[root@AY1304131823374920ac logs]# /usr/bin/fdfs_test /etc/fdfs/client.conf upload /etc/fdfs/client.conf This is FastDFS client test program v5.05
Copyright (C) 2008, Happy Fish / YuQing
FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit. Please visit the FastDFS Home Page http://www.csource.org/ for more detail.
[2015-10-28 17:27:29] DEBUG - base_path=/root/fdfsdata, connect_timeout=30, network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0, use_connection_pool=0, g_connection_pool_max_idle_time=3600s, use_storage_id=0, storage server id count: 0
tracker_query_storage_store_list_without_group: server 1. group_name=, ip_addr=, port=23000
group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000 storage_upload_by_filename group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/KmC4VFYwlQGAItigAAAFsHrMXek69.conf source ip address: file timestamp=2015-10-28 17:27:29 file size=1456 file crc32=2060213737 example file url: storage_upload_slave_by_filename group_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/KmC4VFYwlQGAItigAAAFsHrMXek69_big.conf source ip address: file timestamp=2015-10-28 17:27:29 file size=1456 file crc32=2060213737 example file url:
Group 1: group name = group1 disk total space = 20157 MB disk free space = 12235 MB trunk free space = 0 MB storage server count = 1 active server count = 1 storage server port = 23000 storage HTTP port = 8888 store path count = 1 subdir count per path = 256 current write server index = 0