Partition column允许为Null,Null是最小值,存在于Partition Number=1的partition中。
Any data with a NULL in the partition column will reside in the leftmost partition. NULL is considered smaller than the minimum value of the data type’s values.
Partition Function 定义了Partition column在每一个分区的value range,这种value range就像每一个Partition的数据都有一个check 约束,用于限定Partition column的取值范围。
Partition Number=1,Partition column允许存在null;
其他Partition,Partition column不允许存在null。
在check 约束中,如果出现Unknown,Check约束视为True。例如 constraint CK__TableName_ID check(ID>1 and ID<10), 如果ID=Null,那么表达式ID>1 and ID<10 返回Unknown(或null),Check约束逻辑运算的结果是True,即不违反check约束。
-- create parition function CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pf_int_Left (int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (10,20); --create partition scheme CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PS_int_Left AS PARTITION pf_int_Left TO ([primary], [primary], [primary]); --create partitioned table create table dbo.dt_partition ( ID int, Code int ) on PS_int_Left (ID) --Create staging table create table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging ( ID int, Code int ) on [primary] --insert data into dbo.dt_partition insert into dbo.dt_partition ( ID, Code ) values(15,2),(1,1)
2,将partition 2的数据switch 到 dbo.dt_SwitchStaging
--swith partition 2 to staging table alter table dbo.dt_partition switch partition 2 to dbo.dt_SwitchStaging
将staging table中的数据swith into partition 2
--switch staging table to partition 2 alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging switch to dbo.dt_partition partition 2
Msg 4982, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints of source table ‘DB_Study.dbo.dt_SwitchStaging‘ allow values that are not allowed by range defined by partition 2 on target table ‘DB_Study.dbo.dt_partition‘.
为staging table增加check 约束,partition 2的value range是 ID>10 and ID<=20。
--add check constraint alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging with check add constraint CK__dt_SwitchStaging_ID check(ID >10 and ID<=20)
执行swith 代码,依然出错,错误消息和上面相同,错误原因是忽略了Partition 2的partition column 不能为空的约束。
--add check constraint alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging with check add constraint CK__dt_SwitchStaging_ID check(ID >10 and ID<=20 and ID is not null)
3,Partition Number=1 允许parition column 为null
--empty staging table truncate table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging go --drop constraint alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging drop constraint CK__dt_SwitchStaging_ID go alter table dbo.dt_partition switch partition 1 to dbo.dt_SwitchStaging go --add check constraint alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging with check add constraint CK__dt_SwitchStaging_ID check(ID <=10 ) go --insert null insert into dbo.dt_SwitchStaging (ID,Code) values(null,1) go --switch staging table to partition 1 alter table dbo.dt_SwitchStaging switch to dbo.dt_partition partition 1 go
执行成功,创建的Check 约束允许 ID为null,并且 partition column也允许为Null。
Partition table的switch条件2:Partition 的隐式Check约束 和Nullability