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  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <functional>
  3 #include <algorithm>
  4 #include <time.h>
  5 #define MARTIX_SIZE 256
  6 #define NP 6
  8 using namespace std;
 10 typedef struct _tempset
 11 {
 12     bool flag;//是否被访问过
 13     bool dir_x;//规定x一个方向
 14     bool dir_y;//规定x一个方向
 15     bool is_dot;//是否是一个节点
 16 }Set;
 17 typedef struct _group
 18 {
 19     int particle_sum;
 20     bool Link_px;
 21     bool Link_py;
 22 }Group;
 23 typedef struct _temp_recur
 24 {
 25     int x, y, dir;
 26 }T_Group;
 27 typedef int Position;
 29 void Inivilize(Set ***const, T_Group **const,Position **const,Position **const);
 30 Set **ReFresh_Martix(Set **const, int *const, Position *const, Position *const, int);
 31 void Draw_The_Gragh(Set **const);
 32 void Destory(Set **const, T_Group *, Position *, Position *);
 33 void If_Cls(void);
 34 void Show(const int, const int, const int, const double,FILE *);
 35 void DFS_Martix(Set **, const int, const int, T_Group *const, Group *, Position *const, Position *const);
 37 static double poss[NP] = { 0.590, 0.5925, 0.5926, 0.5927, 0.5928, 0.5930};
 39 static pair<int,int>direction[4];
 41 void Inivilize(Set ***const martix_tmp,
 42     T_Group **const G_Stack, Position **const Mark_x, Position **const Mark_y)
 43 {
 44     /*函数名:       Inivilize
 45     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
 46     *函数形参:      martix_tmp(矩阵指针)
 47                     G_Stack(伪递归栈堆指针)
 48                     Mark_x,Mark_y(GPA优化的断层标记数组指针)
 49     *函数功能:      初始化
 50     *返回值:       无
 51     */
 52     *martix_tmp = (Set **)malloc(sizeof(Set *)*MARTIX_SIZE);
 53     Set *Zone = (Set *)malloc(sizeof(Set)*MARTIX_SIZE*MARTIX_SIZE);
 54     for (int i = 0; i < MARTIX_SIZE; i++)
 55         (*martix_tmp)[i] = &Zone[i*MARTIX_SIZE];
 57     *G_Stack = (T_Group *)malloc(sizeof(T_Group)*MARTIX_SIZE*MARTIX_SIZE);//整形最大值
 58     *Mark_x = (Position *)malloc(sizeof(Position)*MARTIX_SIZE);
 59     *Mark_y = (Position *)malloc(sizeof(Position)*MARTIX_SIZE);
 61     //...............................................
 62     srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
 63     direction[0].first = -1; direction[0].second = 0;
 64     direction[1].first = 1; direction[1].second = 0;
 65     direction[2].first = 0; direction[2].second = -1;
 66     direction[3].first = 0; direction[3].second = 1;
 67 }
 69 Set **ReFresh_Martix(Set **const Martix, int *const sum_particle,
 70     Position *const Mark_x, Position *const Mark_y, int k)
 71 {
 72     /*函数名:       ReFresh_Martix
 73     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
 74     *函数形参:      Martix(矩阵指针)
 75                     sum_particle(新产生的粒子数)
 76                     Mark_x,Mark_y(GPA优化的断层标记数组指针)
 77                     k(以第k个概率产生点)
 78     *函数功能:      给矩阵产生点,以及赋值
 79     *返回值:       Martix(矩阵指针)
 80     */
 81     int tmp;
 82     memset(Mark_x, 0, sizeof(Position)*MARTIX_SIZE);
 83     memset(Mark_y, 0, sizeof(Position)*MARTIX_SIZE);
 84     for (int i = 0; i < MARTIX_SIZE; i++)
 85     {
 86         for (int j = 0; j < MARTIX_SIZE; j++)
 87         {
 88             tmp = rand();
 89             Martix[i][j].flag = tmp < RAND_MAX * poss[k] ? 1 : 0;
 90             Martix[i][j].dir_y = 0; Martix[i][j].dir_x = 0;//强行规定一个方向
 91             Martix[i][j].is_dot = 0;
 92             if (Martix[i][j].flag)
 93             {
 94                 (*sum_particle)++;
 95                 Mark_x[j]++; Mark_y[i]++;
 96                 Martix[i][j].is_dot = 1; 
 97             }
 98         }
 99     }
100     return Martix;
101 }
103 void Destory(Set **const Martix, T_Group *G_Stack, Position *Mark_x, Position *Mark_y)
104 {
105     /*函数名:       Destory
106     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
107     *函数形参:      Martix(矩阵指针)
108                     G_Stack(伪递归栈堆指针)
109                     Mark_x,Mark_y(GPA优化的断层标记数组指针)
110     *函数功能:      销毁
111     *返回值:       无
112     */
113     free(Martix[0]);//去掉集体分配的首地址就可以了
114     free(Martix);
115     free(G_Stack);//销毁递归栈堆
116     free(Mark_x); free(Mark_y);//销毁点集
117 }
119 void If_Cls(void)
120 {
121     /*函数名:       If_Cls
122     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
123     *函数形参:      无
124     *函数功能:      询问是否清屏
125     *返回值:       无
126     */
127     char choice;
128     printf("Do you want to clean the screen?(Y or N)");
129     while (1)
130     {
131         choice = getchar();
132         if (choice == Y)
133         {
134             system("cls");
135             return;
136         }
137         else if (choice == N)
138             return;
139         else
140         {
141             puts("Error Input!Please enter again!\n");
142             fflush(stdin);
143         }
144     }
145 }
147 void Show(const int k, const int link_group_sum, const int loop, const double max_poss, FILE *fp)
148 {
149     /*函数名:       Show
150     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
151     *函数形参:      k(以第k个概率产生点)
152                     link_group_sum(联通集团个数)
153                     loop(循环次数)
154                     max(联通最大点个数)
155                     p_sum(所有联通集团的粒子总数)
156                     fp(指向data.txt的文件指针)
157     *函数功能:      显示当前概率集团信息,并且把数据写入data.txt中
158     *返回值:       无
159     */
160     puts("===============================================================================\n");
161     printf("\a%cEcho %d:\nPossibility of %.4f\nThe linked graphs` sum is %d\nAccount for %.2f%% in %d graghs\n",
162         16, k + 1, poss[k], link_group_sum, 100 * (double)link_group_sum / (double)loop, loop);
163     printf("The possibility of(max linked points/sum points)accounts for %.2f%%\n", 100 * max_poss);
164     printf("\n");
166     if (fp != NULL)
167     {
168         fprintf(fp, "===============================================================================\n");
169         fprintf(fp, "%cEcho %d:\nPossibility of %.4f\nThe linked graphs` sum is %d\nAccount for %.2f%% in %d graghs\n",
170             7, k + 1, poss[k], link_group_sum, 100 * (double)link_group_sum / (double)loop, loop);
171         fprintf(fp, "The possibility of(max linked points/sum points)accounts for %.2f%%\n", 100 * max_poss);
172         fprintf(fp, "\n");
173     }
174 }
#include "plug.h"

static bool x_full, y_full;

int main(void)//森林火灾项目的计算连通性的概率
    int loop, sum_particle, link_group_sum, max_particle_sum;
    double max_poss, poss_tmp;        
    Set **martix = NULL;                                        //矩阵  
    Group tmp;                                                    
    T_Group *G_Stack;                                            //范围太大,不用递归,手动直接开大栈提高效率
    Position *Mark_x = NULL, *Mark_y = NULL;                    //Gpa优化标记数组
    FILE *fp = NULL;                                            //文件指针

    Inivilize(&martix, &G_Stack, &Mark_x, &Mark_y);                //初始化
    while (1)
        printf("Please enter the times of the loops(The martix`s size is %d*%d)\n(The program will stop until you input zero)\n", 
        while (1)
            scanf("%d", &loop);
            if (loop >= 0)break;
            puts("DO NOT try to input a negative loop");
            puts("Please enter the time of the loop(break until you input 0)");
        if (loop == 0) break;

        puts("The Date will be written in ""data.txt"" in the folder of this program\n");
        if ((fp = fopen("data.txt", "r")) == NULL)
            puts("""data.txt"" doesn`t exsit,the program will create a new one\n");
        fp = fopen("data.txt", "a+");

        time_t c1 = clock();                                    //这里先得到一个循环开始的时间
        for (int k = 0; k < NP; k++)
            link_group_sum = 0; max_poss = 0;
            /*DFS: 递归每一个概率,和每一张图,然后每一个点深度优先搜索看是否联通
            for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
                sum_particle = 0; x_full = 1; y_full = 1; 
                martix = ReFresh_Martix(martix, &sum_particle, Mark_x, Mark_y, k);

                max_particle_sum = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < MARTIX_SIZE && x_full && y_full; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < MARTIX_SIZE && x_full && y_full; x++)
                        if (martix[y][x].flag)
                            DFS_Martix(martix, x, y, G_Stack, &tmp, Mark_x, Mark_y);
                            if (tmp.Link_px && tmp.Link_py)
                                if (tmp.particle_sum > max_particle_sum)
                                    max_particle_sum = tmp.particle_sum;
                poss_tmp = (double)max_particle_sum / (double)sum_particle;
                max_poss = poss_tmp > max_poss ? poss_tmp : max_poss;
            Show(k, link_group_sum, loop, max_poss, fp);        //联通的概率(loop个图),联通的时候最大联通集团粒子数
        time_t c2 = clock();                                    //得到循环结束的时间(ms)
        printf("The program has run %lldms\n\n", c2 - c1);        
        fclose(fp);                                                //记得关闭文件流
    Destory(martix, G_Stack, Mark_x, Mark_y);                    //销毁栈组    
    system("cls"); system("pause");
    return 0;

void DFS_Martix(Set **martix, const int st_x, const int st_y, 
    T_Group *const G_Stack, Group *Part_Group, Position *const Mark_x, Position *const Mark_y)
    /*函数名:        DFS_Martix
     *调用者函数:    void main(void)
     *函数形参:      martix(矩阵)
     *函数功能:      DFS搜索联通集团
     *返回值:       无

    bool If_Push,                                //出入栈标志
        if_link_y = 0, if_link_x = 0;            //图是否联通标志
    bool round_dir_x = 0, round_dir_y = 0,        //环图指向标记:规定沿着某个轴沿一个方向突然发生反转时,某个方向就会被标记1
        tmp_dir_x, tmp_dir_y;                    
    int dir_tmp,                                
        particle_sum = 0,                        //粒子数
        top = 0;                                //栈顶位
    Position dir_x, dir_y;
    T_Group tmp;
    martix[st_y][st_x].flag = 0; martix[st_y][st_x].dir_x = 0; martix[st_y][st_x].dir_y = 0;
    Mark_x[st_x]--; Mark_y[st_y]--;

    tmp.x = st_x, tmp.y = st_y; tmp.dir = dir_tmp = 0;
    G_Stack[top++] = tmp; particle_sum++;

    Part_Group->Link_px = 0;
    Part_Group->Link_py = 0;

    while (top != 0)
        If_Push = 0;
        tmp = G_Stack[top - 1];                    //读取栈顶元素,以及栈顶元素环图两个指向标记
        round_dir_x = martix[tmp.y][tmp.x].dir_x;
        round_dir_y = martix[tmp.y][tmp.x].dir_y;


        for (int i = dir_tmp; i < 4; i++)
            dir_x = tmp.x + direction[i].first;
            tmp_dir_x = (dir_x < 0 || dir_x == MARTIX_SIZE) ? !round_dir_x : round_dir_x;
            dir_x = (dir_x + MARTIX_SIZE) % MARTIX_SIZE; //循环坐标

            dir_y = tmp.y + direction[i].second;
            tmp_dir_y = (dir_y < 0 || dir_y == MARTIX_SIZE) ? !round_dir_y : round_dir_y;
            dir_y = (dir_y + MARTIX_SIZE) % MARTIX_SIZE; //循环坐标

            if (martix[dir_y][dir_x].is_dot && !martix[dir_y][dir_x].flag)
                if (!if_link_x)
                    if_link_x = martix[dir_y][dir_x].dir_x == tmp_dir_x ? 0 : 1;
                if (!if_link_y)
                    if_link_y = martix[dir_y][dir_x].dir_y == tmp_dir_y ? 0 : 1;
            if (martix[dir_y][dir_x].flag)
                If_Push = 1;
                Mark_x[dir_x]--; Mark_y[dir_y]--;
                round_dir_x = tmp_dir_x; round_dir_y = tmp_dir_y;

                martix[dir_y][dir_x].flag = 0;
                martix[dir_y][dir_x].dir_x = round_dir_x; martix[dir_y][dir_x].dir_y = round_dir_y;

                if (!Mark_x[dir_x]) x_full = 0;
                if (!Mark_y[dir_y]) y_full = 0;

                tmp.x = dir_x; tmp.y = dir_y; tmp.dir = i;
                G_Stack[top++] = tmp; particle_sum++;
        dir_tmp = 0;                            //这里一定要初始化为0,否则接下来的点就无法搜索其他方向
        if (!If_Push)                            //如果没有可以入栈的,那说明开始递归了,pop栈顶
            dir_tmp = tmp.dir;                    //定义为当前点上一次出去的点的方向
    if (particle_sum >= MARTIX_SIZE)
        Part_Group->Link_px = if_link_x;
        Part_Group->Link_py = if_link_y;
    Part_Group->particle_sum = particle_sum;





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