原文:Creating an Online/Offline proxy in Sencha Touch
在Sencha Touch中,一个常见的需求就是,当设备在没有连接互联网的时候,应用程序必须能够继续工作。Sencha Cmd为实现应用程序离线工作提供了一切所需的工具,如自动生成应用程序清单文件,不过,这其中最大问题是如何处理数据。有许多方式可以用来处理数据,而一个常用的技术就是在本地存储代理和AJAX代理之间实现切换。
在本文,ProWeb软件公司的Tom Cooksey将展示如何使用一个代理来实现类似的效果,而且该代理的存储配置对于使用它的程序员来说是完全透明的。
/** * Offline Proxy * @extend Ext.data.proxy.Ajax */ Ext.define(‘proxy.OfflineProxy‘, { extend: ‘Ext.data.proxy.Ajax‘, alias: ‘proxy.offline‘, config: { storageKey: null, storageFacility: null, online: true }, originalCallback: null, /** * Override doRequest so that we can intercept the request and * catch a failed request to fall back to offline * @param operation * @param callback * @param scope * @returns {*} */ doRequest: function(operation, callback, scope) { }, /** * Override processResponse so that if we are online we can store the response * into the offline storage method provided and if a response fails, * we can fall back. * @param success * @param operation * @param request * @param response * @param callback * @param scope */ processResponse: function(success, operation, request, response, callback, scope) { } });
/** * A class that gives access into WebSQL storage */ Ext.define(‘storage.WebSQL‘, { singleton: true, config:{ /** * The database capacity in bytes (can‘t be changed after construction). 50MB by default. */ capacity:50 * 1024 * 1024 }, /** * @private * The websql database object. */ storage:null, connected: false, constructor: function (config) { this.callParent(config); this.storage = openDatabase(‘storage‘, ‘1.0‘, ‘Offline resource storage‘, this.getCapacity()); this.storage.transaction(function (tx) { tx.executeSql(‘CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (key, value)‘); }, function (error) { console.error(‘WebSQL: Connection Error‘); }, function () { console.log(‘WebSQL: Connected‘); }); }, /** * Get an item from the store. * @param key The key to get. * @param callbacks object of success and failure callbacks */ getItem:function (key, callbacks) { this.storage.transaction(function (tx) { tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM items WHERE key = ?‘, [key], function (tx, results) { var len = results.rows.length; if (len > 0) { callbacks.success(results.rows.item(0).value) } else { callbacks.failure(); // no result } }); }, function (error) { console.log(‘WebSQL: Error in getItem‘); callbacks.failure(error); }); }, /** * Set an item in the store. * @param key The key to set. * @param value The string to store. * @param callbacks object of success and failure callbacks */ setItem:function (key, value, callbacks) { this.storage.transaction(function (tx) { //remove old version first tx.executeSql(‘DELETE FROM items WHERE key = ?‘, [key]); tx.executeSql(‘INSERT INTO items (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)‘, [key, value]); }, function (error) { console.log(‘WebSQL: Error in setItem:‘ + error.message); callbacks.failure(error.message); }, function () { callbacks.success(); // no value. }); } });
setItem:function (key, value, callbacks) { this.storage.transaction(function (tx) { //remove old version first tx.executeSql(‘DELETE FROM items WHERE key = ?‘, [key]); tx.executeSql(‘INSERT INTO items (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)‘, [key, value]); }, function (error) { console.log(‘WebSQL: Error in setItem:‘ + error.message); callbacks.failure(error.message); }, function () { callbacks.success(); // no value. }); } });
tx.executeSql(‘DELETE FROM items WHERE key = ?‘, [key]); tx.executeSql(‘INSERT INTO items (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)‘, [key, value]);
localstorage.removeItem(key); localstorage.setItem(key, value);
getItem:function (key, callbacks) { this.storage.transaction(function (tx) { tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM items WHERE key = ?‘, [key], function (tx, results) { var len = results.rows.length; if (len > 0) { callbacks.success(results.rows.item(0).value) } else { callbacks.failure(); // no result } }); }, function (error) { console.log(‘WebSQL: Error in getItem‘); callbacks.failure(error); }); }
doRequest: function(operation, callback, scope) { var that = this, passCallback, request, fakedResponse = {}; this.originalCallback = callback; function failedRequest() { fakedResponse.status = 500; fakedResponse.responseText = ‘Error‘; fakedResponse.statusText = ‘ERROR‘; that.processResponse(false, operation, request, fakedResponse, passCallback, scope); } if(this.getOnline()) { console.log(‘PROXY: Loading from online resource‘); return this.callParent(arguments); }else{ console.log(‘PROXY: Loading from offline resource‘); request = this.buildRequest(operation); passCallback = this.createRequestCallback(request, operation, callback, scope); if(this.getStorageKey() && this.getStorageFacility()) { this.getStorageFacility().getItem(this.getStorageKey(), { success: function(dataString) { fakedResponse.status = 200; fakedResponse.responseText = dataString; fakedResponse.statusText = ‘OK‘; that.processResponse(true, operation, request, fakedResponse, passCallback, scope); }, failure: failedRequest }); }else{ console.error(‘No storage key or facility for proxy‘); setTimeout(function() { failedRequest(); }, 1); } } },
processResponse: function(success, operation, request, response, callback, scope) { var that = this; if(success) { console.log(‘PROXY: Request succeeded‘); this.callParent(arguments); if(this.getOnline()) { if(this.getStorageKey() && this.getStorageFacility()) { this.getStorageFacility().setItem(this.getStorageKey(), response.responseText, { success: function() { console.log(‘PROXY: Data stored to offline storage: ‘ + that.getStorageKey()); }, failure: function(error) { console.log(‘PROXY: Error in storing data: ‘ + that.getStorageKey()); } }); }else{ console.error(‘PROXY: No storage key or facility for proxy‘); } } }else{ if(this.getOnline()) { //If the request failed and we were online, we need to try and fall back to offline console.log(‘PROXY: Request failed, will try to fallback to offline‘); this.setOnline(false); this.doRequest(operation, this.originalCallback, scope); }else{ this.callParent(arguments); } } }
proxy: { type : ‘offline‘, url : ‘/test-api/test-resource.json‘, storageKey : ‘buttons‘, storageFacility : storage.WebSQL, reader : { type : ‘json‘, rootProperty : ‘data‘ } }
为了演示这些代码,我们开发了一个Sencha Touch的演示应用程序。此外,下面还有一个屏幕截图。该演示应用程序包含一个工具栏,而它的内容则由服务器端的JSON文件决定。
作者:Tom Cooksey
Tom is the CTO of ProWeb Software, a UK-based Sencha Partner providing dedicated Sencha resources and development internationally. He has extensive experience building web and mobile apps, using Sencha frameworks, JavaScript and Node.js, that have a complex system architecture and compelling user interface.