The challenge is to keep the lever balanced while adjusting theobjects on it. Assume you have a straight, evenly weighted board, 20meters long and weighing three kilograms. The middle of the board isthe center of mass, and we will call that position 0. So the possiblepositions on the board range from -10 (the left end) to +10 (the rightend). The board is supported at positions -1.5 and +1.5 by two equalfulcrums, both two meters tall and standing on a flat floor. On theboard are six packages, at positions -8, -4, -3, 2, 5 and 8, havingweights of 4, 10, 10, 4, 7 and 8 kilograms, respectively as in thepicture below.
You are to write a program which solves problems like the onedescribed above. The input contains multiple cases. Each case startswith three integers: the length of the board (in meters, at least3), the weight of the board (in kilograms) and n thenumber of packages on the board (n <= 20).The board is supported at positions -1.5 and +1.5 by two equalfulcrums, both two meters tall and standing on a flat floor.The following n lines contain two integers each: the position of apackage on board (in meters measured from the center,negative means to the left) and the weight of the package (inkilograms). A line containing three 0‘s ends the input. For eachcase you are to output the number of the case in the format shownbelow and then n lines each containing 2 integers, theposition of a package and its weight, in an order in which the packagescan be removed without causing the board to tip. If there is nosolution for a case, output a single line Impossible. Thereis no solution if in the initial configuration the board is notbalanced.
20 3 6 -8 4 -4 10 -3 10 2 4 5 7 8 8 20 3 15 1 10 8 5 -6 8 5 9 -8 4 8 10 -3 10 -4 5 2 9 -2 2 3 3 -3 2 5 1 -6 1 2 5 30 10 2 -8 100 9 91 0 0 0Possible Output for sample input
Case 1: -4 10 8 8 -8 4 5 7 -3 10 2 4 Case 2: 1 10 8 5 -6 8 5 9 -8 4 8 10 -3 10 -4 5 2 9 -2 2 3 3 -3 2 5 1 -6 1 2 5 Case 3: Impossible 我刚開始是直接DFS,果断超时了。然后參考了别人的算法,例如以下:(抄自hackerwin7的专栏)题解:两种方法。
一、DFS剪枝+物理力矩+贪心二、状态压缩+记忆话搜索 ...
3、在此区间以外的分为两组。-L~-1.5为左组 +1.5~+L为右组,将两组按相应点力矩升序排列,放砝码时,若放最大的,非常可能会引起側翻,
(若实在无法维持平衡 那就是impossible)。所以整个DFS过程能够贪心地去一边的砝码,比方左边的按升序先放砝码,一直到左边再放一个就