#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Trave Target directory and modify files under it. # Modified files are matched using regex. # # V1.1 use Getopt::Long; my $usage = q{ Usage: fix_fetch_found [options] [dir] Output is write back to files and marked with /*by script begin||end*/. options: dir Dir to fix error that fetch and %found is null are out of order -?,--help Display this help message }; # process the command line my $help = 0; my $dirpath = $ARGV[0]; GetOptions( ‘help|?‘ => \$help, ) or die $usage; if ($help) { print $usage; exit; } # main actions my $string = get_localtime($dirpath); my $log = $string.".log"; my $modified_log = $string."_modified.log"; Traversal($dirpath,$log); open(Log_File,"$log") or die("Could not open ‘$log‘ for reading $!"); while(my $name = <Log_File>){ chomp($name); my $flag = fix_file($name); if ($flag){ write_file_a($modified_log,$name."\n"); } } close(Log_File); exit; # fix file with filename sub fix_file{ my ($filename) = @_; my $flag = 0; my $filedata = read_file($filename); my $modified_data = modified_content($filedata); #print "check file $filename...\n"; my $result = check_fix($modified_data,$filename); if ($result){ write_file_w($filename, $modified_data); print "fix file $filename!\n"; $flag = 1; } return $flag; } # check whether file is modified sub check_fix{ my ($file_1,$filename) = @_; my $result = 1; my $file_2 = read_file($filename); if ($file_1 eq $file_2){ $result = 0; # print "$filename is not modified!\n"; } return $result; } # modify file content using regex sub modified_content{ my($content) = @_; #match string with /* FETCH VARS GUESSED */ $content =~ s/IF\s*\n*\s*.*%ISOPEN\s*AND\s*\(.*%FOUND\s*IS\s*NULL\s*OR.*%FOUND\n*.*\)\s*THEN\n*\s*\/\* FETCH VARS GUESSED \*\/\s*FETCH\s*([\w_]+)\s*INTO([^;]*);/\/*by script begin*\/fetch $1 into $2;\n if $1%isopen and $1%found then\/*by script end*\//gi; #match string without /* FETCH VARS GUESSED */ $content =~ s/IF\s*\n*\s*.*%ISOPEN\s*AND\s*\(.*%FOUND\s*IS\s*NULL\s*OR.*%FOUND\n*.*\)\s*THEN\n*\s*FETCH\s*([\w_]+)\s*INTO([^;]*);/\/*by script begin*\/fetch $1 into $2;\n if $1%isopen and $1%found then\/*by script end*\//gi; return $content; } # Trave dir and write all file path into a log sub Traversal{ my ($path,$file) = @_; my $subpath; my $handle; my $record; if(-d $path){ if(opendir($handle,$path)){ while($subpath = readdir($handle)){ if(!($subpath =~ m/^\.$/) and !($subpath =~ m/^(\.\.)$/)){ my $p = $path."/$subpath"; if (-d $p){ Traversal($p,$file); } else{ open($record,">>$file")||die("Could not open ‘$file‘ for writing $!"); print $record($p."\n"); close($record); } } } } closedir($handle); } return; } # get local time and append a string for file name sub get_localtime{ my ($path) =@_; (my $sec,my $min,my $hour,my $day,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst)=localtime(time()); $year+=1900; $mon+=1; my $time = join("_",$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec); my $str = $path."_".$time; return $str; } # read file sub read_file { my ($filename) = @_; open my $in, ‘<‘, $filename or die "Could not open ‘$filename‘ for reading $!"; local $/ = undef; # local $/ = undef can read all content into a variable my $all = <$in>; close $in; return $all; } # write file w sub write_file_w { my ($filename, $content) = @_; open my $out, ‘>‘, $filename or die "Could not open ‘$filename‘ for writing $!"; print $out $content; close $out; return; } # write file a sub write_file_a{ my ($filename,$line) = @_; open (my $out,">>$filename") or die "Could not open ‘$filename‘ for writing $!"; print $out $line; close $out; return; }
my perl script --- Trave Target directory and modify files with regex