标签:style blog http color 使用 width
一、 Create a Button
一、(Menu)NGUI -> Create -> Sprite
二、attach box colider to the Sprite , then attach UIButton Script
三、Create - >Lable as Sprite‘s Child, Set it‘s Ahchors to it‘s Parent
(注意:不要给Lable添加box colider 这样Sprite按钮就接受不到事件了,因为Lable 的Depth 大于 Sprite)
四、Sprite attach UIButton Script Again ,set target as Lable
五、Hover the button ,you will seen Sprite and Lable all highlight.
二、Event Trigger -> Use Button Change
一、create a spirte ,which will be changed by button
二、attach Tween Height and Tween Width ,set valuse like that
(注意,set two scripts active false ,这样就不会一开始就变换形状了)
三、attach UIEvent Trigger to button,set event to change sprite,like that
四、now show the result
Hover: Change Size
Leave : Noraml Size
一、Attach UIKeyBinding Script to button
二、Attach Test Scrpit to Sprite
三、Set OnClick Event Notify Object reference to Sprite
四、Now , you can enter 1,2,3 to change sprite color.
OfSourse you can alse 使用键盘来控制 UIInput
liket that
你也可以使用UIKeyNavigation ——附加这个脚步到你的控制上去允许使用键盘或控制器来定位UI(3.5.5新增)
NGUI Tutorial 3,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:style blog http color 使用 width