public class Solution { public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) { /* Basic idea: Load the array into a hashMap with the value of each array element as key and index of the array as value Interate through the key, and check whether "target - value" is in the map. Save the array index and sort it Special case: The array contains duplicate elements. 1) The target value is not or only related to the one of the duplicate value => store the first one. 2) The target value is twice of the duplicate value => directly store the two indexes and return output. */ int[] results = new int[2]; Map<Integer, Integer> numsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ if (numsMap.containsKey(nums[i])){ /*It has duplicated number if 1) duplication is the results, return 2) drop the second, if it is put back to the map, value(index) got overide */ if (2 * nums[i] == target){ results[0] = numsMap.get(nums[i]); // it stores as index when the Hash is created results[1] = i + 1; // i start at 0, so need to +1 as index return results; } } else { numsMap.put(nums[i], i+1); //the array index start at 0; } } for(Integer key : numsMap.keySet()){ if (numsMap.containsKey(target - key)){ int a = numsMap.get(key); int b = numsMap.get(target-key); if (a < b){ results[0] = a; results[1] = b; } else { results[0] = b; results[1] = a; } } } return results; } }