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function overloading/ declare function

时间:2015-10-24 18:45:43      阅读:182      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


  • Declare a function

To declare a function without identifying the argument list, you can do it in this way:

void say hello(...);

here, you use three point (...) to indicate that the function have no argument.


  • function overloading

Keep in mind that the signature, not the function type, enables function overloading. For example, the following two declaration are incompatible:

long gronk (int n, float m);   #1 //same signature

double gronk(int n, float m);  #2 //hence not allowed

why, for example, if this is possible:

int hel=0;

float haa=3;

gronk(hel, haa); //which function to use, #1 or #2, it is conflict.

therefore,  C++ doesn‘t allow you to overload gronk() in this fashion. You can have different return type, but only if the signature are also different, for example:

long gronk(int n, float m);

double gronk(double n, double m);  //now it is allowed

function overloading/ declare function



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