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CareerCup All in One 题目汇总 (未完待续...)

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Chapter 1. Arrays and Strings

1.1 Unique Characters of a String

1.2 Reverse String

1.3 Permutation String

1.4 Replace Spaces

1.5 Compress String

1.6 Rotate Image

1.7 Set Matrix Zeroes

1.8 String Rotation


Chapter 2. Linked Lists

2.1 Remove Duplicates from Unsorted List

2.2 Kth to Last Element of Linked List

2.3 Delete Node in a Linked List

2.4 Partition List

2.5 Add Two Numbers

2.6 Linked List Cycle

2.7 Palindrome Linked List


Chapter 3. Stacks and Queues

3.1 Implement Three Stacks using Array

3.2 Min Stack

3.3 Set of Stacks

3.4 Towers of Hanoi

3.5 Implement Queue using Two Stacks

3.6 Sort Stack

3.7 Adopt Animal


Chapter 4. Trees and Graphs

4.1 Balanced Binary Tree

4.2 Route between Two Nodes in Directed Graph

4.3 Create Minimal Binary Search Tree

4.4 Create List at Each Depth of Binary Tree

4.5 Validate Binary Search Tree

4.6 Find Next Node in a BST

4.7 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

4.8 Contain Tree

4.9 All Paths Sum


Chapter 5. Bit Manipulation

5.1 Insert Bits

5.2 Binary Representation of Real Number

5.3 Next Binary Representation

5.4 Explain Expression ((n & (n-1)) == 0)

5.5 Number of Converted Bits

5.6 Swap Odd and Even Bits

5.7 Find Missing Integer

5.8 Draw Horizonatal Line


Chapter 6. Brain Teasers


Chapter 7. Mathematics and Probability


Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Design


Chapter 9. Recursion and Dynamic Programming


Chapter 10. Scalability and Memory Limits


Chapter 11. Sorting and Searching


Chapter 12. Testing


Chapter 13. C and C++


Chapter 14. Java


Chapter 15. Databases


Chapter 16 Threads and Locks


Chapter 17 Moderate


Chapter 18 Hard

CareerCup All in One 题目汇总 (未完待续...)



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