private static readonly OssClient _ossClient = new OssClient(_endpoint, _accessId, _accessKey);
public bool PutSingleObject(String bucketName, String objectName, String fileToUpload)
bool resul = false;
OssClient client = new OssClient(_endpoint, _accessId, _accessKey);
using (var fs = File.Open(fileToUpload, FileMode.Open))
var metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
metadata.UserMetadata.Add("mykey1", "myval1");
metadata.CacheControl = "No-Cache";
metadata.ContentLength = fs.Length;
client.PutObject(bucketName, objectName, fs, metadata);
catch (OssException )
resul = false;
Console.WriteLine("Failed with error code: {0}; Error info: {1}. \nRequestID:{2}\tHostID:{3}",
// ex.ErrorCode, ex.Message, ex.RequestId, ex.HostId);
catch (Exception )
resul = false;
// Console.WriteLine("Failed with error info: {0}", ex.Message);
return resul;
二 、多文件上传 (带进度条) UploadMultipart
public class UploadThread
public delegate void ShowProgressDelegate(int totalStep, int currentStep);
private ShowProgressDelegate process_;
private Control invokeControl_;
private long totalSize;
private long currentSize;
private long currentsizenum;
public long TotalSize
get { return totalSize; }
public long CurrentSize
get { return this.currentsizenum; }
public float CurrentProgress
if (this.totalSize != 0)
return (float)this.currentsizenum * 100 / (float)this.totalSize;
return 0;
public string UploadMultipart(String bucketName, String objectName, String fileToUpload, int partSize, ShowProgressDelegate prosess, Control t)
invokeControl_ = t;
process_ = prosess;
var uploadId = InitiateMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName);
var partETags = UploadParts(bucketName, objectName, fileToUpload, uploadId, partSize);
var completeResult = CompleteUploadPart(bucketName, objectName, uploadId, partETags);
return completeResult.BucketName;
private static string InitiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String objectName)
var request = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(bucketName, objectName);
var result = _ossClient.InitiateMultipartUpload(request);
return result.UploadId;
private List<PartETag> UploadParts(String bucketName, String objectName, String fileToUpload, String uploadId, int partSize)
var fi = new FileInfo(fileToUpload);
var fileSize = fi.Length;
totalSize = fileSize;
var partCount = fileSize / partSize;
if (fileSize % partSize != 0)