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the one-way street单行道
traffic light红绿灯

fork road三叉路口
T road?丁字路口

underground channel/Underpass地下通道
gas station?加油站
be far from?距离某处很远
be nearby?距离某处很近
go straight across/to/through?径直走过/向/过
cross (over)?穿过(某条街道)?
be next to?紧邻
go up/down?向上(北)/向下(南)?
go back/back/back up?向回走
go east/west/south/north?向东/南/西/北
walk/go on/along/down…till you meet…?沿…一直走,直到…
be on sb‘s left/right?在某人的左边/右边
be the first/second/third from the left/right?从左/右数第一/二/三个
directly opposite?和…相对

on the other side of the road?在路的对面
be located behind/in front of?坐落在…的前面/后面
be on the corner of A street and B street?在A和B街交汇的拐角处
be in the corner of?在…的角落里


1.?回答Where‘s the (nearest)…??可用以下简单的答语:

?? It‘s over there.?在那边?It\‘s behind the…?在…后面

?? It‘s next to the…?在…旁边?It\‘s in front of the …?它就在…前面

?? It‘s near the …?它在…附近?It\‘s on the right/left of the …?它在…右/左边

?? It‘s outside the …?它在…外面?It\‘s on the other side of the …?它在…对面

2.?回答Which is the way to…please??和How can I get to…??等问路的话时,可根据具体情况,将下列有关句子组织起来用:

Walk along this road/street.?沿着这条路/街走。

It\‘s about … metres from here.?从这里大约…米。

Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You\‘ll find the … on the right/left.


Go on until you reach the end of the road/street. You\‘ll see the … in front of you.


Go down this street/road until you reach the 1st/2nd/… traffic lights. Turn right/left. At the end of the road/street you\‘ll see the …


1. It‘s between the cinema and the fruit shop.

2. It‘s next to / in front of / behind / on the left (right) side of the library.

3. It‘s in / on / to the south / north / west / east of the park.

4.?Go down / along this street until you see the tall red building. You can‘t miss it.

5. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning / corner.

Take the lst/… turning on the left/right.?在第…个转弯处左/右转。

7. Take a left = Make a left = Turn left向左转.

光讲?take a left?不明确时,可以加上路名? Take a left on ?Hemphill? Ave.

8. Come /Get down?Hemphill Ave?about five blocks.?由?Hemphill?街往下走约五个?blocks.

9. You will see a BP gas station on your left.?在你的左手边你会看到一座?BP?加油站.

10. Keep going 50 m before you come to a crossroad.?继续走?50?米,?直到你走到一个交叉路口.

????keep going= continue straight = keep straight

11.Make a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart.

???向右转,?经过二个Stop sign,?你就会遇到?Wal Mart.

?? You‘ll run into it! =You can‘t miss it!

12. The post office is just right across the street of it.?邮局就在?Wal Mart的正对面

13. Straight on.??一直走下去

14. Go along/down this street and turn left at the second crossing.?沿着这条街走,在第二个十字路口左拐

15. It‘s?about?1?kilometer?from?here.?距这里约一公里。

16. It is far from her, you‘d?better?take?a?bus/taxi.?离这里有点远,你最好坐公共汽车或的士去。

17. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square.?坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。

18. You can take Bus No. 103.

19. It?will?take?about?20/twenty?minutes‘ bus there.?大概要做20分钟的公车。

20. It is one hour‘ ride from?Shanghai?to?Suzhou.

21. I‘m?sorry.?I?have?no?idea?where?it?is.?对不起,我不知道它在哪儿。

22. You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light.


??? Stay for a while?通常指五到十分钟的时间,?不会太久.

????遇见某样东西,?可以用?hit?这个字,?如?hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign?等等.


public toilet公共厕所???travel agent旅游社??? night club夜总会

video shop?音像店???? a tea house?茶馆(社) ??tourist information office旅游资讯局

youth hostel青年旅馆???disco迪斯科? ??department store百货公司

metro station欧=subway station美=underground station英地铁站

take the+序数词?turning on the right/left?在…拐口处向右/左拐

at the+序数词+crossing?在第…个十字路口

It‘s on Green street.
It‘s quite near.
It‘s two blocks away.
It‘s within walking distance.
It‘s ten minutes walk.
It‘s twenty minutes bus ride.
It‘s too far to walk, you‘d better take a taxi.
It won‘t take long to get there by bus.
Go straight ahead.
Go along this road as far as the traffic lights.
Go down the street for about 200 meters.
Turn right.
Turn left.
Then turn left into Green road.
Take the second turning on the right.
Walk on for about 5 minutes, you‘ll find a five sotry red building ,that‘s it.
It‘s at the corner of the road.
You can‘t miss it.
You can take bus No. 2.
No. 3 bus stop is a bit farther on.
You have to get off at the park, then transfer to bus No 25, and it‘ll take you right there.

1. Excuse me. Where is the post office??
2. Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital? / How can I get to No. 4 Middle School???
3. Excuse me.?Which bus goes to World Park? / Which bus should I take to the post office????
4. Excuse me.?Which is the way to the Bank of China? / Could you tell me the way to the station, please????
5. Excuse me. Where does this street lead to? / Does this road lead to the zoo, please????
6. Excuse me.??Is this the right way to the Red Rose Hotel? / Am I going in the right direction to the police station?

1. It‘s over there.
2. It‘s between the cinema and the fruit shop. / It‘s next to / in front of / behind / on the left (right) side of the library.?
3. It‘s (in / on / to the) south / north / west / east of the park.
4. It‘s about 400 meters from here. / It‘s about five minutes‘walk from here.
5. Go down / along this street until you see the tall red building. You can‘t miss it.

6. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning / corner.
7. You can take Bus No. 103. / You‘d better take a taxi.
8. Sorry, I don‘t know. I‘m a stranger here, too.

? ?




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