int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { Sys_SetPhysicalWorkMemory( 192 << 20, 1024 << 20 ); //Min = 201,326,592 Max = 1,073,741,824 Sys_GetCurrentMemoryStatus( exeLaunchMemoryStats ); Sys_CreateConsole(); SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_CRITICAL_SECTIONS; i++ ) { InitializeCriticalSection( &win32.criticalSections[i] ); } Sys_Milliseconds(); common->Init( 0, NULL, lpCmdLine ) { idLib::Init(); ParseCommandLine( argc, argv ); cmdSystem->Init(); // init console command system cvarSystem->Init(); // init CVar system idCVar::RegisterStaticVars(); // register all static CVars idKeyInput::Init(); // initialize key input/binding, done early so bind command exists console->Init(); // init the console so we can take prints Sys_Init(); // get architecture info Sys_InitNetworking(); // initialize networking if ( !idAsyncNetwork::serverDedicated.GetInteger() && Sys_AlreadyRunning() ) Sys_Quit(); InitSIMD(); // initialize processor specific SIMD implementation InitCommands(); // init commands InitGame(); // game specific initialization ClearCommandLine(); com_fullyInitialized = true; } Sys_StartAsyncThread(); { // Create a thread that will block on hTimer in order to run at 60Hz (every 16 milliseconds). // The Thread calls common->Async over and over for Sound mixing and input generation. while ( 1 ) { usleep( 16666 ); common->Async(); Sys_TriggerEvent( TRIGGER_EVENT_ONE ); pthread_testcancel(); } } Sys_ShowConsole // main game loop while( 1 ) { Win_Frame(); //Show or hide the console // Called repeatedly as the foreground thread for rendering and game logic. common->Frame() // All of Doom3 beef is here. { Sys_GenerateEvents(); // pump all the events WriteConfiguration(); // write config file if anything changed eventLoop->RunEventLoop(); com_frameTime = com_ticNumber * USERCMD_MSEC; idAsyncNetwork::RunFrame(); session->Frame() { Sys_GrabMouseCursor while( 1 ) { latchedTicNumber = com_ticNumber; if ( latchedTicNumber >= minTic ) { break; } Sys_WaitForEvent( TRIGGER_EVENT_ONE ); } GuiFrameEvents for ( i = 0 ; i < gameTicsToRun ; i++ ) RunGameTic() { //From this point execution jumps in the GameX86.dll address space. game->RunFrame( &cmd ); { GetLocalPlayer ComputeSlowMsec random.RandomInt ServerProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue UpdateGravity SetupPlayerPVS SortActiveEntityList timer_think.Start // let entities think for( ent = activeEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->activeNode.Next() ) ent->GetPhysics()->UpdateTime( time ); // remove any entities that have stopped thinking for( ent = activeEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = next_ent ) if ( !ent->thinkFlags ) ent->activeNode.Remove(); timer_think.Stop(); idEvent::ServiceEvents(); idEvent::ServiceFastEvents(); } } } session->UpdateScreen( false ); // normal, in-sequence screen update { renderSystem->BeginFrame( renderSystem->GetScreenWidth(), renderSystem->GetScreenHeight() ); // Doesn‘t actually communicate with the GPU // but generate Doom cmd for later. // DOOM3 FRONTEND - idGame::Draw - idPlayerView::RenderPlayerView - idPlayerView::SingleView - idRenderWorld::RenderScene | - build params | - ::R_RenderView(params) | { | R_SetViewMatrix //Setup the modelview Matrix (GL_MODELVIEW) | R_SetupViewFrustum //Setup the perspective projection Matrix (GL_PROJECTION). Set Zfar to MAX_WORLD_SIZE (256*1024), this is adjusted in R_ConstrainViewFrustum | R_SetupProjection | | // Populate: | // - tr.viewDef->viewLights | // - tr.viewDef->viewEntitys | static_cast(parms->renderWorld)->FindViewLightsAndEntities(); | PointInArea | BuildConnectedAreas //Just follow the graph or portal interconnection in order to mark all area potentially visible (mark tr.viewDef->connectedAreas array) | FlowViewThroughPortals | FloodViewThroughArea_r | { | AddAreaRefs | { | AddAreaEntityRefs( areaNum, ps ); //Use tr.viewDef->connectedAreas. Even if an entity is not in light IT MUST be rendered because //It may be in front of a lighted area (silhouette effect). | AddAreaLightRefs( areaNum, ps ); | } | } | | R_ConstrainViewFrustum // Adjust Z Far in order to gain precision (ZFar = MAX_WORLD_SIZE from R_SetupViewFrustum) (constrain the view frustum to the view lights and entities). | | // make sure that interactions exist for all light / entity combinations | // that are visible | // add any pre-generated light shadows, and calculate the light shader values | R_AddLightSurfaces(); | | // adds ambient surfaces and create any necessary interaction surfaces to add to the light | // lists. Removes lights from the viewLights list if they are completely turned off, or completely off screen. | R_AddModelSurfaces(); | | // any viewLight that didn‘t have visible surfaces can have it‘s shadows removed | R_RemoveUnecessaryViewLights(); | | // sort all the ambient surfaces for translucency ordering using C qsort. Would have been faster to use C++ template for inlining. | R_SortDrawSurfs(); | | R_GenerateSubViews // Generate GUI elements on surfaces. | | R_AddDrawViewCmd // Send everything to the backend | } | - idPlayer::DrawHUD // All commands are picked up here and GPU is actually instructed to // render stuff. renderSystem->EndFrame { R_IssueRenderCommands RB_ExecuteBackEndCommands RB_DrawView RB_ShowOverdraw RB_STD_DrawView { RB_BeginDrawingView // clear the z buffer, set the projection matrix, etc RB_DetermineLightScale RB_STD_FillDepthBuffer // fill the depth buffer and clear color buffer to black except on _DrawInteractions { 5 GPU specific path R10 (GeForce256) R20 (geForce3) R200 (Radeon 8500) ARB ARB2 } // disable stencil shadow test qglStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 128, 255 ); RB_STD_LightScale RB_STD_DrawShaderPasses //draw any non-light dependent shading passes RB_STD_FogAllLights RB_STD_DrawShaderPasses } } } } } }
Doom3 execution unrolled by Fabien Sanglard