NGINX as a Reverse Proxy
A reverse proxy is a web server that terminates connections with clients and
makes new ones to upstream servers on their behalf. An upstream server is
defined as a server that NGINX makes a connection with in order to fulfill the
client‘s request.
The most important directive when proxying to an upstream server is the proxy_
pass directive. This directive takes one parameter—the URL to which the request
should be transferred. Using proxy_pass with a URI part will replace the request_
uri with this part. For example, /uri in the following example will be transformed
to /newuri when the request is passed on to the upstream:
请求的uri的部分将会被proxy_pass 后面的URL的uri部分替换,然后传递到上游服务器
location /uri {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/newuri;
There are two exceptions to this rule, however. First, if the location is defined
with a regular expression, no transformation of the URI occurs. In this example,
the URI /local will be passed directly to the upstream, and not be transformed
to /foreign as intended:
location 是正则匹配的话,请求的uri不会被转换,然后传递到上游服务器
location ~ ^/local {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/foreign;
The second exception is that if within the location a rewrite rule changes the URI,
and then NGINX uses this URI to process the request, no transformation occurs.
In this example, the URI passed to the upstream will be /index.php?page=<match> ,
with <match> being whatever was captured in the parentheses, and not /index , as
indicated by the URI part of the proxy_pass directive:
location中包含重写规则的话,就是用重写规则的uri,不会被proxy_pass 转换,然后传递到上游服务器
location / {
rewrite /(.*)$ /index.php?page=$1 break;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/index;
本文出自 “Linux is belong to you” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://jwh5566.blog.51cto.com/7394620/1708067