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 270             if ((l.options.prevElem > 0) || (l.options.nextElem > 0)) b -= 36;
 271             return b
 272         };
 273         l.showImage = function (a, b, c) {
 274             var d, elemH;
 275             if (a[ELEM_WIDTH]) {
 276                 d = a[ELEM_WIDTH]
 277             } else {
 278                 d = b;
 279                 a[ELEM_WIDTH] = b
 280             }
 281             if (a[ELEM_HEIGHT]) {
 282                 elemH = a[ELEM_HEIGHT]
 283             } else {
 284                 elemH = c;
 285                 a[ELEM_HEIGHT] = c
 286             }
 287             var e = l.calcElemSize({
 288                 w: d,
 289                 h: elemH
 290             });
 291             l.resizeLightbox(e.w, e.h, true,
 292             function () {
 293                 l.$text.css({
 294                     width: l.calcTextWidth(e.w)
 295                 });
 296                 l.$text.html(a[ELEM_TITLE]);
 297                 l.$image.show().css({
 298                     width: e.w,
 299                     height: e.h
 300                 });
 301                 l.$image.html("<img src=‘" + a[ELEM_HREF] + "‘ width=‘" + e.w + "‘ height=‘" + e.h + "‘ />");
 302                 l.$elem.fadeIn(l.options.fadespeed,
 303                 function () {
 304                     l.showData()
 305                 })
 306             })
 307         };
 308         l.showSWF = function (a) {
 309             var b = (a[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? a[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480;
 310             var c = (a[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? a[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270;
 311             var d = l.calcElemSize({
 312                 w: b,
 313                 h: c
 314             });
 315             b = d.w;
 316             c = d.h;
 317             l.resizeLightbox(b, c, true,
 318             function () {
 319                 l.$text.css({
 320                     width: l.calcTextWidth(b)
 321                 });
 322                 l.$text.html(a[ELEM_TITLE]);
 323                 l.$image.html("<div id=‘html5lightbox-swf‘ style=‘display:block;width:" + b + "px;height:" + c + "px;‘></div>").show();
 324                 l.embedFlash($("#html5lightbox-swf"), b, c, a[ELEM_HREF], ‘window‘, {
 325                     width: b,
 326                     height: c
 327                 });
 328                 l.$elem.show();
 329                 l.showData()
 330             })
 331         };
 332         l.showVideo = function (d) {
 333             var e = (d[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? d[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480;
 334             var f = (d[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? d[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270;
 335             var g = l.calcElemSize({
 336                 w: e,
 337                 h: f
 338             });
 339             e = g.w;
 340             f = g.h;
 341             l.resizeLightbox(e, f, true,
 342             function () {
 343                 l.$text.css({
 344                     width: l.calcTextWidth(e)
 345                 });
 346                 l.$text.html(d[ELEM_TITLE]);
 347                 l.$image.html("<div id=‘html5lightbox-video‘ style=‘display:block;width:" + e + "px;height:" + f + "px;‘></div>").show();
 348                 var a = false;
 349                 if (l.options.isMobile) {
 350                     a = true
 351                 } else if ((l.options.html5player || !l.options.flashInstalled) && l.options.html5VideoSupported) {
 352                     if ((!l.options.isFirefox) || (l.options.isFirefox && (d[ELEM_HREF_OGG] || d[ELEM_HREF_WEBM]))) a = true
 353                 }
 354                 if (a) {
 355                     var b = d[ELEM_HREF];
 356                     if (l.options.isFirefox || !b) b = d[ELEM_HREF_WEBM] ? d[ELEM_HREF_WEBM] : d[ELEM_HREF_OGG];
 357                     l.embedHTML5Video($("#html5lightbox-video"), e, f, b, l.options.autoplay)
 358                 } else {
 359                     var c = d[ELEM_HREF];
 360                     if ((c.charAt(0) != "/") && (c.substring(0, 5) != "http:") && (c.substring(0, 6) != "https:")) c = l.options.htmlfolder + c;
 361                     l.embedFlash($("#html5lightbox-video"), e, f, l.options.jsfolder + "html5boxplayer.swf", ‘transparent‘, {
 362                         width: e,
 363                         height: f,
 364                         videofile: c,
 365                         autoplay: (l.options.autoplay ? "1" : "0"),
 366                         errorcss: ".html5box-error" + l.options.errorcss,
 367                         id: 0
 368                     })
 369                 }
 370                 l.$elem.show();
 371                 l.showData()
 372             })
 373         };
 374         l.prepareyoukuHref = function (a) {
 375             var b = ‘‘;
 376             var c = /^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\??v?=?))([^#\&\?]*).*/;
 377             var d = a.match(c);
 378             if (d && d[7] && (d[7].length == 11)) b = d[7];
 379             return ‘http://www.youku.com/embed/‘ + b
 380         };
 381         l.showyoukuVimeo = function (b) {
 382             var c = (b[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? b[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480;
 383             var d = (b[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? b[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270;
 384             var e = l.calcElemSize({
 385                 w: c,
 386                 h: d
 387             });
 388             c = e.w;
 389             d = e.h;
 390             l.resizeLightbox(c, d, true,
 391             function () {
 392                 l.$text.css({
 393                     width: l.calcTextWidth(c)
 394                 });
 395                 l.$text.html(b[ELEM_TITLE]);
 396                 l.$image.html("<div id=‘html5lightbox-video‘ style=‘display:block;width:" + c + "px;height:" + d + "px;‘></div>").show();
 397                 var a = b[ELEM_HREF];
 398                 if (b[m] == 3) a = l.prepareyoukuHref(a);
 399                 if (l.options.autoplay) {
 400                     if (a.indexOf("?") < 0) a += "?autoplay=1";
 401                     else a += "&autoplay=1"
 402                 }
 403                 if (b[m] == 3) {
 404                     if (a.indexOf(‘?‘) < 0) a += ‘?wmode=transparent&rel=0‘;
 405                     else a += ‘&wmode=transparent&rel=0‘
 406                 }
 407                 $("#html5lightbox-video").html("<iframe width=‘" + c + "‘ height=‘" + d + "‘ src=‘" + a + "‘ frameborder=‘0‘ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>");
 408                 l.$elem.show();
 409                 l.showData()
 410             })
 411         };
 412         l.showPDF = function (a) { };
 413         l.showMP3 = function (a) { };
 414         l.showWeb = function (a) {
 415             var b = (a[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? a[ELEM_WIDTH] : $(window).width();
 416             var c = (a[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? a[ELEM_HEIGHT] : $(window).height();
 417             var d = l.calcElemSize({
 418                 w: b,
 419                 h: c
 420             });
 421             b = d.w;
 422             c = d.h;
 423             l.resizeLightbox(b, c, true,
 424             function () {
 425                 l.$text.css({
 426                     width: l.calcTextWidth(b)
 427                 });
 428                 l.$text.html(a[ELEM_TITLE]);
 429                 l.$image.html("<div id=‘html5lightbox-web‘ style=‘display:block;width:" + b + "px;height:" + c + "px;‘></div>").show();
 430                 $("#html5lightbox-web").html("<iframe width=‘" + b + "‘ height=‘" + c + "‘ src=‘" + a[ELEM_HREF] + "‘ frameborder=‘0‘></iframe>");
 431                 l.$elem.show();
 432                 l.showData()
 433             })
 434         };
 435         l.scrollBox = function () {
 436             if (!l.options.supportCSSPositionFixed) l.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop())
 437         };
 438         l.resizeWindow = function () {
 439             var a = Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - (l.$lightboxBox.height() + l.options.barheight) / 2);
 440             l.$lightboxBox.animate({
 441                 "margin-top": a
 442             },
 443             l.options.resizespeed)
 444         };
 445         l.calcElemSize = function (a) {
 446             var b = $(window).height() - l.options.barheight - 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 447             if (a.h > b) {
 448                 a.w = Math.round(a.w * b / a.h);
 449                 a.h = b
 450             }
 451             var c = $(window).width() - 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 452             if (a.w > c) {
 453                 a.h = Math.round(a.h * c / a.w);
 454                 a.w = c
 455             }
 456             return a
 457         };
 458         l.showData = function () {
 459             l.$elemData.show();
 460             l.$lightboxBox.animate({
 461                 height: l.$lightboxBox.height() + l.options.barheight
 462             },
 463             {
 464                 queue: true,
 465                 duration: l.options.resizespeed
 466             })
 467         };
 468         l.resizeLightbox = function (a, b, c, d) {
 469             var e = (c) ? l.options.resizespeed : 0;
 470             var f = a + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 471             var g = b + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 472             var h = Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - (g + l.options.barheight) / 2);
 473             if ((f == l.$elemWrap.width()) && (g == l.$elemWrap.height())) e = 0;
 474             l.$loading.hide();
 475             l.$watermark.hide();
 476             l.$lightboxBox.animate({
 477                 "margin-top": h
 478             },
 479             e,
 480             function () {
 481                 l.$lightboxBox.css({
 482                     "width": f,
 483                     "height": g
 484                 });
 485                 l.$elemWrap.animate({
 486                     width: f
 487                 },
 488                 e).animate({
 489                     height: g
 490                 },
 491                 e,
 492                 function () {
 493                     l.$loading.show();
 494                     l.$watermark.show();
 495                     l.$elem.bind("mouseenter mousemove",
 496                     function () {
 497                         if ((l.options.prevElem >= 0) || (l.options.nextElem >= 0)) {
 498                             l.$next.fadeIn();
 499                             l.$prev.fadeIn()
 500                         }
 501                     });
 502                     l.$elem.bind("mouseleave",
 503                     function () {
 504                         l.$next.fadeOut();
 505                         l.$prev.fadeOut()
 506                     });
 507                     d()
 508                 })
 509             })
 510         };
 511         l.reset = function () {
 512             if (l.options.stamp) l.$watermark.hide();
 513             l.showing = false;
 514             l.$image.empty();
 515             l.$text.empty();
 516             l.$error.hide();
 517             l.$loading.hide();
 518             l.$image.hide();
 519             l.$elemData.hide()
 520         };
 521         l.finish = function () {
 522             l.reset();
 523             l.$lightbox.hide();
 524             l.showObjects()
 525         };
 526         l.pauseSlide = function () { };
 527         l.playSlide = function () { };
 528         l.gotoSlide = function (a) {
 529             if (a == -1) {
 530                 if (l.options.nextElem < 0) return;
 531                 l.options.curElem = l.options.nextElem
 532             } else if (a == -2) {
 533                 if (l.options.prevElem < 0) return;
 534                 l.options.curElem = l.options.prevElem
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 536             l.calcNextPrevElem();
 537             l.reset();
 538             l.loadCurElem()
 539         };
 540         l.supportKeyboard = function () {
 541             $(document).keyup(function (e) {
 542                 if (!l.showing) return;
 543                 if (l.options.supportesckey && e.keyCode == 27) {
 544                     l.finish()
 545                 } else if (l.options.supportarrowkeys) {
 546                     if (e.keyCode == 39) l.gotoSlide(-1);
 547                     else if (e.keyCode == 37) l.gotoSlide(-2)
 548                 }
 549             })
 550         };
 551         l.enableSwipe = function () { };
 552         l.hideObjects = function () {
 553             $(‘select, embed, object‘).css({
 554                 ‘visibility‘: ‘hidden‘
 555             })
 556         };
 557         l.showObjects = function () {
 558             $(‘select, embed, object‘).css({
 559                 ‘visibility‘: ‘visible‘
 560             })
 561         };
 562         l.embedHTML5Video = function (a, w, h, b, c) {
 563             a.html("<div style=‘position:absolute;display:block;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;‘><video width=" + w + " height=" + h + ((c) ? " autoplay" : "") + " controls=‘controls‘ src=‘" + b + "‘></div>");
 564             if (l.options.isAndroid) {
 565                 var d = $("<div style=‘position:absolute;display:block;cursor:pointer;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;background:url(\"" + l.options.skinfolder + l.options.playvideoimage + "\") no-repeat center center;‘></div>").appendTo(a);
 566                 d.unbind(‘click‘).click(function () {
 567                     $("video", $(this).parent())[0].play()
 568                 })
 569             }
 570         };
 571         l.embedFlash = function (a, w, h, b, c, d) {
 572             if (l.options.flashInstalled) {
 573                 var e = {
 574                     pluginspage: "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer",
 575                     quality: "high",
 576                     allowFullScreen: "true",
 577                     allowScriptAccess: "always",
 578                     type: "application/x-shockwave-flash"
 579                 };
 580                 e.width = w;
 581                 e.height = h;
 582                 e.src = b;
 583                 e.flashVars = $.param(d);
 584                 e.wmode = c;
 585                 var f = "";
 586                 for (var g in e) f += g + "=" + e[g] + " ";
 587                 a.html("<embed " + f + "/>")
 588             } else {
 589                 a.html("<div class=‘html5lightbox-flash-error‘ style=‘display:block; position:relative;text-align:center; width:" + w + "px; left:0px; top:" + Math.round(h / 2 - 10) + "px;‘><div class=‘html5-error‘><div>The required Adobe Flash Player plugin is not installed</div><br /><div style=‘display:block;position:relative;text-align:center;width:112px;height:33px;margin:0px auto;‘><a href=‘http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer‘><img src=‘http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif‘ alt=‘Get Adobe Flash player‘ width=‘112‘ height=‘33‘></img></a></div></div>")
 590             }
 591         };
 592         l.checkType = function (a) {
 593             if (!a) return -1;
 594             if (a.match(/\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(.*)?$/i)) return 0;
 595             if (a.match(/[^\.]\.(swf)\s*$/i)) return 1;
 596             if (a.match(/\.(flv|mp4|m4v|ogv|ogg|webm)(.*)?$/i)) return 2;
 597             if ((a.match(/\:\/\/.*(youku\.com)/i)) || (a.match(/\:\/\/.*(youtu\.be)/i))) return 3;
 598             if (a.match(/\:\/\/.*(vimeo\.com)/i)) return 4;
 599             if (a.match(/[^\.]\.(pdf)\s*$/i)) return 5;
 600             if (a.match(/[^\.]\.(mp3)\s*$/i)) return 6;
 601             return 7
 602         };
 603         l.showLightbox = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
 604             l.$next.hide();
 605             l.$prev.hide();
 606             l.reset();
 607             l.$lightbox.show();
 608             if (!l.options.supportCSSPositionFixed) l.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop());
 609             var h = l.options.loadingwidth + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 610             var i = l.options.loadingheight + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 611             var j = Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - (i + l.options.barheight) / 2);
 612             l.$lightboxBox.css({
 613                 "margin-top": j,
 614                 "width": h,
 615                 "height": i
 616             });
 617             l.$elemWrap.css({
 618                 "width": h,
 619                 "height": i
 620             });
 621             l.loadElem(new Array(a, b, c, null, d, e, f, g))
 622         };
 623         l.addItem = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
 624             type = l.checkType(a);
 625             l.elemArray.push(new Array(type, a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
 626         };
 627         l.showItem = function (a) {
 628             if (l.elemArray.length <= 0) return true;
 629             l.hideObjects();
 630             for (var i = 0; i < l.elemArray.length; i++) {
 631                 if (l.elemArray[i][ELEM_HREF] == a) break
 632             }
 633             if (i == l.elemArray.length) return true;
 634             l.options.curElem = i;
 635             l.options.nextElem = -1;
 636             l.options.prevElem = -1;
 637             l.calcNextPrevElem();
 638             l.$next.hide();
 639             l.$prev.hide();
 640             l.reset();
 641             l.$lightbox.show();
 642             if (!l.options.supportCSSPositionFixed) l.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop());
 643             var b = l.options.loadingwidth + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 644             var c = l.options.loadingheight + 2 * l.options.bordersize;
 645             var d = Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - (c + l.options.barheight) / 2);
 646             l.$lightboxBox.css({
 647                 "margin-top": d,
 648                 "width": b,
 649                 "height": c
 650             });
 651             l.$elemWrap.css({
 652                 "width": b,
 653                 "height": c
 654             });
 655             l.loadCurElem();
 656             return false
 657         };
 658         l.init();
 659         return l.unbind(‘click‘).click(l.clickHandler)
 660     }
 661 })(jQuery);
 662 function ASTimer(a, b, c) {
 663     var d = 50;
 664     var e = null;
 665     var f = 0;
 666     var g = false;
 667     var h = false;
 668     this.pause = function () {
 669         if (h) {
 670             g = true;
 671             clearInterval(e)
 672         }
 673     };
 674     this.resume = function () {
 675         if (h && g) {
 676             g = false;
 677             e = setInterval(function () {
 678                 f += d;
 679                 if (f > a) {
 680                     clearInterval(e);
 681                     if (b) b()
 682                 }
 683                 if (c) c(f / a)
 684             },
 685             d)
 686         }
 687     };
 688     this.stop = function () {
 689         clearInterval(e);
 690         if (c) c(-1);
 691         f = 0;
 692         g = false;
 693         h = false
 694     };
 695     this.start = function () {
 696         f = 0;
 697         g = false;
 698         h = true;
 699         e = setInterval(function () {
 700             f += d;
 701             if (f > a) {
 702                 clearInterval(e);
 703                 if (b) b()
 704             }
 705             if (c) c(f / a)
 706         },
 707         d)
 708     }
 709 }
 710 var ASPlatforms = {
 711     flashInstalled: function () {
 712         var a = false;
 713         try {
 714             if (new ActiveXObject(‘ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash‘)) a = true
 715         } catch (e) {
 716             if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]) a = true
 717         }
 718         return a
 719     },
 720     html5VideoSupported: function () {
 721         return (!!document.createElement(‘video‘).canPlayType)
 722     },
 723     isChrome: function () {
 724         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/i) != null)
 725     },
 726     isFirefox: function () {
 727         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/i) != null)
 728     },
 729     isOpera: function () {
 730         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera/i) != null)
 731     },
 732     isSafari: function () {
 733         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/i) != null)
 734     },
 735     isAndroid: function () {
 736         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) != null)
 737     },
 738     isIPad: function () {
 739         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null)
 740     },
 741     isIPhone: function () {
 742         return ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) != null) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null))
 743     },
 744     isIOS: function () {
 745         return this.isIPad() || this.isIPhone()
 746     },
 747     isIE9: function () {
 748         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) != null) && this.html5VideoSupported() && !this.isOpera()
 749     },
 750     isIE8: function () {
 751         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8/i) != null) && !this.isOpera()
 752     },
 753     isIE7: function () {
 754         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 7/i) != null) && !this.isOpera()
 755     },
 756     isIE6: function () {
 757         return (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 6/i) != null) && !this.isOpera()
 758     },
 759     isIE678: function () {
 760         return this.isIE6() || this.isIE7() || this.isIE8()
 761     },
 762     css33dTransformSupported: function () {
 763         return !this.isIE6() && !this.isIE7() && !this.isIE8() && !this.isIE9() && !this.isOpera()
 764     },
 765     applyBrowserStyles: function (a, b) {
 766         var c = {};
 767         for (var d in a) {
 768             c[d] = a[d];
 769             c[‘-webkit-‘ + d] = (b) ? ‘-webkit-‘ + a[d] : a[d];
 770             c[‘-moz-‘ + d] = (b) ? ‘-moz-‘ + a[d] : a[d];
 771             c[‘-ms-‘ + d] = (b) ? ‘-ms-‘ + a[d] : a[d];
 772             c[‘-o-‘ + d] = (b) ? ‘-o-‘ + a[d] : a[d]
 773         }
 774         return c
 775     }
 776 }; (function ($) {
 777     $.fn.html5zoo = function (G) {
 778         var H = 0,
 779         ELEM_SRC = 1,
 780         ELEM_TITLE = 2,
 781         ELEM_DESCRIPTION = 3,
 782         ELEM_LINK = 4,
 783         ELEM_TARGET = 5,
 784         ELEM_VIDEO = 6,
 785         ELEM_THUMBNAIL = 7,
 786         ELEM_LIGHTBOX = 8,
 787         ELEM_LIGHTBOXWIDTH = 9,
 788         ELEM_LIGHTBOXHEIGHT = 10;
 789         var I = 1,
 790         TYPE_SWF = 2,
 791         TYPE_MP3 = 3,
 792         TYPE_PDF = 4,
 793         TYPE_VIDEO_FLASH = 5,
 794         TYPE_VIDEO_MP4 = 6,
 795         TYPE_VIDEO_OGG = 7,
 796         TYPE_VIDEO_WEBM = 8,
 797         TYPE_VIDEO_youku = 9,
 798         TYPE_VIDEO_VIMEO = 10;
 799         var J = function (a, b, c) {
 800             this.container = a;
 801             this.options = b;
 802             this.id = c;
 803             this.transitionTimeout = null;
 804             this.arrowTimeout = null;
 805             this.lightboxArray = [];
 806             this.elemArray = [];
 807             this.container.children().hide();
 808             this.container.css({
 809                 "display": "block",
 810                 "position": "relative"
 811             });
 812             this.initData(this.init)
 813         };
 814         J.prototype = {
 815             initData: function (a) {
 816                 this.readTags();
 817                 a(this)
 818             },
 819             readTags: function () {
 820                 var m = this;
 821                 $(‘.html5zoo-slides‘, this.container).find(‘li‘).each(function () {
 822                     var a = $(‘img‘, $(this));
 823                     if (a.length > 0) {
 824                         var b = (a.data("src") && (a.data("src").length > 0)) ? a.data("src") : ‘‘;
 825                         var c = (a.attr("src") && (a.attr("src").length > 0)) ? a.attr("src") : b;
 826                         var d = (a.attr("alt") && (a.attr("alt").length > 0)) ? a.attr("alt") : ‘‘;
 827                         var e = (a.data("description") && (a.data("description").length > 0)) ? a.data("description") : ‘‘;
 828                         var f = (a.parent() && a.parent().is("a")) ? a.parent().attr("href") : ‘‘;
 829                         var g = (a.parent() && a.parent().is("a")) ? a.parent().attr("target") : ‘‘;
 830                         var h = (a.parent() && a.parent().is("a")) ? a.parent().hasClass("html5lightbox") : false;
 831                         var i = (a.parent() && h) ? a.parent().data("width") : 0;
 832                         var j = (a.parent() && h) ? a.parent().data("height") : 0;
 833                         var k = [];
 834                         if ($(‘video‘, $(this)).length > 0) {
 835                             $(‘video‘, $(this)).each(function () {
 836                                 k.push({
 837                                     href: $(this).attr(‘src‘),
 838                                     type: m.checkVideoType($(this).attr(‘src‘))
 839                                 })
 840                             })
 841                         }
 842                         var l = new Array(m.elemArray.length, c, d, e, f, g, k, "", h, i, j);
 843                         m.elemArray.push(l);
 844                         if (h) m.lightboxArray.push(l)
 845                     }
 846                 });
 847                 $(‘.html5zoo-thumbnails‘, this.container).find(‘li‘).each(function (a) {
 848                     var b = $(‘img‘, $(this));
 849                     if ((b.length > 0) && (m.elemArray.length > a)) {
 850                         var c = (b.data("src") && (b.data("src").length > 0)) ? b.data("src") : ‘‘;
 851                         var d = (b.attr("src") && (b.attr("src").length > 0)) ? b.attr("src") : c;
 852                         m.elemArray[a][ELEM_THUMBNAIL] = d
 853                     }
 854                 });
 855                 if (this.options.shownumbering) {
 856                     for (var i = 0; i < this.elemArray.length; i++) {
 857                         var n = this.options.numberingformat.replace("%NUM", i + 1).replace("%TOTAL", this.elemArray.length);
 858                         this.elemArray[i][ELEM_TITLE] = n + this.elemArray[i][ELEM_TITLE]
 859                     }
 860                 }
 861             },
 862             init: function (a) {
 863                 if (a.elemArray.length <= 0) return;
 864                 a.isAnimating = false;
 865                 a.isPaused = !a.options.autoplay;
 866                 a.tempPaused = false;
 867                 a.initVideoApi();
 868                 a.createMarkup();
 869                 a.createStyle();
 870                 a.createNav();
 871                 a.createArrows();
 872                 a.createBottomShadow();
 873                 a.createBackgroundImage();
 874                 a.createText();
 875                 a.createSliderTimeout();
 876                 a.createWatermark();
 877                 a.createRibbon();
 878                 a.createGoogleFonts();
 879                 a.initHtml5Lightbox();
 880                 a.curElem = -1;
 881                 a.prevElem = -1;
 882                 a.nextElem = -1;
 883                 a.firstslide = true;
 884                 a.loopCount = 0;
 885                 a.pauseCarousel = false;
 886                 var b = 0;
 887                 var c = a.getParams();
 888                 var d = parseInt(c["firstslideid"]);
 889                 if (!isNaN(d) && (d >= 1) && (d <= a.elemArray.length)) b = d - 1;
 890                 else if (a.options.randomplay) b = Math.floor(Math.random() * a.elemArray.length);
 891                 a.slideRun(b)
 892             },
 893             getParams: function () {
 894                 var a = {};
 895                 var b = window.location.search.substring(1).split("&");
 896                 for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
 897                     var c = b[i].split("=");
 898                     if (c && (c.length == 2)) a[c[0].toLowerCase()] = unescape(c[1])
 899                 }
 900                 return a
 901             },
 902             initHtml5Lightbox: function () {
 903                 var i;
 904                 if (this.lightboxArray.length > 0) {
 905                     var a = (this.options.skinsfoldername.length > 0) ? (this.options.skinsfoldername + ‘/‘) : ‘‘;
 906                     this.html5Lightbox = $([]).html5lightbox({
 907                         jsfolder: this.options.jsfolder,
 908                         skinfolder: a
 909                     });
 910                     for (i = 0; i < this.lightboxArray.length; i++) {
 911                         this.html5Lightbox.addItem(this.lightboxArray[i][ELEM_LINK], this.lightboxArray[i][ELEM_TITLE], ‘html5zoo‘ + this.id, this.lightboxArray[i][ELEM_LIGHTBOXWIDTH], this.lightboxArray[i][ELEM_LIGHTBOXHEIGHT], null, null)
 912                     }
 913                 }
 914             },
 915             createGoogleFonts: function () {
 916                 if (this.options.previewmode) return;
 917                 if (this.options.addfonts && this.options.fonts && this.options.fonts.length > 0) { }
 918             },
 919             createRibbon: function () {
 920                 if (!this.options.showribbon || (this.options.ribbonimage.length <= 0)) return;
 921                 $(".html5zoo-ribbon-" + this.id, this.container).html("<img src=‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.ribbonimage + "‘ style=‘border:none;‘ />")
 922             },
 923             createWatermark: function () {
 924                 if (!this.options.showwatermark) return;
 925                 if ((this.options.watermarkstyle == ‘text‘) && (this.options.watermarktext.length <= 0)) return;
 926                 if ((this.options.watermarkstyle == ‘image‘) && (this.options.watermarkimage.length <= 0)) return;
 927                 var a = ‘‘;
 928                 if (this.options.watermarklink) {
 929                     a += "<a href=‘" + this.options.watermarklink + "‘ style=‘" + this.options.watermarklinkcss + "‘";
 930                     if (this.options.watermarktarget) a += " target=‘" + this.options.watermarktarget + "‘";
 931                     a += ">"
 932                 }
 933                 if (this.options.watermarkstyle == ‘text‘) {
 934                     a += this.options.watermarktext
 935                 } else if (this.options.watermarkstyle == ‘image‘) {
 936                     a += "<img src=‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.watermarkimage + "‘ style=‘border:none;‘ />"
 937                 }
 938                 if (this.options.watermarklink) a += "</a>";
 939                 $(".html5zoo-watermark-" + this.id, this.container).html(a)
 940             },
 941             initVideoApi: function () {
 942                 var i, j, videos;
 943                 var a = false,
 944                 initVimeo = false;
 945                 for (i = 0; i < this.elemArray.length; i++) {
 946                     videos = this.elemArray[i][ELEM_VIDEO];
 947                     for (j = 0; j < videos.length; j++) {
 948                         if (videos[j].type == TYPE_VIDEO_youku) a = true;
 949                         else if (videos[j].type == TYPE_VIDEO_VIMEO) initVimeo = true
 950                     }
 951                 }
 952                 if (a) {
 953                     var b = document.createElement(‘script‘);
 954                     b.src = (‘https:‘ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https‘ : ‘http‘) + "://www.youku.com/iframe_api";
 955                     var c = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script‘)[0];
 956                     c.parentNode.insertBefore(b, c)
 957                 }
 958                 if (initVimeo) {
 959                     var b = document.createElement(‘script‘);
 960                     b.src = this.options.jsfolder + "froogaloop2.min.js";
 961                     var c = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script‘)[0];
 962                     c.parentNode.insertBefore(b, c)
 963                 }
 964             },
 965             createSliderTimeout: function () {
 966                 var b = this;
 967                 this.sliderTimeout = new ASTimer(this.options.slideinterval,
 968                 function () {
 969                     b.slideRun(-1)
 970                 },
 971                 ((this.options.showtimer) ? (function (a) {
 972                     b.updateTimer(a)
 973                 }) : null));
 974                 if (b.options.pauseonmouseover) {
 975                     $(".html5zoo-slider-" + this.id, this.container).hover(function () {
 976                         if (!b.isPaused) b.sliderTimeout.pause()
 977                     },
 978                     function () {
 979                         if (!b.isPaused) b.sliderTimeout.resume()
 980                     })
 981                 }
 982                 if (b.options.showtimer) $(".html5zoo-timer-" + b.id, b.container).css({
 983                     display: ‘block‘,
 984                     position: ‘absolute‘,
 985                     left: ‘0px‘,
 986                     top: ((b.options.timerposition == ‘bottom‘) ? ‘‘ : ‘0px‘),
 987                     bottom: ((b.options.timerposition == ‘bottom‘) ? ‘0px‘ : ‘‘),
 988                     width: ‘0%‘,
 989                     height: b.options.timerheight + ‘px‘,
 990                     ‘background-color‘: b.options.timercolor,
 991                     opacity: b.options.timeropacity,
 992                     filter: ‘alpha(opacity=‘ + Math.round(100 * b.options.timeropacity) + ‘)‘
 993                 })
 994             },
 995             updateTimer: function (a) {
 996                 w = Math.round(a * 100) + 1;
 997                 if (w > 100) w = 100;
 998                 if (w < 0) w = 0;
 999                 $(".html5zoo-timer-" + this.id, this.container).css({
1000                     width: w + ‘%‘
1001                 })
1002             },
1003             createMarkup: function () {
1004                 this.$wrapper = jQuery("<div class=‘html5zoo-wrapper-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-background-image-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-bottom-shadow-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-slider-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-box-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-swipe-box-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-space-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-img-box-" + this.id + "‘></div></div></div><div class=‘html5zoo-text-wrapper-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-play-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-video-wrapper-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-ribbon-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-arrow-left-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-arrow-right-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-timer-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-watermark-" + this.id + "‘></div></div><div class=‘html5zoo-nav-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-nav-container-" + this.id + "‘></div></div></div>");
1005                 this.$wrapper.appendTo(this.container);
1006                 var a = this;
1007                 if (this.options.enabletouchswipe) {
1008                     $(".html5zoo-swipe-box-" + this.id, this.container).touchSwipe({
1009                         swipeLeft: function () {
1010                             a.slideRun(-1)
1011                         },
1012                         swipeRight: function () {
1013                             a.slideRun(-2)
1014                         }
1015                     })
1016                 }
1017                 $(".html5zoo-play-" + this.id, this.container).click(function () {
1018                     a.playVideo(true)
1019                 })
1020             },
1021             playVideo: function (a) {
1022                 var b = this.elemArray[this.curElem][ELEM_VIDEO];
1023                 if (b.length <= 0) return;
1024                 this.sliderTimeout.stop();
1025                 this.tempPaused = true;
1026                 var c = b[0].href;
1027                 var d = b[0].type;
1028                 if (d == TYPE_VIDEO_youku) this.playyoukuVideo(c, a);
1029                 else if (d == TYPE_VIDEO_VIMEO) this.playVimeoVideo(c, a)
1030             },
1031             playVimeoVideo: function (b, c) {
1032                 var d = $(".html5zoo-video-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container);
1033                 d.css({
1034                     display: ‘block‘,
1035                     width: ‘100%‘,
1036                     height: ‘100%‘
1037                 });
1038                 if (this.options.previewmode) {
1039                     d.html("<div class=‘html5zoo-error-" + this.id + "‘>To view Vimeo video, publish the slider then open it in your web browser</div>");
1040                     return
1041                 } else {
1042                     var e = b + ((b.indexOf("?") < 0) ? ‘?‘ : ‘&‘) + ‘autoplay=‘ + (c ? ‘1‘ : ‘0‘) + ‘&api=1&player_id=html5zoo_vimeo_‘ + this.id;
1043                     d.html("<iframe id=‘html5zoo_vimeo_" + this.id + "‘ width=‘" + this.options.width + "‘ height=‘" + this.options.height + "‘ src=‘" + e + "‘ frameborder=‘0‘ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>");
1044                     var f = $(‘#html5zoo_vimeo_‘ + this.id)[0];
1045                     var g = $f(f);
1046                     var h = this;
1047                     g.addEvent(‘ready‘,
1048                     function () {
1049                         g.addEvent(‘finish‘,
1050                         function (a) {
1051                             h.tempPaused = false;
1052                             if (!h.isPaused) h.slideRun(-1)
1053                         })
1054                     })
1055                 }
1056             },
1057             playyoukuVideo: function (b, c) {
1058                 var d = $(".html5zoo-video-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container);
1059                 d.css({
1060                     display: ‘block‘,
1061                     width: ‘100%‘,
1062                     height: ‘100%‘
1063                 });
1064                 if (this.options.previewmode) {
1065                     d.html("<div class=‘html5zoo-error-" + this.id + "‘>To view youku video, publish the slider then open it in your web browser</div>");
1066                     return
1067                 }
1068                 var e = this;
1069                 if (!ASyoukuIframeAPIReady) {
1070                     ASyoukuTimeout += 100;
1071                     if (ASyoukuTimeout < 3000) {
1072                         setTimeout(function () {
1073                             e.playyoukuVideo(b, c)
1074                         },
1075                         100);
1076                         return
1077                     }
1078                 }
1079                 if (ASyoukuIframeAPIReady && !ASPlatforms.isIE6() && !ASPlatforms.isIE7() && !ASPlatforms.isIOS()) {
1080                     d.html("<div id=‘html5zoo-video-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:block;‘></div>");
1081                     var f = b.match(/(\?v=|\/\d\/|\/embed\/|\/v\/|\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/)[2];
1082                     new YT.Player(‘html5zoo-video-‘ + this.id, {
1083                         width: e.options.width,
1084                         height: e.options.height,
1085                         videoId: f,
1086                         playerVars: {
1087                             ‘autoplay‘: 1,
1088                             ‘rel‘: 0,
1089                             ‘autohide‘: 1,
1090                             ‘wmode‘: ‘transparent‘
1091                         },
1092                         events: {
1093                             ‘onReady‘: function (a) {
1094                                 a.target.playVideo()
1095                             },
1096                             ‘onStateChange‘: function (a) {
1097                                 if (a.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
1098                                     e.tempPaused = false;
1099                                     if (!e.isPaused) e.slideRun(-1)
1100                                 }
1101                             }
1102                         }
1103                     })
1104                 } else {
1105                     var g = b + ((b.indexOf("?") < 0) ? ‘?‘ : ‘&‘) + "autoplay=1&wmode=transparent&rel=0&autohide=1";
1106                     d.html("<iframe width=‘" + e.options.width + "‘ height=‘" + e.options.height + "‘ src=‘" + g + "‘ frameborder=‘0‘ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>")
1107                 }
1108             },
1109             checkVideoType: function (a) {
1110                 if (!a) return -1;
1111                 if (a.match(/\.(flv)(.*)?$/i)) return TYPE_VIDEO_FLASH;
1112                 if (a.match(/\.(mp4|m4v)(.*)?$/i)) return TYPE_VIDEO_MP4;
1113                 if (a.match(/\.(ogv|ogg)(.*)?$/i)) return TYPE_VIDEO_OGG;
1114                 if (a.match(/\.(webm)(.*)?$/i)) return TYPE_VIDEO_WEBM;
1115                 if ((a.match(/\:\/\/.*(youku\.com)/i)) || (a.match(/\:\/\/.*(youtu\.be)/i))) return TYPE_VIDEO_youku;
1116                 if (a.match(/\:\/\/.*(vimeo\.com)/i)) return TYPE_VIDEO_VIMEO;
1117                 return 0
1118             },
1119             createText: function () {
1120                 if (this.options.textstyle == ‘none‘) return;
1121                 var m = this;
1122                 var n = $(".html5zoo-text-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container);
1123                 if (this.options.textstyle == ‘static‘) {
1124                     n.html("<div class=‘html5zoo-text-" + this.id + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-text-bg-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-title-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-description-" + this.id + "‘></div></div>");
1125                     n.css({
1126                         display: ((this.options.textautohide) ? ‘none‘ : ‘block‘),
1127                         overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1128                         width: ‘100%‘,
1129                         height: ‘auto‘,
1130                         position: ‘absolute‘
1131                     });
1132                     if (this.options.textautohide) {
1133                         $(".html5zoo-slider-" + this.id, this.container).hover(function () {
1134                             $(".html5zoo-text-wrapper-" + m.id, m.container).fadeIn()
1135                         },
1136                         function () {
1137                             $(".html5zoo-text-wrapper-" + m.id, m.container).fadeOut()
1138                         })
1139                     }
1140                     switch (this.options.textpositionstatic) {
1141                         case ‘top‘:
1142                             n.css({
1143                                 left:
1144                                 ‘0px‘,
1145                                 top: ‘0px‘,
1146                                 ‘margin-top‘: this.options.textpositionmarginstatic + ‘px‘
1147                             });
1148                             break;
1149                         case ‘bottom‘:
1150                             n.css({
1151                                 left:
1152                                 ‘0px‘,
1153                                 bottom: ‘0px‘,
1154                                 ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.textpositionmarginstatic + ‘px‘
1155                             });
1156                             break;
1157                         case ‘topoutside‘:
1158                             n.css({
1159                                 left:
1160                                 ‘0px‘,
1161                                 bottom: ‘100%‘,
1162                                 ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.textpositionmarginstatic + ‘px‘
1163                             });
1164                             break;
1165                         case ‘bottomoutside‘:
1166                             n.css({
1167                                 left:
1168                                 ‘0px‘,
1169                                 top: ‘100%‘,
1170                                 ‘margin-top‘: this.options.textpositionmarginstatic + ‘px‘
1171                             });
1172                             break
1173                     }
1174                 } else {
1175                     n.html("<div class=‘html5zoo-text-holding-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘visibility:hidden;" + this.options.textcss + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-text-bg-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-title-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-description-" + this.id + "‘></div></div><div class=‘html5zoo-text-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:absolute;top:0%;left:0%;" + (ASPlatforms.isIE678() ? "opacity:inherit;filter:inherit;" : "") + "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-text-bg-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-title-" + this.id + "‘></div><div class=‘html5zoo-description-" + this.id + "‘></div></div>");
1176                     n.css({
1177                         display: ‘none‘,
1178                         overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1179                         position: ‘absolute‘
1180                     })
1181                 }
1182                 $("head").append("<style type=‘text/css‘>.html5zoo-text-" + this.id + " {" + this.options.textcss + "} .html5zoo-text-bg-" + this.id + " {" + this.options.textbgcss + "} .html5zoo-title-" + this.id + " {" + this.options.titlecss + "} .html5zoo-description-" + this.id + " {" + this.options.descriptioncss + "} </style>");
1183                 this.container.bind(‘html5zoo.switchtext‘,
1184                 function (f, g, h) {
1185                     var i = $(".html5zoo-text-wrapper-" + m.id, m.container);
1186                     var j = $(".html5zoo-text-bg-" + m.id, m.container);
1187                     var k = $(".html5zoo-title-" + m.id, m.container);
1188                     var l = $(".html5zoo-description-" + m.id, m.container);
1189                     if (m.options.textstyle == ‘static‘) {
1190                         k.html(m.elemArray[h][ELEM_TITLE]);
1191                         l.html(m.elemArray[h][ELEM_DESCRIPTION]);
1192                         if (!m.elemArray[h][ELEM_TITLE] && !m.elemArray[h][ELEM_DESCRIPTION]) j.hide();
1193                         else j.show()
1194                     } else if (m.options.textstyle == ‘dynamic‘) {
1195                         if (!m.elemArray[h][ELEM_TITLE] && !m.elemArray[h][ELEM_DESCRIPTION]) i.fadeOut();
1196                         else {
1197                             i.fadeOut(function () {
1198                                 var a = ‘bottomleft‘;
1199                                 var b = m.options.textpositiondynamic;
1200                                 if (b) {
1201                                     b = b.split(",");
1202                                     a = b[Math.floor(Math.random() * b.length)];
1203                                     a = $.trim(a.toLowerCase())
1204                                 }
1205                                 switch (a) {
1206                                     case ‘topleft‘:
1207                                         i.css({
1208                                             left:
1209                                             ‘0px‘,
1210                                             right: ‘‘,
1211                                             top: ‘0px‘,
1212                                             bottom: ‘‘
1213                                         });
1214                                         i.css({
1215                                             margin: m.options.textpositionmargintop + ‘px ‘ + m.options.textpositionmarginleft + ‘px‘
1216                                         });
1217                                         break;
1218                                     case ‘topright‘:
1219                                         i.css({
1220                                             left:
1221                                             ‘‘,
1222                                             right: ‘0px‘,
1223                                             top: ‘0px‘,
1224                                             bottom: ‘‘
1225                                         });
1226                                         i.css({
1227                                             margin: m.options.textpositionmargintop + ‘px ‘ + m.options.textpositionmarginright + ‘px‘
1228                                         });
1229                                         break;
1230                                     case ‘bottomleft‘:
1231                                         i.css({
1232                                             left:
1233                                             ‘0px‘,
1234                                             right: ‘‘,
1235                                             top: ‘‘,
1236                                             bottom: ‘0px‘
1237                                         });
1238                                         i.css({
1239                                             margin: m.options.textpositionmarginbottom + ‘px ‘ + m.options.textpositionmarginleft + ‘px‘
1240                                         });
1241                                         break;
1242                                     case ‘bottomright‘:
1243                                         i.css({
1244                                             left:
1245                                             ‘‘,
1246                                             right: ‘0px‘,
1247                                             top: ‘‘,
1248                                             bottom: ‘0px‘
1249                                         });
1250                                         i.css({
1251                                             margin: m.options.textpositionmarginbottom + ‘px ‘ + m.options.textpositionmarginright + ‘px‘
1252                                         });
1253                                         break
1254                                 }
1255                                 k.html(m.elemArray[h][ELEM_TITLE]);
1256                                 l.html(m.elemArray[h][ELEM_DESCRIPTION]);
1257                                 var c = null;
1258                                 var d = m.options.texteffect;
1259                                 if (d) {
1260                                     d = d.split(",");
1261                                     c = d[Math.floor(Math.random() * d.length)];
1262                                     c = $.trim(c.toLowerCase())
1263                                 }
1264                                 var e = $(".html5zoo-text-" + m.id, m.container);
1265                                 switch (c) {
1266                                     case ‘fade‘:
1267                                         e.hide();
1268                                         i.show();
1269                                         e.delay(500).fadeIn(m.options.texteffectduration);
1270                                         break;
1271                                     case ‘slide‘:
1272                                         e.css({
1273                                             left:
1274                                             ‘-100%‘,
1275                                             opacity: 0,
1276                                             display: ‘block‘
1277                                         });
1278                                         i.show();
1279                                         e.delay(500).animate({
1280                                             left: ‘0%‘,
1281                                             opacity: 1
1282                                         },
1283                                         m.options.texteffectduration, m.options.texteffecteasing);
1284                                         break;
1285                                     default:
1286                                         e.delay(500).show()
1287                                 }
1288                             })
1289                         }
1290                     }
1291                 })
1292             },
1293             createStyle: function () {
1294                 $(".html5zoo-space-" + this.id, this.container).html("<img style=‘width:100%;max-width:100%;‘ src=‘" + this.elemArray[0][ELEM_SRC] + "‘ />");
1295                 if (this.options.isresponsive) this.container.css({
1296                     "max-width": this.options.width,
1297                     "max-height": this.options.height
1298                 });
1299                 else this.container.css({
1300                     "width": this.options.width,
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1342                         case ‘bottomright‘:
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1347                         case ‘bottom‘:
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1361             createBottomShadow: function () {
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1369                     top: this.options.bottomshadowimagetop + ‘%‘,
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1371                     height: ‘auto‘
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1375             createBackgroundImage: function () {
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1383                     top: this.options.backgroundimagetop + ‘%‘,
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1385                     height: ‘auto‘
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1399                     height: this.options.arrowheight + ‘px‘,
1400                     left: this.options.arrowmargin + ‘px‘,
1401                     top: this.options.arrowtop + ‘%‘,
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1414                 function () {
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1420                     a.slideRun(-2)
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1428                     right: this.options.arrowmargin + ‘px‘,
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1442                 function () {
1443                     $(this).css({
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1447                 c.click(function () {
1448                     a.slideRun(-1)
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1452                         display: ‘block‘
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1459                         display: ‘none‘
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1462                         display: ‘none‘
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1464                     $(".html5zoo-slider-" + this.id, this.container).hover(function () {
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1468                             $(".html5zoo-arrow-right-" + a.id, a.container).show()
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1471                             $(".html5zoo-arrow-right-" + a.id, a.container).fadeIn()
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1474                     function () {
1475                         a.arrowTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
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1478                                 $(".html5zoo-arrow-right-" + a.id, a.container).hide()
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1481                                 $(".html5zoo-arrow-right-" + a.id, a.container).fadeOut()
1482                             }
1483                         },
1484                         a.options.arrowhideonmouseleave)
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1489                 var a = $(".html5zoo-nav-container-" + this.id, this.container);
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1522                     easing: "easeOutCirc"
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1560                     easing: "easeOutCirc"
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1571                             cursor: ‘‘
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1573                         $(".html5zoo-car-left-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, true)
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1575                         $(".html5zoo-car-left-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).css({
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1577                             cursor: ‘pointer‘
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1579                         $(".html5zoo-car-left-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, false)
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1584                             cursor: ‘‘
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1586                         $(".html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, true)
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1590                             cursor: ‘pointer‘
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1592                         $(".html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, false)
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1598                             cursor: ‘‘
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1600                         $(".html5zoo-car-left-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, true)
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1603                             ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘,
1604                             cursor: ‘pointer‘
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1608                     if ((l == (a.width() - b.width()))) {
1609                         $(".html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).css({
1610                             ‘background-position‘: ‘right bottom‘,
1611                             cursor: ‘‘
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1615                         $(".html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).css({
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1617                             cursor: ‘pointer‘
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1619                         $(".html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + this.id, this.container).data(‘disabled‘, false)
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1623             createNav: function () {
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1655                         if (this.options.navshowarrow) {
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1657                             k += 2 * this.options.navwidth + this.options.navspacing
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1659                         if (this.options.navshowplaypause && !this.options.navshowplaypausestandalone) {
1660                             k += (k > 0) ? this.options.navspacing : 0;
1661                             k += this.options.navwidth
1662                         }
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1670                 var o = 0;
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1681                     height: ‘auto‘
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1692                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1693                             ‘width‘: ‘100%‘,
1694                             top: ‘0%‘,
1695                             left: ‘0px‘,
1696                             ‘margin-top‘: t + ‘px‘
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1698                         break;
1699                     case ‘topleft‘:
1700                         j.css({
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1702                             q + ‘px‘
1703                         });
1704                         g.css({
1705                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
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1708                             left: ‘0px‘,
1709                             ‘margin-top‘: t + ‘px‘,
1710                             ‘margin-left‘: s + ‘px‘
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1712                         break;
1713                     case ‘topright‘:
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1716                             q + ‘px‘
1717                         });
1718                         g.css({
1719                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1720                             ‘max-width‘: ‘100%‘,
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1723                             ‘margin-top‘: t + ‘px‘,
1724                             ‘margin-right‘: s + ‘px‘
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1731                             "margin-right": ‘auto‘,
1732                             ‘margin-top‘: o + ‘px‘
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1738                             left: ‘0px‘,
1739                             ‘margin-top‘: String(t - o) + ‘px‘
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1741                         break;
1742                     case ‘bottomleft‘:
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1744                             ‘margin-top‘:
1745                             o + ‘px‘
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1747                         g.css({
1748                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
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1753                             ‘margin-top‘: String(t - o) + ‘px‘,
1754                             ‘margin-left‘: s + ‘px‘
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1756                         break;
1757                     case ‘bottomright‘:
1758                         j.css({
1759                             ‘margin-top‘:
1760                             o + ‘px‘
1761                         });
1762                         g.css({
1763                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1764                             ‘max-width‘: ‘100%‘,
1765                             bottom: ‘0px‘,
1766                             right: ‘0px‘,
1767                             ‘margin-bottom‘: t + ‘px‘,
1768                             ‘margin-top‘: String(t - o) + ‘px‘,
1769                             ‘margin-right‘: s + ‘px‘
1770                         });
1771                         break;
1772                     case ‘left‘:
1773                         j.css({
1774                             ‘width‘:
1775                             q + ‘px‘
1776                         });
1777                         g.css({
1778                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1779                             ‘height‘: ‘100%‘,
1780                             width: q + ‘px‘,
1781                             top: ‘0%‘,
1782                             left: ‘0%‘,
1783                             ‘margin-left‘: s + ‘px‘
1784                         });
1785                         h.css({
1786                             display: ‘block‘,
1787                             position: ‘absolute‘,
1788                             top: ‘0px‘,
1789                             bottom: ‘0px‘,
1790                             left: ‘0px‘,
1791                             right: ‘0px‘,
1792                             height: ‘auto‘
1793                         });
1794                         break;
1795                     case ‘right‘:
1796                         j.css({
1797                             ‘margin-left‘:
1798                             o + ‘px‘
1799                         });
1800                         g.css({
1801                             overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1802                             ‘height‘: ‘100%‘,
1803                             width: q + ‘px‘,
1804                             top: ‘0%‘,
1805                             left: ‘100%‘,
1806                             ‘margin-left‘: String(s - o) + ‘px‘
1807                         });
1808                         h.css({
1809                             display: ‘block‘,
1810                             position: ‘absolute‘,
1811                             top: ‘0px‘,
1812                             bottom: ‘0px‘,
1813                             left: ‘0px‘,
1814                             right: ‘0px‘,
1815                             height: ‘auto‘
1816                         });
1817                         break
1818                 }
1819                 if (this.options.navstyle != ‘none‘) {
1820                     var u;
1821                     for (i = 0; i < this.elemArray.length; i++) {
1822                         u = this.createNavBullet(i);
1823                         j.append(u)
1824                     }
1825                     g.mouseenter(function () {
1826                         f.pauseCarousel = true
1827                     });
1828                     g.mouseleave(function () {
1829                         f.pauseCarousel = false
1830                     });
1831                     if (f.options.navthumbnavigationstyle == ‘auto‘) {
1832                         g.mousemove(function (e) {
1833                             if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) {
1834                                 if (g.height() >= j.height()) return;
1835                                 var d = e.pageY - g.offset().top;
1836                                 if (d < 10) d = 0;
1837                                 if (d > g.height() - 10) d = g.height();
1838                                 var r = d / g.height();
1839                                 var l = (g.height() - j.height()) * r;
1840                                 j.animate({
1841                                     "margin-top": l
1842                                 },
1843                                 {
1844                                     queue: false,
1845                                     duration: 20,
1846                                     easing: "easeOutCubic"
1847                                 })
1848                             } else {
1849                                 if (g.width() >= j.width()) return;
1850                                 var d = e.pageX - g.offset().left;
1851                                 if (d < 10) d = 0;
1852                                 if (d > g.width() - 10) d = g.width();
1853                                 var r = d / g.width();
1854                                 var l = (g.width() - j.width()) * r;
1855                                 j.animate({
1856                                     "margin-left": l
1857                                 },
1858                                 {
1859                                     queue: false,
1860                                     duration: 20,
1861                                     easing: "easeOutCubic"
1862                                 })
1863                             }
1864                         })
1865                     } else {
1866                         if (((f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) && (j.height() > h.height())) || ((f.options.navdirection == ‘horizontal‘) && (j.width() > h.width()))) {
1867                             var m = f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimagewidth + f.options.navspacing;
1868                             if (f.options.navdirection == "horizontal") {
1869                                 var n = Math.floor(((g.width() - 2 * m) + f.options.navspacing) / (f.options.navwidth + f.options.navspacing));
1870                                 m = Math.floor((g.width() - n * f.options.navwidth - (n - 1) * f.options.navspacing) / 2)
1871                             }
1872                             if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) h.css({
1873                                 ‘margin-top‘: m + ‘px‘,
1874                                 ‘margin-bottom‘: m + ‘px‘,
1875                                 overflow: ‘hidden‘
1876                             });
1877                             else h.css({
1878                                 ‘margin-left‘: m + ‘px‘,
1879                                 ‘margin-right‘: m + ‘px‘,
1880                                 overflow: ‘hidden‘
1881                             });
1882                             var v = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-car-left-arrow-" + f.id + "‘ style=‘display:none;‘></div>");
1883                             var w = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-car-right-arrow-" + f.id + "‘ style=‘display:none;‘></div>");
1884                             g.append(v);
1885                             g.append(w);
1886                             v.css({
1887                                 overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1888                                 position: ‘absolute‘,
1889                                 cursor: ‘pointer‘,
1890                                 width: f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimagewidth + ‘px‘,
1891                                 height: f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimageheight + ‘px‘,
1892                                 background: "url(‘" + f.options.skinsfolder + f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimage + "‘) no-repeat left top"
1893                             });
1894                             w.css({
1895                                 overflow: ‘hidden‘,
1896                                 position: ‘absolute‘,
1897                                 cursor: ‘pointer‘,
1898                                 width: f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimagewidth + ‘px‘,
1899                                 height: f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimageheight + ‘px‘,
1900                                 background: "url(‘" + f.options.skinsfolder + f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimage + "‘) no-repeat right top"
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1902                             var p = (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) ? (f.options.navwidth / 2 - f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimagewidth / 2) : (f.options.navheight / 2 - f.options.navthumbnavigationarrowimageheight / 2);
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1904                             if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) {
1905                                 v.css({
1906                                     top: ‘0px‘,
1907                                     left: ‘0px‘,
1908                                     ‘margin-left‘: p + ‘px‘
1909                                 });
1910                                 w.css({
1911                                     bottom: ‘0px‘,
1912                                     left: ‘0px‘,
1913                                     ‘margin-left‘: p + ‘px‘
1914                                 })
1915                             } else {
1916                                 v.css({
1917                                     left: ‘0px‘,
1918                                     top: ‘0px‘,
1919                                     ‘margin-top‘: p + ‘px‘
1920                                 });
1921                                 w.css({
1922                                     right: ‘0px‘,
1923                                     top: ‘0px‘,
1924                                     ‘margin-top‘: p + ‘px‘
1925                                 })
1926                             }
1927                             if (ASPlatforms.isIE678()) v.css({
1928                                 opacity: ‘inherit‘,
1929                                 filter: ‘inherit‘
1930                             });
1931                             v.hover(function () {
1932                                 if (!$(this).data(‘disabled‘)) $(this).css({
1933                                     ‘background-position‘: ‘left center‘
1934                                 })
1935                             },
1936                             function () {
1937                                 if (!$(this).data(‘disabled‘)) $(this).css({
1938                                     ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
1939                                 })
1940                             });
1941                             v.click(function () {
1942                                 if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) f.carMoveBottom();
1943                                 else f.carMoveRight()
1944                             });
1945                             if (ASPlatforms.isIE678()) w.css({
1946                                 opacity: ‘inherit‘,
1947                                 filter: ‘inherit‘
1948                             });
1949                             w.hover(function () {
1950                                 if (!$(this).data(‘disabled‘)) $(this).css({
1951                                     ‘background-position‘: ‘right center‘
1952                                 })
1953                             },
1954                             function () {
1955                                 if (!$(this).data(‘disabled‘)) $(this).css({
1956                                     ‘background-position‘: ‘right top‘
1957                                 })
1958                             });
1959                             w.click(function () {
1960                                 if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) f.carMoveTop();
1961                                 else f.carMoveLeft()
1962                             });
1963                             v.css({
1964                                 display: ‘block‘,
1965                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘left bottom‘,
1966                                 cursor: ‘‘
1967                             });
1968                             v.data(‘disabled‘, true);
1969                             w.css({
1970                                 display: ‘block‘
1971                             })
1972                         }
1973                     }
1974                     if (f.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) {
1975                         g.touchSwipe({
1976                             swipeTop: function (a) {
1977                                 f.carMoveTop()
1978                             },
1979                             swipeBottom: function () {
1980                                 f.carMoveBottom()
1981                             }
1982                         })
1983                     } else {
1984                         g.touchSwipe({
1985                             swipeLeft: function (a) {
1986                                 f.carMoveLeft()
1987                             },
1988                             swipeRight: function () {
1989                                 f.carMoveRight()
1990                             }
1991                         })
1992                     }
1993                     this.container.bind(‘html5zoo.switch‘,
1994                     function (a, b, c) {
1995                         $(".html5zoo-bullet-" + f.id + "-" + b, f.container)["bulletNormal" + f.id]();
1996                         $(".html5zoo-bullet-" + f.id + "-" + c, f.container)["bulletSelected" + f.id]()
1997                     });
1998                     if (this.options.navshowpreview) {
1999                         var x = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:none;position:absolute;width:" + this.options.navpreviewwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navpreviewheight + "px;background-color:" + this.options.navpreviewbordercolor + ";padding:" + f.options.navpreviewborder + "px;‘></div>");
2000                         var y = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-arrow-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;width:" + this.options.navpreviewarrowwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navpreviewarrowheight + "px;background:url(\"" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navpreviewarrowimage + "\") no-repeat center center;‘ ></div>");
2001                         switch (this.options.navpreviewposition) {
2002                             case ‘bottom‘:
2003                                 y.css({
2004                                     left:
2005                                     ‘50%‘,
2006                                     bottom: ‘100%‘,
2007                                     ‘margin-left‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navpreviewarrowwidth / 2) + ‘px‘
2008                                 });
2009                                 break;
2010                             case ‘top‘:
2011                                 y.css({
2012                                     left:
2013                                     ‘50%‘,
2014                                     top: ‘100%‘,
2015                                     ‘margin-left‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navpreviewarrowwidth / 2) + ‘px‘
2016                                 });
2017                                 break;
2018                             case ‘left‘:
2019                                 y.css({
2020                                     top:
2021                                     ‘50%‘,
2022                                     left: ‘100%‘,
2023                                     ‘margin-top‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navpreviewarrowheight / 2) + ‘px‘
2024                                 });
2025                                 break;
2026                             case ‘right‘:
2027                                 y.css({
2028                                     top:
2029                                     ‘50%‘,
2030                                     right: ‘100%‘,
2031                                     ‘margin-top‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navpreviewarrowheight / 2) + ‘px‘
2032                                 });
2033                                 break
2034                         }
2035                         var z = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-images-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘ />");
2036                         x.append(y);
2037                         x.append(z);
2038                         if (this.options.navshowplayvideo) {
2039                             var A = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-play-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:none;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:url(\"" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navplayvideoimage + "\") no-repeat center center;‘ ></div>");
2040                             x.append(A)
2041                         }
2042                         $(".html5zoo-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container).append(x)
2043                     }
2044                     if (this.options.navshowfeaturedarrow) {
2045                         j.append("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-featuredarrow-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘display:none;position:absolute;width:" + this.options.navfeaturedarrowimagewidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navfeaturedarrowimageheight + "px;background:url(\"" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navfeaturedarrowimage + "\") no-repeat center center;‘></div>")
2046                     }
2047                 }
2048                 if (this.options.navshowbuttons) {
2049                     var B = (this.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) ? ‘top‘ : ‘left‘;
2050                     var C = (this.options.navstyle == ‘none‘) ? 0 : this.options.navspacing;
2051                     if (this.options.navshowarrow) {
2052                         var D = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-left-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:relative;float:" + B + ";margin-" + B + ":" + C + "px;width:" + this.options.navwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navheight + "px;cursor:pointer;‘></div>");
2053                         j.append(D);
2054                         if (this.options.navbuttonradius) D.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
2055                             ‘border-radius‘: this.options.navbuttonradius + ‘px‘
2056                         }));
2057                         if (this.options.navbuttoncolor) D.css({
2058                             ‘background-color‘: this.options.navbuttoncolor
2059                         });
2060                         if (this.options.navarrowimage) D.css({
2061                             ‘background-image‘: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navarrowimage + "‘)",
2062                             ‘background-repeat‘: ‘no-repeat‘,
2063                             ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
2064                         });
2065                         D.hover(function () {
2066                             if (f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor) $(this).css({
2067                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor
2068                             });
2069                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2070                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘left bottom‘
2071                             })
2072                         },
2073                         function () {
2074                             if (f.options.navbuttoncolor) $(this).css({
2075                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttoncolor
2076                             });
2077                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2078                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
2079                             })
2080                         });
2081                         D.click(function () {
2082                             f.slideRun(-2)
2083                         });
2084                         C = this.options.navspacing
2085                     }
2086                     if (this.options.navshowplaypause) {
2087                         var E, $navPause;
2088                         if (this.options.navshowplaypausestandalone) {
2089                             E = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-play-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:absolute;width:" + this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonewidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneheight + "px;‘></div>");
2090                             this.$wrapper.append(E);
2091                             $navPause = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-pause-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:absolute;width:" + this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonewidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneheight + "px;‘></div>");
2092                             this.$wrapper.append($navPause);
2093                             switch (this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneposition) {
2094                                 case ‘topleft‘:
2095                                     E.css({
2096                                         top:
2097                                         0,
2098                                         left: 0,
2099                                         ‘margin-left‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2100                                         ‘margin-top‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2101                                     });
2102                                     $navPause.css({
2103                                         top: 0,
2104                                         left: 0,
2105                                         ‘margin-left‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2106                                         ‘margin-top‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2107                                     });
2108                                     break;
2109                                 case ‘topright‘:
2110                                     E.css({
2111                                         top:
2112                                         0,
2113                                         right: 0,
2114                                         ‘margin-right‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2115                                         ‘margin-top‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2116                                     });
2117                                     $navPause.css({
2118                                         top: 0,
2119                                         right: 0,
2120                                         ‘margin-right‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2121                                         ‘margin-top‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2122                                     });
2123                                     break;
2124                                 case ‘bottomleft‘:
2125                                     E.css({
2126                                         bottom:
2127                                         0,
2128                                         left: 0,
2129                                         ‘margin-left‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2130                                         ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2131                                     });
2132                                     $navPause.css({
2133                                         bottom: 0,
2134                                         left: 0,
2135                                         ‘margin-left‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2136                                         ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2137                                     });
2138                                     break;
2139                                 case ‘bottomright‘:
2140                                     E.css({
2141                                         bottom:
2142                                         0,
2143                                         right: 0,
2144                                         ‘margin-right‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2145                                         ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2146                                     });
2147                                     $navPause.css({
2148                                         bottom: 0,
2149                                         right: 0,
2150                                         ‘margin-right‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginx + ‘px‘,
2151                                         ‘margin-bottom‘: this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonemarginy + ‘px‘
2152                                     });
2153                                     break;
2154                                 case ‘center‘:
2155                                     E.css({
2156                                         top:
2157                                         ‘50%‘,
2158                                         left: ‘50%‘,
2159                                         ‘margin-left‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonewidth / 2) + ‘px‘,
2160                                         ‘margin-top‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneheight / 2) + ‘px‘
2161                                     });
2162                                     $navPause.css({
2163                                         top: ‘50%‘,
2164                                         left: ‘50%‘,
2165                                         ‘margin-left‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navshowplaypausestandalonewidth / 2) + ‘px‘,
2166                                         ‘margin-top‘: ‘-‘ + Math.round(this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneheight / 2) + ‘px‘
2167                                     });
2168                                     break
2169                             }
2170                         } else {
2171                             E = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-play-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:relative;float:" + B + ";margin-" + B + ":" + C + "px;width:" + this.options.navwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navheight + "px;cursor:pointer;‘></div>");
2172                             j.append(E);
2173                             $navPause = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-pause-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:relative;float:" + B + ";margin-" + B + ":" + C + "px;width:" + this.options.navwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navheight + "px;cursor:pointer;‘></div>");
2174                             j.append($navPause)
2175                         }
2176                         if (this.options.navbuttonradius) E.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
2177                             ‘border-radius‘: this.options.navbuttonradius + ‘px‘
2178                         }));
2179                         if (this.options.navbuttoncolor) E.css({
2180                             ‘background-color‘: this.options.navbuttoncolor
2181                         });
2182                         if (this.options.navarrowimage) E.css({
2183                             ‘background-image‘: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navplaypauseimage + "‘)",
2184                             ‘background-repeat‘: ‘no-repeat‘,
2185                             ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
2186                         });
2187                         E.hover(function () {
2188                             if (f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor) $(this).css({
2189                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor
2190                             });
2191                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2192                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘left bottom‘
2193                             })
2194                         },
2195                         function () {
2196                             if (f.options.navbuttoncolor) $(this).css({
2197                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttoncolor
2198                             });
2199                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2200                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
2201                             })
2202                         });
2203                         E.click(function () {
2204                             f.isPaused = false;
2205                             f.loopCount = 0;
2206                             if (!f.tempPaused) f.sliderTimeout.start();
2207                             $(this).css({
2208                                 display: ‘none‘
2209                             });
2210                             $(".html5zoo-nav-pause-" + f.id, f.container).css({
2211                                 display: ‘block‘
2212                             })
2213                         });
2214                         if (this.options.navbuttonradius) $navPause.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
2215                             ‘border-radius‘: this.options.navbuttonradius + ‘px‘
2216                         }));
2217                         if (this.options.navbuttoncolor) $navPause.css({
2218                             ‘background-color‘: this.options.navbuttoncolor
2219                         });
2220                         if (this.options.navarrowimage) $navPause.css({
2221                             ‘background-image‘: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navplaypauseimage + "‘)",
2222                             ‘background-repeat‘: ‘no-repeat‘,
2223                             ‘background-position‘: ‘right top‘
2224                         });
2225                         $navPause.hover(function () {
2226                             if (f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor) $(this).css({
2227                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor
2228                             });
2229                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2230                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘right bottom‘
2231                             })
2232                         },
2233                         function () {
2234                             if (f.options.navbuttoncolor) $(this).css({
2235                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttoncolor
2236                             });
2237                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2238                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘right top‘
2239                             })
2240                         });
2241                         $navPause.click(function () {
2242                             f.isPaused = true;
2243                             f.sliderTimeout.stop();
2244                             $(this).css({
2245                                 display: ‘none‘
2246                             });
2247                             $(".html5zoo-nav-play-" + f.id, f.container).css({
2248                                 display: ‘block‘
2249                             })
2250                         });
2251                         if (this.options.navshowplaypausestandalone && this.options.navshowplaypausestandaloneautohide) {
2252                             E.css({
2253                                 display: ‘none‘
2254                             });
2255                             $navPause.css({
2256                                 display: ‘none‘
2257                             });
2258                             this.$wrapper.hover(function () {
2259                                 if (f.isPaused) {
2260                                     E.fadeIn();
2261                                     $navPause.css({
2262                                         display: ‘none‘
2263                                     })
2264                                 } else {
2265                                     E.css({
2266                                         display: ‘none‘
2267                                     });
2268                                     $navPause.fadeIn()
2269                                 }
2270                             },
2271                             function () {
2272                                 E.fadeOut();
2273                                 $navPause.fadeOut()
2274                             })
2275                         } else {
2276                             E.css({
2277                                 display: ((f.isPaused) ? ‘block‘ : ‘none‘)
2278                             });
2279                             $navPause.css({
2280                                 display: ((f.isPaused) ? ‘none‘ : ‘block‘)
2281                             })
2282                         }
2283                     }
2284                     if (this.options.navshowarrow) {
2285                         var F = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-right-" + this.id + "‘ style=‘position:relative;float:" + B + ";margin-" + B + ":" + C + "px;width:" + this.options.navwidth + "px;height:" + this.options.navheight + "px;cursor:pointer;‘></div>");
2286                         j.append(F);
2287                         if (this.options.navbuttonradius) F.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
2288                             ‘border-radius‘: this.options.navbuttonradius + ‘px‘
2289                         }));
2290                         if (this.options.navbuttoncolor) F.css({
2291                             ‘background-color‘: this.options.navbuttoncolor
2292                         });
2293                         if (this.options.navarrowimage) F.css({
2294                             ‘background-image‘: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navarrowimage + "‘)",
2295                             ‘background-repeat‘: ‘no-repeat‘,
2296                             ‘background-position‘: ‘right top‘
2297                         });
2298                         F.hover(function () {
2299                             if (f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor) $(this).css({
2300                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttonhighlightcolor
2301                             });
2302                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2303                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘right bottom‘
2304                             })
2305                         },
2306                         function () {
2307                             if (f.options.navbuttoncolor) $(this).css({
2308                                 ‘background-color‘: f.options.navbuttoncolor
2309                             });
2310                             if (f.options.navarrowimage) $(this).css({
2311                                 ‘background-position‘: ‘right top‘
2312                             })
2313                         });
2314                         F.click(function () {
2315                             f.slideRun(-1)
2316                         })
2317                     }
2318                 }
2319             },
2320             createNavBullet: function (r) {
2321                 var s = this;
2322                 var f = (this.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) ? ‘top‘ : ‘left‘;
2323                 var u = (this.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) ? ‘bottom‘ : ‘right‘;
2324                 var v = (r == this.elemArray.length - 1) ? 0 : this.options.navspacing;
2325                 var w = (this.options.navstyle == ‘thumbnails‘) ? this.options.navwidth - this.options.navborder * 2 : this.options.navwidth;
2326                 var h = (this.options.navstyle == ‘thumbnails‘) ? this.options.navheight - this.options.navborder * 2 : this.options.navheight;
2327                 var x = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-bullet-" + this.id + "-" + r + "‘ style=‘position:relative;float:" + f + ";margin-" + u + ":" + v + "px;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;cursor:pointer;‘></div>");
2328                 x.data(‘index‘, r);
2329                 x.hover(function () {
2330                     if ($(this).data(‘index‘) != s.curElem) $(this)["bulletHighlight" + s.id]();
2331                     var d = $(this).data(‘index‘);
2332                     if (s.options.navswitchonmouseover) {
2333                         if (d != s.curElem) s.slideRun(d)
2334                     }
2335                     if (s.options.navshowpreview) {
2336                         var e = $(".html5zoo-nav-preview-" + s.id, s.container);
2337                         var f = $(".html5zoo-nav-preview-images-" + s.id, e);
2338                         if (s.options.navshowplayvideo) {
2339                             var g = $(".html5zoo-nav-preview-play-" + s.id, e);
2340                             if (s.elemArray[d][ELEM_VIDEO].length > 0) g.show();
2341                             else g.hide()
2342                         }
2343                         var h = $(".html5zoo-nav-" + s.id, s.container);
2344                         var i = $(".html5zoo-bullet-wrapper-" + s.id, s.container);
2345                         var j = $(this).position();
2346                         var k = h.position();
2347                         var m = i.position();
2348                         j.left += k.left + m.left;
2349                         j.left += (isNaN(parseInt(i.css(‘margin-left‘))) ? 0 : parseInt(i.css(‘margin-left‘)));
2350                         j.left += (isNaN(parseInt(h.css(‘margin-left‘))) ? 0 : parseInt(h.css(‘margin-left‘)));
2351                         j.top += k.top + m.top;
2352                         j.top += (isNaN(parseInt(i.css(‘margin-top‘))) ? 0 : parseInt(i.css(‘margin-top‘)));
2353                         j.top += (isNaN(parseInt(h.css(‘margin-top‘))) ? 0 : parseInt(h.css(‘margin-top‘)));
2354                         if (s.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) {
2355                             var n = $(".html5zoo-nav-container-" + s.id, s.container);
2356                             j.top += (isNaN(parseInt(n.css(‘margin-top‘))) ? 0 : parseInt(n.css(‘margin-top‘)))
2357                         }
2358                         var t, l = j.left + s.options.navwidth / 2 - s.options.navpreviewwidth / 2 - s.options.navpreviewborder;
2359                         var o, tv = j.top + s.options.navheight / 2 - s.options.navpreviewheight / 2 - s.options.navpreviewborder;
2360                         var p = {};
2361                         switch (s.options.navpreviewposition) {
2362                             case ‘bottom‘:
2363                                 t = j.top + s.options.navheight + s.options.navpreviewarrowheight;
2364                                 p = {
2365                                     left: l + ‘px‘,
2366                                     top: t + ‘px‘
2367                                 };
2368                                 break;
2369                             case ‘top‘:
2370                                 t = j.top - s.options.navpreviewheight - 2 * s.options.navpreviewborder - s.options.navpreviewarrowheight;
2371                                 p = {
2372                                     left: l + ‘px‘,
2373                                     top: t + ‘px‘
2374                                 };
2375                                 break;
2376                             case ‘left‘:
2377                                 o = j.left - s.options.navpreviewwidth - 2 * s.options.navpreviewborder - s.options.navpreviewarrowwidth;
2378                                 p = {
2379                                     left: o + ‘px‘,
2380                                     top: tv + ‘px‘
2381                                 };
2382                                 break;
2383                             case ‘right‘:
2384                                 o = j.left + s.options.navwidth + s.options.navpreviewarrowwidth;
2385                                 p = {
2386                                     left: o + ‘px‘,
2387                                     top: tv + ‘px‘
2388                                 };
2389                                 break
2390                         }
2391                         var q = new Image();
2392                         $(q).load(function () {
2393                             var a;
2394                             if (this.width / this.height <= s.options.navpreviewwidth / s.options.navpreviewheight) a = "width:" + s.options.navpreviewwidth + "px;height:auto;margin-top:-" + Math.floor((this.height / this.width) * s.options.navpreviewwidth / 2 - s.options.navpreviewheight / 2) + "px";
2395                             else a = "width:auto;height:" + s.options.navpreviewheight + "px;margin-left:-" + Math.floor((this.width / this.height) * s.options.navpreviewheight / 2 - s.options.navpreviewwidth / 2) + "px";
2396                             var b = $(".html5zoo-nav-preview-img-" + s.id, f);
2397                             if (s.options.navdirection == ‘vertical‘) {
2398                                 var c = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-img-" + s.id + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:" + s.options.navpreviewwidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navpreviewheight + "px;left:0px;top:" + s.options.navpreviewheight + "px;‘><img src=‘" + s.elemArray[d][ELEM_THUMBNAIL] + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;" + a + "‘ /></div>");
2399                                 f.append(c);
2400                                 if (b.length > 0) {
2401                                     b.animate({
2402                                         top: ‘-‘ + s.options.navpreviewheight + ‘px‘
2403                                     },
2404                                     function () {
2405                                         b.remove()
2406                                     })
2407                                 }
2408                                 if (e.is(":visible")) {
2409                                     c.animate({
2410                                         top: ‘0px‘
2411                                     });
2412                                     e.stop(true, true).animate(p)
2413                                 } else {
2414                                     c.css({
2415                                         top: ‘0px‘
2416                                     });
2417                                     e.stop(true, true).css(p).fadeIn()
2418                                 }
2419                             } else {
2420                                 var c = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-preview-img-" + s.id + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:" + s.options.navpreviewwidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navpreviewheight + "px;left:" + s.options.navpreviewheight + "px;top:0px;‘><img src=‘" + s.elemArray[d][ELEM_THUMBNAIL] + "‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;" + a + "‘ /></div>");
2421                                 f.append(c);
2422                                 if (b.length > 0) {
2423                                     b.animate({
2424                                         left: ‘-‘ + s.options.navpreviewwidth + ‘px‘
2425                                     },
2426                                     function () {
2427                                         b.remove()
2428                                     })
2429                                 }
2430                                 if (e.is(":visible")) {
2431                                     c.animate({
2432                                         left: ‘0px‘
2433                                     });
2434                                     e.stop(true, true).animate(p)
2435                                 } else {
2436                                     c.css({
2437                                         left: ‘0px‘
2438                                     });
2439                                     e.stop(true, true).css(p).fadeIn()
2440                                 }
2441                             }
2442                         });
2443                         q.src = s.elemArray[d][ELEM_THUMBNAIL]
2444                     }
2445                 },
2446                 function () {
2447                     if ($(this).data(‘index‘) != s.curElem) $(this)["bulletNormal" + s.id]();
2448                     if (s.options.navshowpreview) {
2449                         var a = $(".html5zoo-nav-preview-" + s.id, s.container);
2450                         a.delay(500).fadeOut()
2451                     }
2452                 });
2453                 x.click(function () {
2454                     s.slideRun($(this).data(‘index‘))
2455                 });
2456                 if (this.options.navstyle == ‘bullets‘) {
2457                     x.css({
2458                         background: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navimage + "‘) no-repeat left top"
2459                     });
2460                     $.fn["bulletNormal" + this.id] = function () {
2461                         $(this).css({
2462                             ‘background-position‘: ‘left top‘
2463                         })
2464                     };
2465                     $.fn["bulletHighlight" + this.id] = $.fn["bulletSelected" + this.id] = function () {
2466                         $(this).css({
2467                             ‘background-position‘: ‘left bottom‘
2468                         })
2469                     }
2470                 } else if (this.options.navstyle == ‘numbering‘) {
2471                     x.text(r + 1);
2472                     x.css({
2473                         ‘background-color‘: this.options.navcolor,
2474                         color: this.options.navfontcolor,
2475                         ‘font-size‘: this.options.navfontsize,
2476                         ‘font-family‘: this.options.navfont,
2477                         ‘text-align‘: ‘center‘,
2478                         ‘line-height‘: this.options.navheight + ‘px‘
2479                     });
2480                     x.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
2481                         ‘border-radius‘: this.options.navradius + ‘px‘
2482                     }));
2483                     if (this.options.navbuttonshowbgimage && this.options.navbuttonbgimage) {
2484                         x.css({
2485                             background: "url(‘" + this.options.skinsfolder + this.options.navbuttonbgimage + "‘) no-repeat center top"
2486                         })
2487                     }
2488                     $.fn["bulletNormal" + this.id] = function () {
2489                         $(this).css({
2490                             ‘background-color‘: s.options.navcolor,
2491                             ‘color‘: s.options.navfontcolor
2492                         });
2493                         if (s.options.navbuttonshowbgimage && s.options.navbuttonbgimage) $(this).css({
2494                             ‘background-position‘: ‘center top‘
2495                         })
2496                     };
2497                     $.fn["bulletHighlight" + this.id] = $.fn["bulletSelected" + this.id] = function () {
2498                         $(this).css({
2499                             ‘background-color‘: s.options.navhighlightcolor,
2500                             ‘color‘: s.options.navfonthighlightcolor
2501                         });
2502                         if (s.options.navbuttonshowbgimage && s.options.navbuttonbgimage) $(this).css({
2503                             ‘background-position‘: ‘center bottom‘
2504                         })
2505                     }
2506                 } else if (this.options.navstyle == ‘thumbnails‘) {
2507                     x.css({
2508                         padding: this.options.navborder + ‘px‘,
2509                         ‘background-color‘: this.options.navbordercolor
2510                     });
2511                     x.css({
2512                         opacity: this.options.navopacity,
2513                         filter: "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(100 * this.options.navopacity) + ")"
2514                     });
2515                     var y = new Image();
2516                     var s = this;
2517                     $(y).load(function () {
2518                         var a;
2519                         if (this.width / this.height <= s.options.navimagewidth / s.options.navimageheight) a = "max-width:none !important;width:100%;height:auto;margin-top:-" + Math.floor((this.height / this.width) * s.options.navimagewidth / 2 - s.options.navimageheight / 2) + "px";
2520                         else a = "max-width:none !important;width:auto;height:100%;margin-left:-" + Math.floor((this.width / this.height) * s.options.navimageheight / 2 - s.options.navimagewidth / 2) + "px";
2521                         x.append("<div style=‘display:block;position:absolute;width:" + s.options.navimagewidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navimageheight + "px;overflow:hidden;‘><img src=‘" + s.elemArray[r][ELEM_THUMBNAIL] + "‘ style=‘" + a + "‘ /></div>");
2522                         if ((s.options.navshowplayvideo) && (s.elemArray[r][ELEM_VIDEO].length > 0)) {
2523                             x.append("<div style=‘display:block;position:absolute;margin-left:0;margin-top:0;width:" + s.options.navimagewidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navimageheight + "px;background:url(\"" + s.options.skinsfolder + s.options.navplayvideoimage + "\") no-repeat center center;‘ ></div>")
2524                         }
2525                         if (s.options.navthumbstyle != ‘imageonly‘) {
2526                             var b = "<div style=‘display:block;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;";
2527                             if (s.options.navthumbstyle == ‘imageandtitle‘) b += "margin-left:0px;margin-top:" + s.options.navimageheight + "px;width:" + s.options.navimagewidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navthumbtitleheight + "px;";
2528                             else if (s.options.navthumbstyle == ‘imageandtitledescription‘) b += "margin-left:" + s.options.navimagewidth + "px;margin-top:0px;width:" + s.options.navthumbtitlewidth + "px;height:" + s.options.navimageheight + "px;";
2529                             b += "‘><div class=‘html5zoo-nav-thumbnail-tite-" + s.id + "‘>" + s.elemArray[r][ELEM_TITLE] + "</div>";
2530                             if (s.options.navthumbstyle == ‘imageandtitledescription‘) b += "<div class=‘html5zoo-nav-thumbnail-description-" + s.id + "‘>" + s.elemArray[r][ELEM_DESCRIPTION] + "</div>";
2531                             b += "</div>";
2532                             x.append(b)
2533                         }
2534                     });
2535                     y.src = this.elemArray[r][ELEM_THUMBNAIL];
2536                     $.fn["bulletNormal" + this.id] = function () {
2537                         $(this).css({
2538                             opacity: s.options.navopacity,
2539                             filter: "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(100 * s.options.navopacity) + ")"
2540                         })
2541                     };
2542                     $.fn["bulletHighlight" + this.id] = function () {
2543                         $(this).css({
2544                             opacity: 1,
2545                             filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"
2546                         })
2547                     };
2548                     $.fn["bulletSelected" + this.id] = function () {
2549                         $(this).css({
2550                             opacity: 1,
2551                             filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"
2552                         });
2553                         if (s.options.navshowfeaturedarrow) {
2554                             var a = $(".html5zoo-nav-featuredarrow-" + s.id, s.container);
2555                             var b = $(this).position();
2556                             var c = $(".html5zoo-nav-container-" + s.id, s.container);
2557                             var d = $(".html5zoo-bullet-wrapper-" + s.id, s.container);
2558                             if (s.options.navdirection == ‘horizontal‘) {
2559                                 var t, l = b.left + s.options.navwidth / 2 - s.options.navfeaturedarrowimagewidth / 2;
2560                                 if ((s.options.navposition == ‘top‘) || (s.options.navposition == ‘topleft‘) || (s.options.navposition == ‘topright‘)) t = b.top + s.options.navheight;
2561                                 else t = b.top - s.options.navfeaturedarrowimageheight;
2562                                 a.css({
2563                                     top: t + ‘px‘
2564                                 });
2565                                 if (a.is(":visible")) {
2566                                     a.stop(true, true).animate({
2567                                         left: l + ‘px‘
2568                                     })
2569                                 } else {
2570                                     a.css({
2571                                         display: ‘block‘,
2572                                         left: l + ‘px‘
2573                                     })
2574                                 }
2575                                 if ((c.width() < d.width()) && !s.pauseCarousel) {
2576                                     var m = Math.abs(isNaN(parseInt(d.css("margin-left"))) ? 0 : parseInt(d.css("margin-left")));
2577                                     if ((b.left < m) || ((b.left + s.options.navwidth) > m + c.width())) {
2578                                         var e = -b.left;
2579                                         if (e <= (c.width() - d.width())) e = (c.width() - d.width());
2580                                         if (e >= 0) e = 0;
2581                                         d.animate({
2582                                             "margin-left": e + ‘px‘
2583                                         },
2584                                         {
2585                                             queue: false,
2586                                             duration: 500,
2587                                             easing: "easeOutCirc"
2588                                         });
2589                                         s.updateCarouselLeftRightArrow(e)
2590                                     }
2591                                 }
2592                             } else {
2593                                 var l, t = b.top + s.options.navheight / 2 - s.options.navfeaturedarrowimageheight / 2;
2594                                 if (s.options.navposition == ‘left‘) l = b.left + s.options.navwidth;
2595                                 else l = b.left - s.options.navfeaturedarrowimagewidth;
2596                                 a.css({
2597                                     left: l + ‘px‘
2598                                 });
2599                                 if (a.is(":visible")) {
2600                                     a.stop(true, true).animate({
2601                                         top: t + ‘px‘
2602                                     })
2603                                 } else {
2604                                     a.css({
2605                                         display: ‘block‘,
2606                                         top: t + ‘px‘
2607                                     })
2608                                 }
2609                                 if ((c.height() < d.height()) && !s.pauseCarousel) {
2610                                     var m = Math.abs(isNaN(parseInt(d.css("margin-top"))) ? 0 : parseInt(d.css("margin-top")));
2611                                     if ((b.top < m) || ((b.top + s.options.navheight) > m + c.height())) {
2612                                         var e = -b.top;
2613                                         if (e <= (c.height() - d.height())) e = (c.height() - d.height());
2614                                         if (e >= 0) e = 0;
2615                                         d.animate({
2616                                             "margin-top": e + ‘px‘
2617                                         },
2618                                         {
2619                                             queue: false,
2620                                             duration: 500,
2621                                             easing: "easeOutCirc"
2622                                         });
2623                                         s.updateCarouselLeftRightArrow(e)
2624                                     }
2625                                 }
2626                             }
2627                         }
2628                     }
2629                 }
2630                 return x
2631             },
2632             slideRun: function (a) {
2633                 savedCur = this.curElem;
2634                 this.calcIndex(a);
2635                 if (savedCur == this.curElem) return;
2636                 if (this.isAnimating) {
2637                     if (this.transitionTimeout) clearTimeout(this.transitionTimeout);
2638                     $(".html5zoo-img-box-" + this.id, this.container).unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).html("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-" + this.id + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:auto;‘><img style=‘position:absolute;max-width:100%;height:auto;left:0%;top:0%;‘ src=‘" + this.elemArray[savedCur][ELEM_SRC] + "‘ /></div>");
2639                     this.isAnimating = false
2640                 }
2641                 this.sliderTimeout.stop();
2642                 this.tempPaused = false;
2643                 this.container.trigger(‘html5zoo.switch‘, [savedCur, this.curElem]);
2644                 $(".html5zoo-video-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container).find("iframe").each(function () {
2645                     $(this).attr(‘src‘, ‘‘)
2646                 });
2647                 if (this.options.autoplayvideo && (this.elemArray[this.curElem][ELEM_VIDEO].length > 0)) {
2648                     this.playVideo(true)
2649                 } else {
2650                     $(".html5zoo-video-wrapper-" + this.id, this.container).css({
2651                         display: ‘none‘
2652                     }).empty();
2653                     this.container.trigger(‘html5zoo.switchtext‘, [savedCur, this.curElem]);
2654                     var b = true;
2655                     if (a == -2) b = false;
2656                     else if (a == 1) b = true;
2657                     else if (a >= 0) b = (this.curElem > savedCur) ? true : false;
2658                     this.showImage(b)
2659                 } (new Image()).src = this.elemArray[this.prevElem][ELEM_SRC]; (new Image()).src = this.elemArray[this.nextElem][ELEM_SRC];
2660                 if (!this.options.randomplay && (this.options.loop > 0)) {
2661                     if (this.curElem == this.elemArray.length - 1) {
2662                         this.loopCount++;
2663                         if (this.options.loop <= this.loopCount) this.isPaused = true
2664                     }
2665                 }
2666                 if ((!this.isPaused) && (!this.tempPaused) && (this.elemArray.length > 1)) {
2667                     this.sliderTimeout.start()
2668                 }
2669             },
2670             showImage: function (g) {
2671                 var h = this;
2672                 var i = new Image();
2673                 $(i).load(function () {
2674                     var b = 100;
2675                     var c = $(".html5zoo-img-box-" + h.id, h.container);
2676                     var d = $(".html5zoo-img-" + h.id, h.container);
2677                     var e = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-" + h.id + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:auto;‘><img style=‘position:absolute;" + (ASPlatforms.isIE678() ? "opacity:inherit;filter:inherit;" : "") + "max-width:" + b + "%;height:auto;left:" + (100 - b) / 2 + "%;top:0%;‘ src=‘" + h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_SRC] + "‘ /></div>");
2678                     if (d.length > 0) d.before(e);
2679                     else c.append(e);
2680                     var f = (h.firstslide && !h.options.transitiononfirstslide) ? ‘‘ : h.options.transition;
2681                     h.firstslide = false;
2682                     h.isAnimating = true;
2683                     c.html5zooTransition(h.id, d, e, {
2684                         effect: f,
2685                         direction: g,
2686                         duration: h.options.transitionduration,
2687                         easing: h.options.transitioneasing,
2688                         crossfade: h.options.crossfade,
2689                         fade: h.options.fade,
2690                         slide: h.options.slide,
2691                         slice: h.options.slice,
2692                         blinds: h.options.blinds,
2693                         threed: h.options.threed,
2694                         threedhorizontal: h.options.threedhorizontal,
2695                         blocks: h.options.blocks,
2696                         shuffle: h.options.shuffle
2697                     },
2698                     function () {
2699                         h.isAnimating = false
2700                     },
2701                     function (a) {
2702                         h.transitionTimeout = a
2703                     });
2704                     if (h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_LINK]) {
2705                         c.css({
2706                             cursor: ‘pointer‘
2707                         });
2708                         c.unbind(‘click‘).bind(‘click‘,
2709                         function () {
2710                             if (h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_LIGHTBOX]) {
2711                                 h.html5Lightbox.showItem(h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_LINK])
2712                             } else {
2713                                 var a = (h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_TARGET]) ? h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_TARGET] : ‘_self‘;
2714                                 window.open(h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_LINK], a)
2715                             }
2716                         })
2717                     } else {
2718                         c.css({
2719                             cursor: ‘‘
2720                         });
2721                         c.unbind(‘click‘)
2722                     }
2723                     $(".html5zoo-play-" + h.id, h.container).css({
2724                         display: ((h.elemArray[h.curElem][ELEM_VIDEO].length > 0) ? ‘block‘ : ‘none‘)
2725                     })
2726                 });
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3004 })(jQuery); (function ($) {
3005     $.fn.html5zooTransition = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
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3008         var i = d.duration;
3009         var j = d.easing;
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3012         if (h) {
3013             h = h.split(",");
3014             l = h[Math.floor(Math.random() * h.length)];
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3023         }
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3026                 overflow: ‘hidden‘
3027             });
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3030             function () {
3031                 b.remove();
3032                 e()
3033             })
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3040             function () {
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3042                 function () {
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3044                     e()
3045                 })
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3049                 overflow: ‘hidden‘
3050             });
3051             if (k) {
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3053                     left: ‘100%‘
3054                 });
3055                 c.animate({
3056                     left: ‘0%‘
3057                 },
3058                 i, j);
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3060                     left: ‘-100%‘
3061                 },
3062                 i, j,
3063                 function () {
3064                     b.remove();
3065                     e()
3066                 })
3067             } else {
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3069                     left: ‘-100%‘
3070                 });
3071                 c.animate({
3072                     left: ‘0%‘
3073                 },
3074                 i, j);
3075                 b.animate({
3076                     left: ‘100%‘
3077                 },
3078                 i, j,
3079                 function () {
3080                     b.remove();
3081                     e()
3082                 })
3083             }
3084         } else if (l == ‘slice‘) {
3085             g.css({
3086                 overflow: ‘hidden‘
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3088             g.sliceTransition(a, b, c, $.extend({
3089                 duration: i,
3090                 easing: j,
3091                 direction: k
3092             },
3093             d[‘slice‘]), e, f)
3094         } else if (l == ‘blinds‘) {
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3099                 duration: i,
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3101                 direction: k
3102             },
3103             d[‘blinds‘]), e, f)
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3105             g.css({
3106                 overflow: ‘visible‘
3107             });
3108             g.threedTransition(a, b, c, $.extend({
3109                 duration: i,
3110                 easing: j,
3111                 direction: k
3112             },
3113             d[‘threed‘]), e, f)
3114         } else if (l == ‘threedhorizontal‘) {
3115             g.css({
3116                 overflow: ‘visible‘
3117             });
3118             g.threedHorizontalTransition(a, b, c, $.extend({
3119                 duration: i,
3120                 easing: j,
3121                 direction: k
3122             },
3123             d[‘threedhorizontal‘]), e, f)
3124         } else if (l == ‘blocks‘) {
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3127             });
3128             g.blocksTransition(a, b, c, $.extend({
3129                 duration: i,
3130                 easing: j,
3131                 direction: k
3132             },
3133             d[‘blocks‘]), e, f)
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3136                 overflow: ‘visible‘
3137             });
3138             g.shuffleTransition(a, b, c, $.extend({
3139                 duration: i,
3140                 easing: j,
3141                 direction: k
3142             },
3143             d[‘shuffle‘]), e, f)
3144         } else {
3145             c.show();
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3147             e()
3148         }
3149     };
3150     $.fn.sliceTransition = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) {
3151         var i, index;
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3155         d.hide();
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3158             var l = $(‘img‘, d).clone().css({
3159                 ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3160                 left: ‘-‘ + j * i + ‘px‘
3161             });
3162             l.attr(‘style‘, l.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;‘);
3163             k.append(l);
3164             h.append(k)
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3166         var m = $(‘.html5zoo-img-slice-‘ + b, h);
3167         if (!e.direction) m = $($.makeArray(m).reverse());
3168         var n = e.effects.split(",");
3169         var o = n[Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length)];
3170         o = $.trim(o.toLowerCase());
3171         h.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3172         function () {
3173             h.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3174             c.remove();
3175             d.show();
3176             m.remove();
3177             f()
3178         });
3179         var p = e.duration / 2;
3180         var q = e.duration / 2 / e.slicecount;
3181         index = 0;
3182         m.each(function () {
3183             var a = $(this);
3184             switch (o) {
3185                 case ‘up‘:
3186                     a.css({
3187                         top:
3188                         ‘‘,
3189                         bottom: ‘0%‘,
3190                         height: ‘0%‘
3191                     });
3192                     break;
3193                 case ‘down‘:
3194                     a.css({
3195                         top:
3196                         ‘0%‘,
3197                         height: ‘0%‘
3198                     });
3199                     break;
3200                 case ‘updown‘:
3201                     if (index % 2 == 0) a.css({
3202                         top: ‘0%‘,
3203                         height: ‘0%‘
3204                     });
3205                     else a.css({
3206                         top: ‘‘,
3207                         bottom: ‘0%‘,
3208                         height: ‘0%‘
3209                     });
3210                     break
3211             }
3212             setTimeout(function () {
3213                 a.animate({
3214                     height: ‘100%‘
3215                 },
3216                 p, e.easing)
3217             },
3218             q * index);
3219             index++
3220         });
3221         var r = setTimeout(function () {
3222             h.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3223         },
3224         e.duration);
3225         g(r)
3226     };
3227     $.fn.blindsTransition = function (c, d, e, f, g, h) {
3228         var i, index;
3229         var j = this;
3230         var w = j.width();
3231         var k = Math.ceil(w / f.slicecount);
3232         e.hide();
3233         for (i = 0; i < f.slicecount; i++) {
3234             var l = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-wrapper-" + c + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:" + i * k + "px;top:0%;width:" + k + "px;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3235             var m = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-" + c + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3236             var n = $(‘img‘, e).clone().css({
3237                 ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3238                 left: ‘-‘ + k * i + ‘px‘
3239             });
3240             n.attr(‘style‘, n.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;‘);
3241             m.append(n);
3242             l.append(m);
3243             j.append(l)
3244         }
3245         var o = $(‘.html5zoo-img-slice-‘ + c, j);
3246         if (!f.direction) o = $($.makeArray(o).reverse());
3247         j.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3248         function () {
3249             j.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3250             d.remove();
3251             e.show();
3252             $(‘.html5zoo-img-slice-wrapper-‘ + c, j).remove();
3253             g()
3254         });
3255         index = 0;
3256         o.each(function () {
3257             var a = $(this);
3258             var b;
3259             if (!f.direction) {
3260                 a.css({
3261                     left: ‘‘,
3262                     right: ‘-100%‘
3263                 });
3264                 b = {
3265                     right: ‘0%‘
3266                 }
3267             } else {
3268                 a.css({
3269                     left: ‘-100%‘
3270                 });
3271                 b = {
3272                     left: ‘0%‘
3273                 }
3274             }
3275             a.animate(b, f.duration * (index + 1) / f.slicecount, f.easing);
3276             index++
3277         });
3278         var p = setTimeout(function () {
3279             j.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3280         },
3281         f.duration);
3282         h(p)
3283     };
3284     $.fn.threedTransition = function (d, e, f, g, j, k) {
3285         var i, index;
3286         var l = this;
3287         var w = l.width(),
3288         h = l.height(),
3289         dist = h / 2;
3290         var m = Math.ceil(w / g.slicecount);
3291         var n = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-cube-wrapper-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;‘></div>");
3292         l.append(n);
3293         n.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3294             ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3295             ‘perspective‘: g.perspective,
3296             ‘perspective-origin‘: g.perspectiveorigin + ‘ center‘
3297         }));
3298         f.hide();
3299         for (i = 0; i < g.slicecount; i++) {
3300             var o = $(‘img‘, f).clone().css({
3301                 ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3302                 left: ‘-‘ + m * i + ‘px‘
3303             });
3304             o.attr(‘style‘, o.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;‘);
3305             var p = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;outline:1px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3306             p.append(o);
3307             var q = $(‘img‘, e).clone().css({
3308                 ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3309                 left: ‘-‘ + m * i + ‘px‘
3310             });
3311             q.attr(‘style‘, q.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;‘);
3312             var r = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;outline:1px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3313             r.append(q);
3314             var s = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-left-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:2px;top:2px;width:" + (h - 1) + "px;height:" + (h - 1) + "px;overflow:hidden;outline:2px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3315             var t = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-right-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:" + (h - 1) + "px;height:" + (h - 1) + "px;overflow:hidden;outline:2px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3316             var u = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-cube-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:" + i * m + "px;top:0%;width:" + m + "px;height:100%;‘></div>");
3317             u.append(s);
3318             u.append(t);
3319             u.append(p);
3320             u.append(r);
3321             n.append(u);
3322             s.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3323                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3324                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3325                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3326             }));
3327             t.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3328                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3329                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3330                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateY(90deg) translateZ(‘ + (m - dist) + ‘px)‘
3331             }));
3332             r.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3333                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3334                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3335                 ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3336             }));
3337             p.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3338                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3339                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3340                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateX(‘ + ((g.direction) ? ‘90‘ : ‘-90‘) + ‘deg) translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3341             }))
3342         }
3343         var v = $(‘.html5zoo-img-cube-‘ + d, l);
3344         l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3345         function () {
3346             l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3347             e.remove();
3348             f.show();
3349             setTimeout(function () {
3350                 n.remove()
3351             },
3352             100);
3353             j()
3354         });
3355         var x = g.duration / 2 / g.slicecount;
3356         var y = g.duration / 2;
3357         v.each(function () {
3358             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3359                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3360                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘
3361             }));
3362             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3363                 ‘transition-property‘: ‘transform‘
3364             },
3365             true));
3366             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3367                 ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(-‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3368             }))
3369         });
3370         e.hide();
3371         index = 0;
3372         v.each(function () {
3373             var a = $(this);
3374             var b = (g.slicecount - 1) / 2;
3375             var c = Math.round((index - b) * g.scatter * w / 100);
3376             setTimeout(function () {
3377                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3378                     ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3379                     ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘
3380                 }));
3381                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3382                     ‘transition-property‘: ‘transform‘
3383                 },
3384                 true));
3385                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3386                     ‘transition-duration‘: y + ‘ms‘,
3387                     ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(-‘ + dist + ‘px) rotateX(‘ + ((g.direction) ? ‘-89.99‘ : ‘89.99‘) + ‘deg)‘
3388                 }));
3389                 a.animate({
3390                     left: ‘+=‘ + c + ‘px‘
3391                 },
3392                 y / 2 - 50,
3393                 function () {
3394                     a.animate({
3395                         left: ‘-=‘ + c + ‘px‘
3396                     },
3397                     y / 2 - 50)
3398                 })
3399             },
3400             x * index + 100);
3401             index++
3402         });
3403         var z = setTimeout(function () {
3404             l.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3405         },
3406         g.duration);
3407         k(z)
3408     };
3409     $.fn.threedHorizontalTransition = function (d, e, f, g, j, k) {
3410         var i, index;
3411         var l = this;
3412         var w = l.width(),
3413         h = l.height(),
3414         dist = w / 2;
3415         var m = Math.ceil(h / g.slicecount);
3416         var n = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-cube-wrapper-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;‘></div>");
3417         l.append(n);
3418         n.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3419             ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3420             ‘perspective‘: g.perspective,
3421             ‘perspective-origin‘: ‘center ‘ + g.perspectiveorigin
3422         }));
3423         f.hide();
3424         for (i = 0; i < g.slicecount; i++) {
3425             var o = $(‘img‘, f).clone().css({
3426                 ‘max-height‘: ‘‘,
3427                 top: ‘-‘ + m * i + ‘px‘
3428             });
3429             o.attr(‘style‘, o.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-height:‘ + h + ‘px !important;‘);
3430             var p = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;outline:1px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3431             p.append(o);
3432             var q = $(‘img‘, e).clone().css({
3433                 ‘max-height‘: ‘‘,
3434                 top: ‘-‘ + m * i + ‘px‘
3435             });
3436             q.attr(‘style‘, q.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-height:‘ + h + ‘px !important;‘);
3437             var r = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;outline:1px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3438             r.append(q);
3439             var s = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-left-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:2px;top:2px;width:" + (w - 1) + "px;height:" + (w - 1) + "px;overflow:hidden;outline:2px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3440             var t = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-slice-right-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:" + (w - 1) + "px;height:" + (w - 1) + "px;overflow:hidden;outline:2px solid transparent;background-color:" + g.bgcolor + ";‘></div>");
3441             var u = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-cube-" + d + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:" + i * m + "px;width:100%;height:" + m + "px;‘></div>");
3442             u.append(s);
3443             u.append(t);
3444             u.append(p);
3445             u.append(r);
3446             n.append(u);
3447             s.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3448                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3449                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3450                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateX(90deg) translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3451             }));
3452             t.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3453                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3454                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3455                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(‘ + (m - dist) + ‘px)‘
3456             }));
3457             r.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3458                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3459                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3460                 ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3461             }));
3462             p.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3463                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3464                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘,
3465                 ‘transform‘: ‘rotateY(‘ + ((g.direction) ? ‘-90‘ : ‘90‘) + ‘deg) translateZ(‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3466             }))
3467         }
3468         var v = $(‘.html5zoo-img-cube-‘ + d, l);
3469         l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3470         function () {
3471             l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3472             e.remove();
3473             f.show();
3474             setTimeout(function () {
3475                 n.remove()
3476             },
3477             100);
3478             j()
3479         });
3480         var x = g.duration / 2 / g.slicecount;
3481         var y = g.duration / 2;
3482         v.each(function () {
3483             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3484                 ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3485                 ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘
3486             }));
3487             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3488                 ‘transition-property‘: ‘transform‘
3489             },
3490             true));
3491             $(this).css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3492                 ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(-‘ + dist + ‘px)‘
3493             }))
3494         });
3495         e.hide();
3496         index = 0;
3497         v.each(function () {
3498             var a = $(this);
3499             var b = (g.slicecount - 1) / 2;
3500             var c = Math.round((index - b) * g.scatter * h / 100);
3501             setTimeout(function () {
3502                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3503                     ‘transform-style‘: ‘preserve-3d‘,
3504                     ‘backface-visibility‘: ‘hidden‘
3505                 }));
3506                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3507                     ‘transition-property‘: ‘transform‘
3508                 },
3509                 true));
3510                 a.css(ASPlatforms.applyBrowserStyles({
3511                     ‘transition-duration‘: y + ‘ms‘,
3512                     ‘transform‘: ‘translateZ(-‘ + dist + ‘px) rotateY(‘ + ((g.direction) ? ‘89.99‘ : ‘-89.99‘) + ‘deg)‘
3513                 }));
3514                 a.animate({
3515                     top: ‘+=‘ + c + ‘px‘
3516                 },
3517                 y / 2 - 50,
3518                 function () {
3519                     a.animate({
3520                         top: ‘-=‘ + c + ‘px‘
3521                     },
3522                     y / 2 - 50)
3523                 })
3524             },
3525             x * index + 100);
3526             index++
3527         });
3528         var z = setTimeout(function () {
3529             l.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3530         },
3531         g.duration);
3532         k(z)
3533     };
3534     $.fn.blocksTransition = function (c, d, e, f, g, k) {
3535         var i, j, index;
3536         var l = this;
3537         var w = l.width(),
3538         h = l.height();
3539         var m = Math.ceil(w / f.columncount);
3540         var n = Math.ceil(h / f.rowcount);
3541         var o = f.effects.split(",");
3542         var p = o[Math.floor(Math.random() * o.length)];
3543         p = $.trim(p.toLowerCase());
3544         e.hide();
3545         for (i = 0; i < f.rowcount; i++) {
3546             for (j = 0; j < f.columncount; j++) {
3547                 var q = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-" + c + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:" + j * m + "px;top:" + i * n + "px;width:" + m + "px;height:" + n + "px;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3548                 var r = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-" + c + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3549                 var s = $(‘img‘, e).clone().css({
3550                     ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3551                     ‘max-height‘: ‘‘,
3552                     left: ‘-‘ + m * j + ‘px‘,
3553                     top: ‘-‘ + n * i + ‘px‘
3554                 });
3555                 s.attr(‘style‘, s.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;max-height:‘ + h + ‘px !important;‘);
3556                 r.append(s);
3557                 q.append(r);
3558                 l.append(q)
3559             }
3560         }
3561         var t = $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-‘ + c, l);
3562         l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3563         function () {
3564             l.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3565             d.remove();
3566             e.show();
3567             $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-‘ + c, l).remove();
3568             g()
3569         });
3570         if ((p == ‘bottomright‘) || (p == ‘bottom‘)) t = $($.makeArray(t).reverse());
3571         else if (p == ‘random‘) t = $($.makeArray(t).sort(function () {
3572             return 0.5 - Math.random()
3573         }));
3574         index = 0;
3575         t.each(function () {
3576             var a = $(this);
3577             var b, col;
3578             b = Math.floor(index / f.columncount);
3579             col = index % f.columncount;
3580             a.hide();
3581             switch (p) {
3582                 case ‘topleft‘:
3583                 case ‘bottomright‘:
3584                     a.delay(f.duration * (b + col) / (f.rowcount + f.columncount)).fadeIn();
3585                     break;
3586                 case ‘top‘:
3587                 case ‘bottom‘:
3588                 case ‘random‘:
3589                     a.delay(f.duration * index / (f.rowcount * f.columncount)).fadeIn();
3590                     break
3591             }
3592             index++
3593         });
3594         var u = setTimeout(function () {
3595             l.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3596         },
3597         f.duration);
3598         k(u)
3599     };
3600     $.fn.shuffleTransition = function (f, g, k, l, m, n) {
3601         var i, j, index;
3602         var o = this;
3603         var w = o.width(),
3604         h = o.height();
3605         var p = Math.ceil(w / l.columncount);
3606         var q = Math.ceil(h / l.rowcount);
3607         for (i = 0; i < l.rowcount; i++) {
3608             for (j = 0; j < l.columncount; j++) {
3609                 var r = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-next-" + f + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:" + j * p + "px;top:" + i * q + "px;width:" + p + "px;height:" + q + "px;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3610                 var s = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-next-" + f + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3611                 var t = $(‘img‘, k).clone().css({
3612                     ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3613                     ‘max-height‘: ‘‘,
3614                     left: ‘-‘ + p * j + ‘px‘,
3615                     top: ‘-‘ + q * i + ‘px‘
3616                 });
3617                 t.attr(‘style‘, t.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;max-height:‘ + h + ‘px !important;‘);
3618                 s.append(t);
3619                 r.append(s);
3620                 o.append(r);
3621                 var u = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-prev-" + f + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:" + j * p + "px;top:" + i * q + "px;width:" + p + "px;height:" + q + "px;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3622                 var v = $("<div class=‘html5zoo-img-block-prev-" + f + " ‘ style=‘display:block;position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;‘></div>");
3623                 var x = $(‘img‘, g).clone().css({
3624                     ‘max-width‘: ‘‘,
3625                     ‘max-height‘: ‘‘,
3626                     left: ‘-‘ + p * j + ‘px‘,
3627                     top: ‘-‘ + q * i + ‘px‘
3628                 });
3629                 x.attr(‘style‘, x.attr(‘style‘) + ‘; max-width:‘ + w + ‘px !important;max-height:‘ + h + ‘px !important;‘);
3630                 v.append(x);
3631                 u.append(v);
3632                 o.append(u)
3633             }
3634         }
3635         k.hide();
3636         g.hide();
3637         var y = $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-next-‘ + f, o);
3638         var z = $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-prev-‘ + f, o);
3639         o.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘).bind(‘transitionFinished‘,
3640         function () {
3641             o.unbind(‘transitionFinished‘);
3642             g.remove();
3643             k.show();
3644             $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-next-‘ + f, o).remove();
3645             $(‘.html5zoo-img-block-wrapper-prev-‘ + f, o).remove();
3646             m()
3647         });
3648         var A = o.offset();
3649         var B = -A.left;
3650         var C = $(window).width() - A.left - o.width() / l.columncount;
3651         var D = -A.top * 100 / o.height();
3652         var E = $(window).height() - A.top - o.height() / l.rowcount;
3653         index = 0;
3654         z.each(function () {
3655             var a = $(this);
3656             var b = Math.random() * (C - B) + B;
3657             var c = Math.random() * (E - D) + D;
3658             a.animate({
3659                 left: b + ‘px‘,
3660                 top: c + ‘px‘,
3661                 opacity: 0
3662             },
3663             l.duration, l.easing);
3664             index++
3665         });
3666         index = 0;
3667         y.each(function () {
3668             var a = $(this);
3669             var b = Math.floor(index / l.columncount);
3670             var c = index % l.columncount;
3671             var d = Math.random() * (C - B) + B;
3672             var e = Math.random() * (E - D) + D;
3673             a.css({
3674                 left: d + ‘px‘,
3675                 top: e + ‘px‘,
3676                 opacity: 0
3677             },
3678             l.duration, l.easing);
3679             a.animate({
3680                 left: c * p + ‘px‘,
3681                 top: b * q + ‘px‘,
3682                 opacity: 1
3683             },
3684             l.duration, l.easing);
3685             index++
3686         });
3687         var F = setTimeout(function () {
3688             o.trigger(‘transitionFinished‘)
3689         },
3690         l.duration);
3691         n(F)
3692     }
3693 })(jQuery); (function ($) {
3694     $.fn.touchSwipe = function (d) {
3695         var f = {
3696             swipeLeft: null,
3697             swipeRight: null,
3698             swipeTop: null,
3699             swipeBottom: null
3700         };
3701         if (d) $.extend(f, d);
3702         return this.each(function () {
3703             var b = -1,
3704             startY = -1;
3705             var c = -1,
3706             curY = -1;
3707             function touchStart(a) {
3708                 var e = a.originalEvent;
3709                 if (e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
3710                     b = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
3711                     startY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY
3712                 } else {
3713                     touchCancel(a)
3714                 }
3715             };
3716             function touchMove(a) {
3717                 var e = a.originalEvent;
3718                 if (e.targetTouches.length >= 1) {
3719                     c = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
3720                     curY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY
3721                 } else {
3722                     touchCancel(a)
3723                 }
3724             };
3725             function touchEnd(a) {
3726                 if ((c > 0) || (curY > 0)) {
3727                     triggerHandler();
3728                     touchCancel(a)
3729                 } else {
3730                     touchCancel(a)
3731                 }
3732             };
3733             function touchCancel(a) {
3734                 b = -1;
3735                 startY = -1;
3736                 c = -1;
3737                 curY = -1
3738             };
3739             function triggerHandler() {
3740                 if (c > b) {
3741                     if (f.swipeRight) f.swipeRight.call()
3742                 } else {
3743                     if (f.swipeLeft) f.swipeLeft.call()
3744                 }
3745                 if (curY > startY) {
3746                     if (f.swipeBottom) f.swipeBottom.call()
3747                 } else {
3748                     if (f.swipeTop) f.swipeTop.call()
3749                 }
3750             };
3751             try {
3752                 $(this).bind(‘touchstart‘, touchStart);
3753                 $(this).bind(‘touchmove‘, touchMove);
3754                 $(this).bind(‘touchend‘, touchEnd);
3755                 $(this).bind(‘touchcancel‘, touchCancel)
3756             } catch (e) { }
3757         })
3758     }
3759 })(jQuery);
3760 jQuery.easing[‘jswing‘] = jQuery.easing[‘swing‘];
3761 jQuery.extend(jQuery.easing, {
3762     def: ‘easeOutQuad‘,
3763     swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3764         return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d)
3765     },
3766     easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3767         return c * (t /= d) * t + b
3768     },
3769     easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3770         return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b
3771     },
3772     easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3773         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b;
3774         return -c / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1) + b
3775     },
3776     easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3777         return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b
3778     },
3779     easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3780         return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b
3781     },
3782     easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3783         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b;
3784         return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b
3785     },
3786     easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3787         return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b
3788     },
3789     easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3790         return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b
3791     },
3792     easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3793         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b;
3794         return -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b
3795     },
3796     easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3797         return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b
3798     },
3799     easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3800         return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b
3801     },
3802     easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3803         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b;
3804         return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b
3805     },
3806     easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3807         return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b
3808     },
3809     easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3810         return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b
3811     },
3812     easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3813         return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b
3814     },
3815     easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3816         return (t == 0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b
3817     },
3818     easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3819         return (t == d) ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b
3820     },
3821     easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3822         if (t == 0) return b;
3823         if (t == d) return b + c;
3824         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
3825         return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b
3826     },
3827     easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3828         return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b
3829     },
3830     easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3831         return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b
3832     },
3833     easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3834         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b;
3835         return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b
3836     },
3837     easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3838         var s = 1.70158;
3839         var p = 0;
3840         var a = c;
3841         if (t == 0) return b;
3842         if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
3843         if (!p) p = d * .3;
3844         if (a < Math.abs(c)) {
3845             a = c;
3846             var s = p / 4
3847         } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
3848         return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b
3849     },
3850     easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3851         var s = 1.70158;
3852         var p = 0;
3853         var a = c;
3854         if (t == 0) return b;
3855         if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c;
3856         if (!p) p = d * .3;
3857         if (a < Math.abs(c)) {
3858             a = c;
3859             var s = p / 4
3860         } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
3861         return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b
3862     },
3863     easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3864         var s = 1.70158;
3865         var p = 0;
3866         var a = c;
3867         if (t == 0) return b;
3868         if ((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c;
3869         if (!p) p = d * (.3 * 1.5);
3870         if (a < Math.abs(c)) {
3871             a = c;
3872             var s = p / 4
3873         } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
3874         if (t < 1) return -.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b;
3875         return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + c + b
3876     },
3877     easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
3878         if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
3879         return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b
3880     },
3881     easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
3882         if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
3883         return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b
3884     },
3885     easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {
3886         if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
3887         if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s)) + b;
3888         return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b
3889     },
3890     easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3891         return c - jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce(x, d - t, 0, c, d) + b
3892     },
3893     easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3894         if ((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) {
3895             return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b
3896         } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) {
3897             return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75) + b
3898         } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) {
3899             return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375) + b
3900         } else {
3901             return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375) + b
3902         }
3903     },
3904     easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
3905         if (t < d / 2) return jQuery.easing.easeInBounce(x, t * 2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b;
3906         return jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce(x, t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c * .5 + b
3907     }
3908 });
3909 if (typeof ASyoukuIframeAPIReady === ‘undefined‘) {
3910     var ASyoukuIframeAPIReady = false;
3911     var ASyoukuTimeout = 0;
3912     function onyoukuIframeAPIReady() {
3913         ASyoukuIframeAPIReady = true
3914     }
3915 }
3916 if (typeof html5zooId === ‘undefined‘) {
3917     var html5zooId = 0
3918 }
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655     background-position: 0 -2550px!important;
656 }
658 .bds_ibaidu {
659     background-position: 0 -2590px!important;
660 }
662 #bdshare .bds_fl5, #bdshare .bds_buzz, #bdshare .bds_zx {
663     display: none;
664 }




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