<?php /** * 生成文档操作 * * @version $Id: makehtml_archives_action.php 1 9:11 2010年7月19日Z tianya $ * @package DedeCMS.Administrator * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc. * @license http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html * @link http://www.dedecms.com */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); CheckPurview(‘sys_MakeHtml‘); require_once(DEDEINC."/arc.archives.class.php"); $est1 = ExecTime(); $startid = (empty($startid) ? -1 : $startid); $endid = (empty($endid) ? 0 : $endid); $startdd = (empty($startdd) ? 0 : $startdd); $pagesize = (empty($pagesize) ? 20 : $pagesize); $totalnum = (empty($totalnum) ? 0 : $totalnum); $typeid = (empty($typeid) ? 0 : $typeid); $seltime = (empty($seltime) ? 0 : $seltime); $stime = (empty($stime) ? ‘‘ : $stime ); $etime = (empty($etime) ? ‘‘ : $etime); $sstime = (empty($sstime) ? 0 : $sstime); $mkvalue = (empty($mkvalue) ? 0 : $mkvalue); $isremote = (empty($isremote)? 0 : $isremote); $serviterm = empty($serviterm)? "" : $serviterm; //一键更新传递的参数 if(!empty($uptype)) { if($uptype!=‘time‘) $startid = $mkvalue; else $t1 = $mkvalue; } else { $uptype = ‘‘; } //获取条件 $idsql = ‘‘; $gwhere = ($startid==-1 ? " WHERE arcrank=0 " : " WHERE id>=$startid AND arcrank=0 "); if($endid > $startid && $startid > 0) $gwhere .= " AND id <= $endid "; if($typeid!=0) { $ids = GetSonIds($typeid); $gwhere .= " AND typeid in($ids) "; } if($idsql==‘‘) $idsql = $gwhere; if($seltime==1) { $t1 = GetMkTime($stime); $t2 = GetMkTime($etime); $idsql .= " And (senddate >= $t1 And senddate <= $t2) "; } else if(isset($t1) && is_numeric($t1)) { $idsql .= " And senddate >= $t1 "; } //统计记录总数 if($totalnum==0) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS dd FROM `#@__arctiny` $idsql"); $totalnum = $row[‘dd‘]; //清空缓存 $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__arccache` "); } //获取记录,并生成HTML if($totalnum > $startdd+$pagesize) { $limitSql = " LIMIT $startdd,$pagesize"; } else { $limitSql = " LIMIT $startdd,".($totalnum - $startdd); } $tjnum = $startdd; if(empty($sstime)) $sstime = time(); //如果生成数量大于500,并且没选栏目,按栏目排序生成 if($totalnum > 500 && empty($typeid)) { //$dsql->Execute(‘out‘,"SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` $idsql ORDER BY typeid ASC $limitSql"); $dsql->Execute(‘out‘,"SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` $idsql $limitSql"); } else { $dsql->Execute(‘out‘,"SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` $idsql $limitSql"); } if($cfg_remote_site==‘Y‘ && $isremote=="1") { if($serviterm!="") { list($servurl, $servuser, $servpwd) = explode(‘,‘, $serviterm); $config = array( ‘hostname‘ => $servurl, ‘username‘ => $servuser, ‘password‘ => $servpwd,‘debug‘ => ‘TRUE‘); } else { $config=array(); } if(!$ftp->connect($config)) exit(‘Error:None FTP Connection!‘); } while($row=$dsql->GetObject(‘out‘)) { $tjnum++; $id = $row->id; $ac = new Archives($id); $rurl = $ac->MakeHtml($isremote); } $t2 = ExecTime(); $t2 = ($t2 - $est1); $ttime = time() - $sstime; $ttime = number_format(($ttime / 60),2); //返回提示信息 $tjlen = $totalnum>0 ? ceil( ($tjnum/$totalnum) * 100 ) : 100; $dvlen = $tjlen * 2; $tjsta = "<div style=‘width:200;height:15;border:1px solid #898989;text-align:left‘><div style=‘width:$dvlen;height:15;background-color:#829D83‘></div></div>"; if($cfg_remote_site==‘Y‘ && $isremote=="1") $tjsta .= "<br/><font color=‘red‘>您已开启远程发布功能,生成速度会比较慢,请您耐心等待..</font>"; $tjsta .= "<br/>本次用时:".number_format($t2,2).",总用时:$ttime 分钟,到达位置:".($startdd+$pagesize)."<br/>完成创建文件总数的:$tjlen %,继续执行任务..."; //速度测试 /* if($startdd > 1000) { ShowMsg("生成文件:1000 总用时:{$ttime} 分钟", "javascript:;"); exit(); } */ if($tjnum < $totalnum) { $nurl = "makehtml_archives_action.php?endid=$endid&startid=$startid&typeid=$typeid"; $nurl .= "&totalnum=$totalnum&startdd=".($startdd+$pagesize)."&pagesize=$pagesize"; $nurl .= "&seltime=$seltime&sstime=$sstime&stime=".urlencode($stime)."&etime=".urlencode($etime)."&uptype=$uptype&mkvalue=$mkvalue&isremote={$isremote}&serviterm={$serviterm}"; ShowMsg($tjsta,$nurl,0,100); exit(); } else { if($typeid!=‘‘) { ShowMsg("生成文件:$totalnum 总用时:{$ttime} 分钟,现转向当前栏目更新>>","makehtml_list_action.php?typeid=$typeid&uptype=all&maxpagesize=50&upnext=1&isremote={$isremote}&serviterm={$serviterm}"); } else { if($uptype==‘‘) { ShowMsg("完成所有创建任务!,生成文件:$totalnum 总用时:{$ttime} 分钟。","javascript:;"); } else { ShowMsg("完成文档HTML更新任务,现在开始进行主页更新...","makehtml_all.php?action=make&step=3&uptype=$uptype&mkvalue=$mkvalue"); } } }