1 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute ‘getImageData‘ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D‘: The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data.
egret 2.5 里面将WebImageLoader的crossOrigin默认值设置为anonymous就可以了
1 关闭列表的滚动:比较hack的做法
var skin = this.list.skin; var scroller:egret.gui.Scroller = skin._elementsContent[0]; if( scroller != null) scroller.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
2 监听列表的滚动事件:
this.list.dataGroup.addEventListener(egret.gui.PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE,this.onListTouchEnd, this); private onListTouchEnd(evt:egret.gui.PropertyChangeEvent){ var newPos:number = evt.newValue; var referPos:number = this.list.dataGroup.scrollRect.bottom-this.list.dataGroup.height; if( evt.property == "verticalScrollPosition" && referPos - newPos <= 10){ //todo dosomething } }
1 抽屉效果
原理: Tween + mask实现
var tw:egret.Tween = egret.Tween.get(this.d,{onChange:this.updateMask,onChangeObj:this},null,true); this.maskForD = new egret.Rectangle(0,0,0,60);
private updateMask(){ var showWidth:number; if( this.isLeft){ showWidth = 420-(this.itemGroup.x-20); }else{ showWidth = 420 - this.itemGroup.x; } this.maskForD.width = showWidth; this.d.mask = this.maskForItemGroup; }
2 帧事件的管理
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/8/5. */ module game { export class FrameMgr extends egret.HashObject { public constructor() { super(); this.items = []; this.itemMap = {}; } public itemMap:Object; private items:FrameItem[]; private stage:egret.Stage; public referTime:number; public initStage(stage:egret.Stage){ this.stage = stage; this.stage.addEventListener(egret.Event.ENTER_FRAME,this.update, this); this.referTime = egret.getTimer(); } public update(evt:egret.Event){ var temp:number = egret.getTimer(); var delta:number = temp - this.referTime; var len:number = this.items.length; var item:FrameItem; for(var idx = len-1; idx >= 0; idx--){ item = this.items[idx]; item.callFun.call(item.callObj,delta); } this.referTime = temp; Model.SYSTIME += delta; } public addControll(item:FrameItem){ if( this.items.indexOf(item) == -1){ this.items.push(item); this.itemMap[item.callObj.name] = item; } } public delController(name:string){ if( this.items.length == 0 ) return; var item:FrameItem = this.itemMap[name]; if( item != null && item != undefined){ var idx:number = this.items.indexOf(item); if(idx != -1){ this.items.splice(idx,1); } } delete this.itemMap[name]; } public isUnderControl(name:string):boolean{ return this.itemMap[name] != undefined && this.itemMap[name] != null; } public pause(){ this.stage.removeEventListener(egret.Event.ENTER_FRAME,this.update, this); } public resume(){ this.referTime = egret.getTimer(); this.stage.addEventListener(egret.Event.ENTER_FRAME,this.update, this); } private static _instance:FrameMgr; public static getInstance():FrameMgr{ if( FrameMgr._instance == null) FrameMgr._instance = new game.FrameMgr(); return FrameMgr._instance; } } }
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/8/5. */ module game { export class FrameItem extends egret.HashObject { public callObj:any; public callFun:Function; public constructor() { super(); } } }
3 简单的位移补间
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/8/5. */ module game{ export class MoveMgr extends egret.HashObject{ public name:string; public frameItem:FrameItem; public constructor(){ super(); this.items = []; this.name = "movemgr"; this.frameItem = new game.FrameItem(); this.frameItem.callObj = this; this.frameItem.callFun = this.update; FrameMgr.getInstance().addControll(this.frameItem); } private items:MoveItem[]; private spareTime:number = 10; public update(deltaTime:number){ if( this.items.length == 0) return; var itemLen:number = this.items.length - 1; var item:MoveItem; var startTime = egret.getTimer(); var gap:number; for(var i = itemLen; i >= 0 ; i--){ item = this.items[i]; item.update(deltaTime); gap = egret.getTimer() - startTime; if( gap >= this.spareTime) break; } } public addItem(item:MoveItem){ if( this.items.indexOf(item) == -1){ this.items.push(item); } } public delItem(item:MoveItem){ var idx:number = this.items.indexOf(item); if( idx != -1){ this.items.splice(idx, 1); } MoveMgr.reclaim(item); } public removeAllHairItems(){ var len:number = this.items.length; var item:MoveItem; var disObj:egret.DisplayObject; for( var idx = len - 1; idx >=0 ; idx--){ item = this.items[idx]; disObj = item.disObject; if( disObj instanceof Hair){ item.finish(); } } } public finish(){ var itemLen:number = this.items.length - 1; if( itemLen == -1 ) return; var item:MoveItem; for(var i = itemLen; i >= 0 ; i--){ item = this.items[i]; item.finish(); } } private static _cache:MoveItem[]=[]; public static reclaim(item:MoveItem){ if( MoveMgr._cache.indexOf(item) == -1) MoveMgr._cache.push(item); } public static produce():MoveItem{ if(MoveMgr._cache.length!=0) return MoveMgr._cache.pop(); return new MoveItem(); } private static _instance:MoveMgr; public static getInstance():MoveMgr{ if( MoveMgr._instance == null) MoveMgr._instance = new game.MoveMgr(); return MoveMgr._instance; } } }
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/8/5. */ module game{ export class MoveItem extends egret.HashObject{ public disObject:egret.DisplayObject; private gapX:number; private gapY:number; public targetX:number; public targetY:number; public duration:number; public past:number; private roll:boolean=false; public callBackObj:any; public callBackFun:Function; public constructor(){ super(); } public init(disObject:egret.DisplayObject,targetX:number,targetY:number,duration:number,cbObj:any=null,cbFun:Function=null,roll:boolean=false){ this.disObject = disObject; this.targetX = targetX; this.gapX = targetX - disObject.x; this.targetY = targetY; this.gapY = targetY - disObject.y; this.duration = duration; this.past = 0; this.callBackObj = cbObj; this.callBackFun = cbFun; this.roll = roll; } public update(deltaTime:number){ this.past += deltaTime; if( this.past < this.duration){ var refer:number = deltaTime/this.duration; this.disObject.x += this.gapX*refer; this.disObject.y += this.gapY*refer; if( this.roll){ this.disObject.rotation += this.gapX > 0 ? 3 : -3; } }else{ this.disObject.x = this.targetX; this.disObject.y = this.targetY; if( this.callBackObj!= null && this.callBackObj != null) this.callBackFun.call(this.callBackObj); MoveMgr.getInstance().delItem(this); } if( this.disObject.parent == null){ MoveMgr.getInstance().delItem(this); } } public finish(){ if(this.disObject != null){ this.disObject.x = this.targetX; this.disObject.y = this.targetY; } this.roll = false; MoveMgr.getInstance().delItem(this); } } }
4 做了一个简单的重力系统,如下:
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/7/30. */ module dukeutil{ export class GravitySystem extends egret.HashObject { public gravity:number = 0.98; private items:GravityItem[] = []; private itemMap:Object = {}; private frameItem:game.FrameItem; public name:string; public constructor(){ super(); this.name = "gravitysystem"; this.frameItem = new game.FrameItem(); this.frameItem.callFun = this.update; this.frameItem.callObj = this; game.FrameMgr.getInstance().addControll(this.frameItem); } public addItem(item:GravityItem){ if( this.items.indexOf(item) == -1 ){ this.items.push(item); this.itemMap[item.displayObject.name] = item; } } public contains(name:string):boolean{ return this.itemMap[name] != undefined; } private spareTime:number = 10; private update(delata:number){ var startTime = egret.getTimer(); var gap:number; var len:number = this.items.length; var idx:number; var item:GravityItem; var displayObject:egret.DisplayObject; for(idx = len-1; idx >= 0; idx--){ item = this.items[idx]; displayObject = item.displayObject; if( item.phase == 0){ displayObject.x+=item.currentSpeedX; item.currentSpeedY += this.gravity; displayObject.y += item.currentSpeedY; if( item.doublePhase && displayObject.y >= item.targetY){ item.phase = 1; item.currentSpeedX = item.currentSpeedX*0.8; }else if( !item.doublePhase && (item.currentSpeedY < 1 && item.currentSpeedY > -1)){ delete this.itemMap[item.displayObject.name]; this.items.splice(idx,1); if( item.overCall != null && item.overCallObj != null) item.overCall.call(item.overCallObj); item.reset(); GravitySystem.reclaim(item); } }else{ item.step++; item.currentSpeedX = item.currentSpeedX*0.9; displayObject.x+=item.currentSpeedX; //if( item.currentSpeedX > 0){ // displayObject.rotation+=2; //}else{ // displayObject.rotation-=2; //} if( item.step >= 30){ delete this.itemMap[item.displayObject.name]; this.items.splice(idx,1); if( item.overCall != null && item.overCallObj != null) item.overCall.call(item.overCallObj); item.reset(); GravitySystem.reclaim(item); } } if( displayObject.x <= 0 || displayObject.x >= game.GameConst.StageW){ item.currentSpeedX = -item.currentSpeedX; } gap = egret.getTimer() - startTime; if( gap >= this.spareTime) break; } } private static _itemCache:GravityItem[] = []; public static produce():GravityItem{ if( GravitySystem._itemCache.length != 0) return GravitySystem._itemCache.pop(); return new GravityItem(); } public static reclaim(item:GravityItem){ if( GravitySystem._itemCache.indexOf(item) == -1) GravitySystem._itemCache.push(item); } private static _instance:GravitySystem; public static getInstance():GravitySystem{ if( GravitySystem._instance == null ) GravitySystem._instance = new dukeutil.GravitySystem(); return GravitySystem._instance; } } }
/** * Created by DukeCrushIt on 2015/7/30. */ module dukeutil{ export class GravityItem extends egret.HashObject{ public phase:number=0;//0 gravity 1 roll to public doublePhase:boolean = true; public displayObject:egret.DisplayObject; public targetY:number; public currentSpeedX:number; public currentSpeedY:number; public step:number=0; public overCallObj:any; public overCall:Function; public constructor(){ super(); } public reset(){ this.phase = 0; this.step = 0; this.doublePhase = true; this.overCall = null; this.overCallObj = null; } } }