很奇怪 tsv格式里没有go, kegg, inter-domain信息,但是xml文件里面却有,tsv文件比较好处理,所以先将xml文件转化为tsv。用软件自带的工具:
The convert mode is designed to work only for XML documents created with the same version. This makes sure we can introduce new schema updates in the future. However the XML schema is stable and will only change, if we need to add new features for instance.
You can use InterProScan 5‘s CONVERT mode to reformat your XML result file into any other possible output format (TSV, GFF3, SVG and HTML). For compatibility reasons you can also convert XML results into InterProScan 4.8 raw format. This will give our users enough time to migrate their pipeline to InterProScan 5.
Please note it is NOT possible to reformat any non-XML format. XML is the richest data type and is therefore the only format which allows us to produce any other format of interest.
To enable InterProScan 5 to run in CONVERT mode you need to set the mode option to ‘CONVERT‘.
./interproscan.sh -mode convert
You will see the following usage instructions:
Welcome to InterProScan v5 CONVERT mode.
usage: java -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -jar
Please give us your feedback by sending an email to
-b,--output-file-base <OUTPUT-FILE-BASE> Optional, base output
filename. Note that this
option and the --outfile (-o)
option are mutually exclusive.
The appropriate file extension
for the output format(s) will
be appended automatically. By
default the input file
path/name will be used.
-d,--output-dir <OUTPUT-DIR> Optional, output directory.
Note that this option and the
--outfile (-o) option or the
--output-file-base (-b) option
are mutually exclusive. The
appropriate file extension for
the output format(s) will be
appended automatically. By
default the input file
path/name will be used.
-f,--formats <OUTPUT-FORMATS> Optional, case-insensitive,
comma separated list of output
formats. Available formats are
TSV, GFF3 (default set) and
RAW (InterProScan 4 TSV),
-i,--xml <XML-FILE-PATH> Mandatory, path to the IMPACT
XML file that should be loaded
and converted.
-o,--outfile <EXPLICIT_OUTPUT_FILENAME> Optional explicit output file
name. Note that this option
and the --output-file-base