// Invoker:要求命令对象运行请求,一般会持有命令对象,能够持有非常多的命令对象。这个是client真正触发命令并要求命令运行对应操作的地方,也就是说相当于使用命令对象的入口。 public class RemoteControl { //这时候。遥控器要处理7个开与关的命令,使用对应数组记录这些命令 Command[] onCommands; Command[] offCommands; public RemoteControl() { //在构造器中。仅仅须要实例化并初始化两个开与关的数组 onCommands = new Command[7]; offCommands = new Command[7]; //NoCommand对象是一个空对象(null obeject)的样例。当你不想返回一个有意义的对象时,空对象就非常实用,客户也能够将处理null的责任转义给空对象。//举例来说。遥控器不可能一出厂就设置了有意义的命令对象,所以提供了NoCommand对象作为替代品。当调用它的execute() //方法时。这样的对象什么也不做。 Command noCommand = new NoCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { onCommands[i] = noCommand; offCommands[i] = noCommand; } } //setCommand()方法须有三个參数,各自是插槽的位置、开的命令、关的命令。 public void setCommand(int slot, Command onCommand, Command offCommand) { onCommands[slot] = onCommand; offCommands[slot] = offCommand; } //当按下开或关的button。硬件就会负责调用对应的方法 public void onButtonWasPushed(int slot) { onCommands[slot].execute(); } public void offButtonWasPushed(int slot) { offCommands[slot].execute(); } //覆盖toString(),打印出每一个插槽和它对应的命令。 public String toString() { StringBuffer stringBuff = new StringBuffer(); stringBuff.append("\n------ Remote Control -------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < onCommands.length; i++) { stringBuff.append("[slot " + i + "] " + onCommands[i].getClass().getName() + " " + offCommands[i].getClass().getName() + "\n"); } return stringBuff.toString(); } } //定义命令的接口。声明运行的方法。 public interface Command { public void execute(); } //命令接口实现对象,是“虚”的实现。一般会持有接收者,并调用接收者的功能来完毕命令要运行的操作。 public class StereoOnWithCDCommand implements Command { Stereo stereo; public StereoOnWithCDCommand(Stereo stereo) { this.stereo = stereo; } public void execute() { stereo.on(); stereo.setCD(); stereo.setVolume(11); } } //接收者,真正运行命令的对象。
不论什么类都可能成为一个接收者。仅仅要它能够实现命令要求实现的对应功能。 public class Stereo { String location; public Stereo(String location) { this.location = location; } public void on() { System.out.println(location + " stereo is on"); } public void off() { System.out.println(location + " stereo is off"); } public void setCD() { System.out.println(location + " stereo is set for CD input"); } public void setDVD() { System.out.println(location + " stereo is set for DVD input"); } public void setRadio() { System.out.println(location + " stereo is set for Radio"); } public void setVolume(int volume) { // code to set the volume // valid range: 1-11 (after all 11 is better than 10, right?) System.out.println(location + " Stereo volume set to " + volume); } } //測试 public class RemoteLoader { public static void main(String[] args) { RemoteControl remoteControl = new RemoteControl(); //将所有的装置创建在合适的位置 Light livingRoomLight = new Light("Living Room"); Light kitchenLight = new Light("Kitchen"); CeilingFan ceilingFan= new CeilingFan("Living Room"); GarageDoor garageDoor = new GarageDoor(""); Stereo stereo = new Stereo("Living Room"); LightOnCommand livingRoomLightOn = new LightOnCommand(livingRoomLight); LightOffCommand livingRoomLightOff = new LightOffCommand(livingRoomLight); LightOnCommand kitchenLightOn = new LightOnCommand(kitchenLight); LightOffCommand kitchenLightOff = new LightOffCommand(kitchenLight); CeilingFanOnCommand ceilingFanOn = new CeilingFanOnCommand(ceilingFan); CeilingFanOffCommand ceilingFanOff = new CeilingFanOffCommand(ceilingFan); GarageDoorUpCommand garageDoorUp = new GarageDoorUpCommand(garageDoor); GarageDoorDownCommand garageDoorDown = new GarageDoorDownCommand(garageDoor); StereoOnWithCDCommand stereoOnWithCD = new StereoOnWithCDCommand(stereo); StereoOffCommand stereoOff = new StereoOffCommand(stereo); //如今已经有了所有的命令。能够将他们载入到遥控器插槽中。 remoteControl.setCommand(0, livingRoomLightOn, livingRoomLightOff); remoteControl.setCommand(1, kitchenLightOn, kitchenLightOff); remoteControl.setCommand(2, ceilingFanOn, ceilingFanOff); remoteControl.setCommand(3, stereoOnWithCD, stereoOff); //在这里,使用toString()方法打印出每一个遥控器的插槽和它被指定的命令 System.out.println(remoteControl); //一切就绪,逐步按下每一个插槽的开与关button。
remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(0); remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(0); remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(1); remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(1); remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(2); remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(2); remoteControl.onButtonWasPushed(3); remoteControl.offButtonWasPushed(3); } }