#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 20 typedef struct node { struct node * nextarc; char Info; }ArcNode,*pArcNode; typedef struct { int kind; //类型 int Degree; //度数 int VerCount;//顶点数目 int ArcCount; //弧的数目 pArcNode Adj; }AdjList,*pAdjList; void CreatAdj(pAdjList myAdjList) { int i,j; char tail, head; pArcNode p,q; myAdjList->Degree = 0; printf("Please input the kind of Adjacency List :1-Digraph 2-Undigraph");//表的种类 scanf("%d", &myAdjList->kind); if (myAdjList->kind != 1 && myAdjList->kind != 2) return ; printf("Please input the num of Vertex:");//顶点个数 scanf("%d", &myAdjList->VerCount); printf("Pleaase input the num of Arc");//弧的个数 scanf("%d", &myAdjList->ArcCount); myAdjList->Degree = 0; //度数初始化为0 myAdjList->Adj = (pArcNode)malloc(myAdjList->VerCount *sizeof(ArcNode)); for (i = 0; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++) myAdjList->Adj[i].nextarc = NULL; printf("Please input the Graph: \n"); printf("Please input all of the Vertex:\n"); fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++) { scanf("%c", &myAdjList->Adj[i].Info); fflush(stdin); } printf("Please input the Arc:\n"); for (i = 0; i < myAdjList->ArcCount; i++) { printf("Please input tail of Arc%d :", i); scanf("%c", &tail); p = (pArcNode)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->nextarc = NULL; fflush(stdin); printf("Please input head of Arc%d :", i); scanf("%c", &p->Info); getchar(); for ( j = 0; j < myAdjList->VerCount; j++) { if (myAdjList->Adj[j].Info == tail) { q = &myAdjList->Adj[j]; while (q->nextarc != NULL) q = q->nextarc; q->nextarc = p; } } } } void Print(pAdjList myAdjList) { int i = 0, j = 0, count = 0; pArcNode p1,p2; for (i = 0; i < myAdjList->ArcCount; i++) { p1 = &myAdjList->Adj[i]; p2 = p1; while (p1->nextarc != NULL) { printf("%c--%c\n",p2->Info,p1->nextarc->Info); count++; p1 = p1->nextarc; } if (count>myAdjList->Degree) myAdjList->Degree = count; count = 0; } if (myAdjList->Degree == 0) printf("Not Creat\n"); else printf("Degree is %d\n", myAdjList->Degree+1); } bool Judge(char tail, char head, pAdjList myAdjList) { bool findhead=false,findtail = false; int i = 0; pArcNode p; for (i = 0; i < myAdjList->VerCount; i++) { if (tail == myAdjList->Adj[i].Info) findtail = true; if (findtail == true) { p = &myAdjList->Adj[i]; while (p) { if (p->Info == head) { findhead = true; return true; } else p = p->nextarc; } return false; } } return false; } int main() { AdjList myAdjList; char tail, head; bool find=false; int choice = 0; while (1) { printf("Please input your choice : 1-Creat 2-Print 3-Judge"); scanf("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: CreatAdj(&myAdjList); break; case 2: Print(&myAdjList); break; case 3: printf("Please input the tail:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &tail); fflush(stdin); printf("Please input the head:"); scanf("%c", &head); getchar(); find=Judge(tail,head,&myAdjList); if (find == true) printf("Have Found\n"); else printf("Not Found\n"); break; default: return 0; } } system("pause"); return 0; }