required(所需)hardware:1.a installed normal baxter robot,
2.a installed ubuntu systeam develpment PC computer。
一.frist ensure(确保)ubuntu PC computer installed ROS。
二.Upon(在) compilation of our catkin workspace, the generated devel folder(开发的文件夹) in the root of our catkin workspace will contain(包含) a setup script which informs(告诉) the ROS environment(环境) of our compiled catkin workspace and the packages therein(其中). The root of the catkin workspace that we created is located(位于) at ~/ros_ws.
1. Move to root of our catkin workspace
root@zxwubuntu-Aspire-V3-572G:~# cd ~/catkin_ws/
If the devel folder is not available(可用) in the root of your catkin_ws, your catkin/ROS workspace (~/ros_ws) is not yet(然而) compiled:
2.your ros path environment take effect(生效)
root@zxwubuntu-Aspire-V3-572G:~# source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash
root@zxwubuntu-Aspire-V3-572G:~# catkin_make