1 Connecting to SFTP server "112.74.*.*" as "root" ........................... failure (Host key(密钥) verification(验证) failed) 2 The SSH host key has changed. This could indicate(表明) a potential(潜在性) security breach(突破口), or that the domain you are connecting to recently moved servers. 3 If you are confident(确信) this is not a security breach you can delete the old host key and try again. 4 1. Win XP: Start > Run > regedit.exe 5 Win Vista/7: Start > regedit 6 2. Expand(展开) to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys and delete the entry including @22:
通过阅读错误提示,错误: 删除旧密钥,即可.