tree[id].l + 1 == tree[id].r) { tree[id].more = tree[id].twice = 0; tree[id].once = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf; } else { tree[id].more = tree[id * 2].more + tree[id * 2].twice + tree[id * 2 + 1].more + tree[id * 2 + 1].twice; tree[id].twice = tree[id * 2].once + tree[id * 2 + 1].once; tree[id].once = tree[id].rf - tree[id].lf - tree[id].more - tree[id].twice; } } else { if (tree[id].l == tree[id].r - 1) { tree[id].more = tree[id].twice = tree[id].once = 0; } else { tree[id].more = tree[id * 2].more + tree[id * 2 + 1].more; tree[id].twice = tree[id * 2].twice + tree[id * 2 + 1].twice; tree[id].once = tree[id * 2].once + tree[id * 2 + 1].once; } } } void update(int id,Line e) { if (tree[id].lf == e.x1 && tree[id].rf == e.x2) { tree[id].c += e.f; callen(id); return; } if (tree[id * 2].rf >= e.x2) update(id * 2,e); else if (e.x1 >= tree[id * 2 + 1].lf) update(id * 2 + 1,e); else { Line tmp = e; tmp.x2 = tree[id * 2].rf; update(id * 2,tmp); tmp = e; tmp.x1 = tree[id * 2 + 1].lf; update(id * 2 + 1,tmp); } callen(id); } int main() { int T,kase = 1; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { int N; scanf("%d",&N); int cas = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) { int x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2; scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&z1,&x2,&y2,&z2); line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].z1 = z1; line[cas].z2 = z2; line[cas].f = 1; line[cas].y = y1; x[cas] = x1; z[cas++] = z1; line[cas].x1 = x1; line[cas].x2 = x2; line[cas].z1 = z1; line[cas].z2 = z2; line[cas].f = -1; line[cas].y = y2; x[cas] = x2; z[cas++] = z2; } sort(line,line + cas); sort(x,x + cas); sort(z,z + cas); int num = unique(x,x + cas) - x; build(1,0,num - 1); int step = unique(z,z + cas) - z; LL ret = 0,area = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < step - 1 ; i++) { int tot = 0; for (int j = 0 ; j < cas ; j++) { if (line[j].z1 <= z[i] && line[j].z2 > z[i]) res[tot++] = line[j]; } area = 0; update(1,res[0]); for (int j = 1 ; j < tot ; j++) { area += (LL)(res[j].y - res[j - 1].y) * tree[1].more; update(1,res[j]); } ret += area * (LL)(z[i + 1] - z[i]); } printf("Case %d: %I64d\n",kase++,ret); } return 0; }