boot0_sdcard.fex, u-boot.fex and kernel (uImage) created from sources
kernel built with many features enabled (btrfs, USB serial adapters, bluetooth, hdmi sound, nfsd ...)
CPU runs at 1.53GHz, termal management adjusted so that all 4 cores are active up to 100 °C
GPIO, i2c (TWI), SPI enabled
Linux fs created from scratch with debootstrap
mimimal image can be the base for server or desktop
framebuffer console works
serial (uart) console works
ssh installed, root login ower ssh enabled
initial filesystem size less then 500 MB
initial RAM usage less then 50 MB
some usefull console programs installed (mc, htop, tmux, ...)
you can install server componnents (tested apache2, php, firebird, webmin, ...)
you can install full desktop, tested LXDE,XFCE and Mate desktop (recommended)
scripts to install lxde, xfce or mate desktopincluded, run (with lubuntu option the script will install Lubuntu core package, so you can get real Lubuntu look):
sudo install_lxde_desktop [lubuntu]
sudo install_mate_desktop
sudo install_xfce_desktop
Copy the Code
script to install x2go server (install only after desktop is installed), run
sudo install_x2goserver
Copy the Code
user name orangepi, pass for user and root orangepi
to enable wifi connection from command line run: sudo nmcli -a d wifi connect and enter your wifi credentials
to always run at full speed install heatsink and fan !