Divide Two Integers
Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.
If it is overflow, return 2147483647
Given dividend = 100
and divisor = 9
, return 11
public class Solution { /** * @param dividend the dividend * @param divisor the divisor * @return the result */ public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) { // Write your code here int max=Integer.MAX_VALUE; int sign=1; if(divisor==0) return max; if(dividend==0) return 0; if(divisor<0) sign=-sign; if(dividend<0) sign=-sign; long tmp1=Math.abs((long)dividend); long tmp2=Math.abs((long)divisor); if(tmp1<tmp2) return 0; //if(tmp1==tmp2) {result=1;} long result=1; long temp=tmp2<<1; while(temp<tmp1) { result=result*2; temp=temp<<1; } temp=temp>>1; tmp1=tmp1-temp; while(tmp1>=tmp2) { result++; tmp1=tmp1-tmp2; } if(sign==-1) { result=-result; } if(result>max) { return max; } if(result<Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } return (int)result; }
[lintcode medium]Divide Two Integers