typedef struct node_t { data_t data; struct node_t *next; } linknode_t, *linkstack_t;
//创建 linkstack_t CreateEmptyLinkstack(void) { linkstack_t stack; stack = (linkstack_t)malloc(sizeof(linknode_t)); if (NULL != stack) stack->next = NULL; return stack; } //清空 int ClearLinkstack(linkstack_t stack) { linknode_t *node; if (NULL != stack) { while (NULL != stack->next) { node = stack->next; stack->next = node->next; free(node); } return 0; } else { return -1; } } //销毁 int DestroyLinkstack(linkstack_t stack) { if (NULL != stack) { ClearLinkstack(stack); free(stack); } else { return -1; } } //是否为空 int EmptyLinkstack(linkstack_t stack) { if (NULL == stack) return -1; if (NULL != stack->next) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } //压栈 int PushStack(linkstack_t stack, data_t x) { if (NULL == stack) return -1; linknode_t *stack_new; stack_new = (linkstack_t)malloc(sizeof(linknode_t)); if (NULL == stack_new) return -1; stack_new->data = x; stack_new->next = stack->next; stack->next = stack_new; return 0; } //出栈 int PopStack(linkstack_t stack, data_t *x) { if (NULL == stack) return -1; if (NULL == stack->next) return -1; linknode_t *node; node = stack->next; stack->next = node->next; if (NULL != x) *x = node->data; free(node); return 0; }
int Push_Pop(linkstack_t stack, data_t x); /* * iterate through the stack, from the top to the base * and print out info of each element */ void iterate_stack(linkstack_t stack) { linknode_t *node; /* pointer to the node to be iterated */ if (NULL == stack) return; printf("stack = top{"); node = stack->next; while (NULL != node) { printf("%d->", node->data); node = node->next; } if (1 == EmptyLinkstack(stack)) printf("}base\n"); else printf("\b\b}base\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { linkstack_t stack; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s <len>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } max_depth = atoi(argv[1]); stack = CreateEmptyLinkstack(); if (NULL == stack) { printf("CreateEmptyLinkstack error\n"); return -1; } Push_Pop(stack, 1); DestroyLinkstack(stack); return 0; } int Push_Pop(linkstack_t stack, data_t x) { data_t data_pop; static int depth = 0; if (depth == max_depth) { printf("----- reach the max depth of the stack!\n"); return 0; } else { depth++; printf("Push %d\n", x); PushStack(stack, x++); iterate_stack(stack); Push_Pop(stack, x); PopStack(stack, &data_pop); printf("Pop %d\n", data_pop); iterate_stack(stack); return -1; } }
结果 ./a.out 8
Push 1 stack = top{1}base Push 2 stack = top{2->1}base Push 3 stack = top{3->2->1}base Push 4 stack = top{4->3->2->1}base Push 5 stack = top{5->4->3->2->1}base Push 6 stack = top{6->5->4->3->2->1}base Push 7 stack = top{7->6->5->4->3->2->1}base Push 8 stack = top{8->7->6->5->4->3->2->1}base ----- reach the max depth of the stack! Pop 8 stack = top{7->6->5->4->3->2->1}base Pop 7 stack = top{6->5->4->3->2->1}base Pop 6 stack = top{5->4->3->2->1}base Pop 5 stack = top{4->3->2->1}base Pop 4 stack = top{3->2->1}base Pop 3 stack = top{2->1}base Pop 2 stack = top{1}base Pop 1 stack = top{}base