<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/views/commons/taglibs.jsp"%> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> yepnope({ load:[ "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/treegrid.css", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGridSorter.js", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGridColumnResizer.js", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGridNodeUI.js", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGridLoader.js", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGridColumns.js", "${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/treegrid/TreeGrid.js", ‘${ctx}/resources/extjs/ux/combotree/ComboTree.js‘, "${ctx}/resources/js/ux/DeptTreePanel.js", "${ctx}/resources/js/user/department/DeptFormPanel.js", "${ctx}/resources/js/user/department/DeptFormWin.js", "${ctx}/resources/js/user/department/DeptTreeGridPanel.js"], complete:function(){ new Ext.basic.DeptTreeGridPanel({ actionJson:${actionJson}, height : index.tabPanel.getInnerHeight() - 1, width : index.tabPanel.getInnerWidth() - 1, id: ‘${param.id}‘ + ‘_panel‘, renderTo:‘${param.id}‘ }); } }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="${param.id}"></div> </body> </html>
Ext.ns(‘Ext.ux‘); Ext.ux.DeptTreePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, { url : null, userType : null,// 1教职工 2学生 parentId:null, constructor : function(_config) { if (_config == null) { _config = {}; } Ext.apply(this, _config); this.userType = this.userType == undefined ? 0 : this.userType this.deptTreeUrl = ctx+‘/dept/getDeptList‘; this.queryField = new Ext.form.TextField({ name : ‘deptName‘, width : 100, emptyText : ‘请输入部门名称‘, enableKeyEvents : true, tbar : [‘部门名称:‘, this.queryField] }); Ext.ux.DeptTreePanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, { useArrows : true, autoScroll : true, style : ‘padding:5px;‘, root : { type : ‘async‘, text : ‘部门‘ }, tbar : [‘部门名称:‘, this.queryField], loader : new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl : this.deptTreeUrl, baseParams : { userType : this.userType, parentId:this.parentId } }) }); this.treeFilter = new Ext.tree.TreeFilter(this, { clearBlank : true, autoClear : true }); // 保存上次隐藏的空节点 var hiddenPkgs = []; var field = this.queryField; // 按键后触发事件 field.on(‘keyup‘, function(e) { var text = field.getValue(); // 先要显示上次隐藏掉的节点 Ext.each(hiddenPkgs, function(n) { n.ui.show(); }); // 如果输入的数据不存在,就执行clear() if (!text) { this.treeFilter.clear(); return; } this.expandAll(); // 根据输入制作一个正则表达式,‘i‘代表不区分大小写 var re = new RegExp(Ext.escapeRe(text), ‘i‘); this.treeFilter.filterBy(function(n) { // 只过滤叶子节点,这样省去枝干被过滤的时候,底下的叶子都无法显示 return !n.isLeaf() || re.test(n.text); }); // 如果这个节点不是叶子,而且下面没有子节点,就应该隐藏掉 hiddenPkgs = []; this.root.cascade(function(n) { if (!n.isLeaf() && n.ui.ctNode.offsetHeight < 3) { n.ui.hide(); hiddenPkgs.push(n); } }); }, this); } });
Ext.ns("Ext.basic"); /** * 部门的GridTree列表 * * @class Ext.basic.DeptTreePanel * @extends Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid */ Ext.basic.DeptTreeGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid, { actionJson : null, constructor : function(_config) { /** 当前页面的请求路径 */ this.departmentUrl = { treeLoadUrl : ctx+‘/dept/queryListForTree‘, insertUrl : ctx+‘/dept/insert‘, updateUrl : ctx+‘dept/update‘, deleteUrl : ctx+‘dept/delete‘, exportUrl : ctx+‘dept/generateExcel‘, loadRoleUrl : ctx+‘role‘, loadDeptRoleUrl : ctx+‘dept/role‘ }; Ext.apply(this, _config || {}); /** 顶部工具栏 */ this.actionToolBar = new Ext.ActionToolbar({ actionPanel : this, actionJson : this.actionJson, addFunction : this.showAddWindow, editFunction : this.showEditWindow, deleteFunction : this.deleteData }); this.queryField = new Ext.form.TextField({ name : ‘deptName‘, enableKeyEvents : true }); this.actionToolBar.add(‘-‘, this.queryField); this.actionToolBar.add(‘-‘, { text : ‘闭合节点‘, scope : this, handler : function(btn) { if (btn.getText() == ‘闭合节点‘) { this.collapseAll(); btn.setText(‘展开节点‘); } else if (btn.getText() == ‘展开节点‘) { this.expandAll(); btn.setText(‘闭合节点‘); } } }); Ext.basic.DeptTreeGridPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, { columns : [{ header : ‘部门名称‘, dataIndex : ‘deptName‘, width : 200 }, { header : ‘部门编号‘, dataIndex : ‘deptId‘, width : 150 }, { header : ‘部门简介‘, dataIndex : ‘deptComment‘, width : 200 }, { header : ‘显示顺序‘, dataIndex : ‘displayIndex‘, width : 60 }, { header : ‘部门类型‘, dataIndex : ‘deptType‘, renderer : function(v) { if (v) { if (v == 1) { return ‘普通部门‘; } else if (v == ‘2‘) { return ‘系部‘; } else if (v == ‘3‘) { return ‘班级‘; } else { return v; } } return v; }, width : 100 }], // enableSort : false, dataUrl : this.departmentUrl.treeLoadUrl, tbar : this.actionToolBar, listeners : { ‘click‘ : this.enableToolBar, ‘dblclick‘ : this.showDetailWindow, scope : this } }); this.expandAll(); this.treeFilter = new Ext.tree.TreeFilter(this, { clearBlank : true, autoClear : true }); // 保存上次隐藏的空节点 var hiddenPkgs = []; var field = this.queryField; // 按键后触发事件 field.on(‘keyup‘, function(e) { var text = field.getValue(); // 先要显示上次隐藏掉的节点 Ext.each(hiddenPkgs, function(n) { n.ui.show(); }); // 如果输入的数据不存在,就执行clear() if (!text) { this.treeFilter.clear(); return; } this.expandAll(); // 根据输入制作一个正则表达式,‘i‘代表不区分大小写 var re = new RegExp(Ext.escapeRe(text), ‘i‘); this.treeFilter.filterBy(function(n) { // 只过滤叶子节点,这样省去枝干被过滤的时候,底下的叶子都无法显示 return !n.attributes.leaf || re.test(n.attributes.deptName); }); // 如果这个节点不是叶子,而且下面没有子节点,就应该隐藏掉 hiddenPkgs = []; this.root.cascade(function(n) { if (!n.attributes.leaf && n.ui.ctNode.offsetHeight < 3) { n.ui.hide(); hiddenPkgs.push(n); } }); }, this); }, enableToolBar : function(node) { if (node) { this.actionToolBar.enableEditDelete(); } else { this.actionToolBar.disableEditDelete(); } node.select(); }, /** 显示新增窗口 */ showAddWindow : function() { if (this.addWin == null) { this.addWin = new Ext.basic.DeptFormWin({ saveUrl : this.departmentUrl.insertUrl, loadRoleUrl : this.departmentUrl.loadRoleUrl, loadDeptRoleUrl : this.departmentUrl.loadDeptRoleUrl, rootNode : this.getRootNode() }); this.addWin.setTitle(‘新增部门信息‘); } this.addWin.show(); this.addWin.reset(); var node = this.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode(); if (node) { var record = new Ext.data.Record({ parent : { deptId : node.attributes.deptId, deptName : node.attributes.deptName } }); this.addWin.loadRecord(record); } }, showEditWindow : function() { var node = this.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode(); if (node) { this.showDetailWindow(node); } else { Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘提示‘, ‘你必须选中一个部门!‘); } }, /** 显示详细信息窗口 */ showDetailWindow : function(node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode; var parent; if (parentNode != this.getRootNode()) { parent = { deptId : parentNode.attributes.deptId, deptName : parentNode.attributes.deptName }; } var record = new Ext.data.Record({ deptId : node.attributes.deptId, deptName : node.attributes.deptName, parent : parent, deptComment : node.attributes.deptComment, displayIndex : node.attributes.displayIndex, deptType : node.attributes.deptType, leaf : node.attributes.leaf }); // if (this.editWin == null) { this.editWin = new Ext.basic.DeptFormWin({ saveUrl : this.departmentUrl.updateUrl, loadRoleUrl : this.departmentUrl.loadRoleUrl, loadDeptRoleUrl : this.departmentUrl.loadDeptRoleUrl, rootNode : this.getRootNode() }); this.editWin.setTitle(‘修改部门信息‘); } this.editWin.show(); this.editWin.reset(); this.editWin.loadRecord(record); }, /** 删除数据 */ deleteData : function() { /** 选中的记录 */ var node = this.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode(); /** 存放id的数组 */ var array = []; if (node == undefined) { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title : ‘警告‘, icon : Ext.MessageBox.WARNING, buttons : Ext.MessageBox.OK, msg : ‘请选择要删除的记录‘ }); return false; } else if (node.hasChildNodes()) { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title : ‘警告‘, icon : Ext.MessageBox.WARNING, buttons : Ext.MessageBox.OK, msg : ‘该部门下还有子部门,不能删除!‘ }); return false; } else { Ext.MessageBox.confirm(‘提示‘, ‘你确定要删除选中的记录吗?‘, function(btn) { if (btn == ‘yes‘) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url : this.departmentUrl.deleteUrl + ‘/‘ + node.attributes.deptId, method : ‘post‘, success : function(response, options) { var text = Ext .decode(response.responseText); Ext.Msg.alert(‘提示‘, text.msg, function() { node.parentNode .removeChild(node); }); }, failure : function(response, options) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘提示‘, ‘请求失败!‘); }, scope : this }); } }, this); } } });
Ext.ns("Ext.basic"); /** * 部门的窗体 * * @class Ext.basic.DepartmentFormWin * @extends Ext.Window * @author zhangqiang * @version 1.0 2012-5-7 */ Ext.basic.DeptFormWin = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { /** 保存路径:新增(insertUrl)或修改(updateUrl) */ saveUrl : null, loadRoleUrl : null, loadDeptRoleUrl : null, rootNode : null, constructor : function(config) { if (config == null) { config = {}; } Ext.apply(this, config); this.departmentForm = new Ext.basic.DeptFormPanel({ title : ‘部门信息‘ }); /** 角色 */ this.roleSelModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(); this.deptRoleIds = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); this.roleStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root : ‘rows‘, totalProperty : ‘results‘, autoLoad : true, url : this.loadRoleUrl, fields : [‘roleId‘, ‘roleName‘, ‘roleDesc‘], listeners : { ‘load‘ : function(store, records, options) { // user.roleSelModel.clearSelections(); } } }); this.roleGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ title : ‘部门角色‘, store : this.roleStore, sm : this.roleSelModel, autoScroll : ‘auto‘, loadMask : true, deferRowRender : false, stripeRows : true, // autoExpandColumn :‘roleDesc‘, bodyStyle : ‘padding:0px;border:0px‘, columns : [this.roleSelModel, { hidden : true, header : ‘角色ID‘, dataIndex : ‘roleId‘ }, { header : "角色名称", width : 200, dataIndex : ‘roleName‘ }, { header : "角色描述", width : 300, // id : ‘roleDesc‘, dataIndex : ‘roleDesc‘ }], viewConfig : { forceFit : true }, listeners : { activate : function() { Share.resetGrid(this.roleGrid); this.roleGrid.getSelectionModel();// 选择所有行 var total = this.roleStore.getCount();// 数据行数 for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) { var row = this.roleStore.data.items[i]; if (this.deptRoleIds .containsKey(row.data.roleId)) { this.roleSelModel .selectRow(i, true); } } }, scope : this } }); this.tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({ activeTab : 0, items : [this.departmentForm, this.roleGrid] }); Ext.basic.DeptFormWin.superclass.constructor.call(this, { title : ‘部门信息‘, width : 400, height : 300, layout : ‘fit‘, style : ‘margin:5px;‘, closeAction : ‘hide‘, items : [this.tabPanel], listeners : { ‘show‘ : function() { this.tabPanel.setActiveTab(0); }, scope:this }, buttons : [{ text : ‘取消‘, scope : this, handler : function() { this.hide(); } }, { text : ‘保存‘, scope : this, handler : this.saveDepartment }] }); this.roleStore.load({ params : { start : 0 } }); }, /** 提交表单数据 */ saveDepartment : function() { // 保存角色 var selections = this.roleGrid.getSelectionModel() .getSelections(); var ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) { ids.push(selections[i].data.roleId); } this.departmentForm.getForm().submit({ url : this.saveUrl, method : ‘post‘, params : { roleIds : ids }, success : function(form, action) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘提示‘, action.result.msg); if (this.rootNode) { this.rootNode.reload(); } this.hide(); }, failure : function(form, action) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘提示‘, action.result.msg); }, scope : this }); }, /** 加载表单数据 */ loadRecord : function(record) { this.departmentForm.getForm().loadRecord(record); if (record.data.parent != undefined) { this.departmentForm.find(‘name‘, ‘parent.deptId‘)[0] .setValue({ id:record.data.parent.deptId, text:record.data.parent.deptName }); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : this.loadDeptRoleUrl + ‘/‘ + record.data.deptId, method : ‘post‘, success : function(response, options) { var text = Ext.decode(response.responseText); var json = text.msg; this.deptRoleIds.clear(); Ext.each(json, function(role) { this.deptRoleIds.add(role.roleId, role.deptId); }, this); }, failure : function(response, options) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(‘提示‘, ‘请求失败!‘); }, scope : this }); }, /** 重置表单数据 */ reset : function() { // Share.resetGrid(this.roleGrid); // this.roleSelModel(true); this.departmentForm.getForm().reset(); } });
Ext.ns("Ext.basic"); /** * 部门的表单信息 * * @class Ext.basic.DepartmentFormPanel * @extends Ext.form.FormPanel */ Ext.basic.DeptFormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, { constructor : function(config) { if (config == null) { config = {}; } Ext.apply(this, config); /** 部门列表 */ this.deptTree = new Ext.ux.DeptTreePanel({}); Ext.basic.DeptFormPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, { layout : ‘form‘, width : 280, frame : true, defaults : { xtype : ‘textfield‘, anchor : ‘98%‘ }, bodyStyle : ‘padding:5px‘, items : [{ xtype : ‘textfield‘, fieldLabel : ‘部门编码‘, name : ‘deptId‘ }, { fieldLabel : ‘部门名称‘, name : ‘deptName‘, allowBlank : false, blankText : ‘部门名称不能为空‘ }, { xtype : ‘combotree‘, fieldLabel : ‘上级部门‘, name : ‘parent.deptId‘, tree : new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ root : { expanded : true, id : ‘root‘ }, loader : new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ dataUrl : ‘dept/getDeptList‘ }), animate : true, enableDD : true, autoScroll : true, rootVisible : true }) }, { xtype : ‘numberfield‘, allowBlank : false, blankText : ‘显示顺序不能为空!‘, fieldLabel : ‘显示顺序‘, name : ‘displayIndex‘ }, { xtype : ‘combo‘, fieldLabel : ‘部门类型‘, hiddenName : ‘deptType‘, mode : ‘local‘, triggerAction : ‘all‘, store :[[‘1‘,‘普通部门‘],[‘2‘,‘系部‘],[‘3‘,‘班级‘]], displayField : ‘t‘, valueField : ‘v‘ }, { fieldLabel : ‘部门简介‘, name : ‘deptComment‘ }] }); } });
@RequestMapping(value = "/queryListForTree", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public List<Dept> queryListForTree(@RequestParam(required = false) String deptName) { Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(deptName)) { criteria.put("deptName", deptName); } return departmentService.queryListForTree(criteria); }
@Override public List<Dept> queryListForTree(Criteria criteria) { List<Dept> resultTree = new ArrayList<Dept>(); List<Dept> deptList = mapper.getDeptList(criteria); Dept dept = null; for (Iterator<Dept> it = deptList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { dept = it.next(); if (dept.getParent() == null || "0".equals(dept.getParent().getDeptId())) { dept.setChildren(getSubDepts(dept, deptList)); if (dept.getChildren().size() == 0) { dept.setLeaf(1); } else { dept.setLeaf(0); } resultTree.add(dept); } } return resultTree; } private List<Dept> getSubDepts(Dept d, List<Dept> deptList) { List<Dept> subDeptList = new ArrayList<Dept>(); Dept tmp = null; for (Iterator<Dept> it = deptList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { tmp = it.next(); if (tmp.getParent() != null && tmp.getParent().getDeptId().equals(d.getDeptId())) { tmp.setChildren(getSubDepts(tmp, deptList)); if (tmp.getChildren().size() == 0) { tmp.setLeaf(1); } else { tmp.setLeaf(0); } subDeptList.add(tmp); } } return subDeptList; }
List<Dept> getDeptList(Criteria criteria);
<select id="getDeptList" parameterType="Criteria" resultMap="departmentMap"> select d.dept_id as deptId, d.dept_pid as deptpId, d.dept_name as deptName, d.dept_comment as deptComment, d.display_index as displayIndex, d.dept_type as deptType, d.leaf as leaf from base_dept d <where> <!-- 教职工Tree --> <if test="condition.userType==1">and (DEPT_TYPE=1 or DEPT_TYPE=2)</if> <!-- 学生Tree --> <if test="condition.userType==2">and (DEPT_TYPE=2 or DEPT_TYPE=3)</if> <!-- 新生Tree --> <if test="condition.userType==3">and DEPT_TYPE=2</if> <if test="condition.deptId != null ">and (DEPT_ID=‘root‘ OR DEPT_ID=#{condition.deptId})</if> </where> order by d.display_index asc </select>
package cn.edu.hbcf.privilege.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; /** * 部门 * @author 张周海 */ public class Dept implements Serializable{ /** 部门Id */ private String deptId; /** 父部门 */ private Dept parent; /** 部门名称 */ private String deptName; /** 部门简介 */ private String deptComment; /** 是否为根节点 0无1有*/ private int leaf; /** * 显示顺序 */ private Integer displayIndex; /** * 是否为系所号 */ private Integer deptType; private List<Dept> children; public String getDeptId() { return deptId; } public void setDeptId(String deptId) { this.deptId = deptId; } public String getDeptName() { return deptName; } public void setDeptName(String deptName) { this.deptName = deptName; } public String getDeptComment() { return deptComment; } public void setDeptComment(String deptComment) { this.deptComment = deptComment; } public int getLeaf() { return leaf; } public void setLeaf(int leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } public void setParent(Dept parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Dept getParent() { return parent; } /** * @return the children */ public List<Dept> getChildren() { return children; } /** * @param children the children to set */ public void setChildren(List<Dept> children) { this.children = children; } /** * @return the displayIndex */ public Integer getDisplayIndex() { return displayIndex; } /** * @param displayIndex the displayIndex to set */ public void setDisplayIndex(Integer displayIndex) { this.displayIndex = displayIndex; } /** * @return the deptType */ public Integer getDeptType() { return deptType; } /** * @param deptType the deptType to set */ public void setDeptType(Integer deptType) { this.deptType = deptType; } }