标签:algorithm 面试题 python leetcode
class Solution: # @param root, a tree node # @return an integer def hehe(self, num, root): #再原来的基础上*10,再加上当前的root.val num = num * 10 + root.val #是叶子节点了,则返回获得的路径值,通过这个判断,就保证了上一条语句 #的root是不空的 if None == root.left and None == root.right: return num #分别判断左右孩子 left = 0 if root.left: left = self.hehe(num, root.left) right = 0 if root.right: right = self.hehe(num, root.right) #返回两部分的和值 return right + left def sumNumbers(self, root): if None == root: return 0 return self.hehe(0, root)
【leetcode】Sum Root to leaf Numbers
标签:algorithm 面试题 python leetcode