zTree is a multi-functional "tree plug-ins." based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions. (zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。)
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> ZTREE DEMO </TITLE> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/zTreeStyle/zTreeStyle.css" type="text/css"> <style> body { background-color: white; margin:0; padding:0; text-align: center; } div, p, table, th, td { list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; color:#333; font-size:12px; font-family:dotum, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, AppleGothic, sans-serif; } #testIframe {margin-left: 10px;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/jquery.ztree.core-3.5.js"></script> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" > <!-- var zTree; var demoIframe; var setting = { view: { dblClickExpand: false, showLine: true, selectedMulti: false }, data: { simpleData: { enable:true, idKey: "id", pIdKey: "pId", rootPId: "" } }, callback: { beforeClick: function(treeId, treeNode) { var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("tree"); if (treeNode.isParent) { zTree.expandNode(treeNode); return false; } else { demoIframe.attr("src",treeNode.file + ".html"); return true; } } } }; var zNodes =[ {id:1, pId:0, name:"[core] 基本功能 演示", open:true}, {id:101, pId:1, name:"最简单的树 -- 标准 JSON 数据", file:"core/standardData"}, {id:102, pId:1, name:"最简单的树 -- 简单 JSON 数据", file:"core/simpleData"}, {id:103, pId:1, name:"不显示 连接线", file:"core/noline"}, {id:104, pId:1, name:"不显示 节点 图标", file:"core/noicon"}, {id:105, pId:1, name:"自定义图标 -- icon 属性", file:"core/custom_icon"}, {id:106, pId:1, name:"自定义图标 -- iconSkin 属性", file:"core/custom_iconSkin"}, {id:107, pId:1, name:"自定义字体", file:"core/custom_font"}, {id:115, pId:1, name:"超链接演示", file:"core/url"}, {id:108, pId:1, name:"异步加载 节点数据", file:"core/async"}, {id:109, pId:1, name:"用 zTree 方法 异步加载 节点数据", file:"core/async_fun"}, {id:110, pId:1, name:"用 zTree 方法 更新 节点数据", file:"core/update_fun"}, {id:111, pId:1, name:"单击 节点 控制", file:"core/click"}, {id:112, pId:1, name:"展开 / 折叠 父节点 控制", file:"core/expand"}, {id:113, pId:1, name:"根据 参数 查找 节点", file:"core/searchNodes"}, {id:114, pId:1, name:"其他 鼠标 事件监听", file:"core/otherMouse"}, {id:2, pId:0, name:"[excheck] 复/单选框功能 演示", open:false}, {id:201, pId:2, name:"Checkbox 勾选操作", file:"excheck/checkbox"}, {id:206, pId:2, name:"Checkbox nocheck 演示", file:"excheck/checkbox_nocheck"}, {id:207, pId:2, name:"Checkbox chkDisabled 演示", file:"excheck/checkbox_chkDisabled"}, {id:208, pId:2, name:"Checkbox halfCheck 演示", file:"excheck/checkbox_halfCheck"}, {id:202, pId:2, name:"Checkbox 勾选统计", file:"excheck/checkbox_count"}, {id:203, pId:2, name:"用 zTree 方法 勾选 Checkbox", file:"excheck/checkbox_fun"}, {id:204, pId:2, name:"Radio 勾选操作", file:"excheck/radio"}, {id:209, pId:2, name:"Radio nocheck 演示", file:"excheck/radio_nocheck"}, {id:210, pId:2, name:"Radio chkDisabled 演示", file:"excheck/radio_chkDisabled"}, {id:211, pId:2, name:"Radio halfCheck 演示", file:"excheck/radio_halfCheck"}, {id:205, pId:2, name:"用 zTree 方法 勾选 Radio", file:"excheck/radio_fun"}, {id:3, pId:0, name:"[exedit] 编辑功能 演示", open:false}, {id:301, pId:3, name:"拖拽 节点 基本控制", file:"exedit/drag"}, {id:302, pId:3, name:"拖拽 节点 高级控制", file:"exedit/drag_super"}, {id:303, pId:3, name:"用 zTree 方法 移动 / 复制 节点", file:"exedit/drag_fun"}, {id:304, pId:3, name:"基本 增 / 删 / 改 节点", file:"exedit/edit"}, {id:305, pId:3, name:"高级 增 / 删 / 改 节点", file:"exedit/edit_super"}, {id:306, pId:3, name:"用 zTree 方法 增 / 删 / 改 节点", file:"exedit/edit_fun"}, {id:307, pId:3, name:"异步加载 & 编辑功能 共存", file:"exedit/async_edit"}, {id:308, pId:3, name:"多棵树之间 的 数据交互", file:"exedit/multiTree"}, {id:4, pId:0, name:"大数据量 演示", open:false}, {id:401, pId:4, name:"一次性加载大数据量", file:"bigdata/common"}, {id:402, pId:4, name:"分批异步加载大数据量", file:"bigdata/diy_async"}, {id:403, pId:4, name:"分批异步加载大数据量", file:"bigdata/page"}, {id:5, pId:0, name:"组合功能 演示", open:false}, {id:501, pId:5, name:"冻结根节点", file:"super/oneroot"}, {id:502, pId:5, name:"单击展开/折叠节点", file:"super/oneclick"}, {id:503, pId:5, name:"保持展开单一路径", file:"super/singlepath"}, {id:504, pId:5, name:"添加 自定义控件", file:"super/diydom"}, {id:505, pId:5, name:"checkbox / radio 共存", file:"super/checkbox_radio"}, {id:506, pId:5, name:"左侧菜单", file:"super/left_menu"}, {id:513, pId:5, name:"OutLook 风格", file:"super/left_menuForOutLook"}, {id:515, pId:5, name:"Awesome 风格", file:"super/awesome"}, {id:514, pId:5, name:"Metro 风格", file:"super/metro"}, {id:507, pId:5, name:"下拉菜单", file:"super/select_menu"}, {id:509, pId:5, name:"带 checkbox 的多选下拉菜单", file:"super/select_menu_checkbox"}, {id:510, pId:5, name:"带 radio 的单选下拉菜单", file:"super/select_menu_radio"}, {id:508, pId:5, name:"右键菜单 的 实现", file:"super/rightClickMenu"}, {id:511, pId:5, name:"与其他 DOM 拖拽互动", file:"super/dragWithOther"}, {id:512, pId:5, name:"异步加载模式下全部展开", file:"super/asyncForAll"}, {id:6, pId:0, name:"其他扩展功能 演示", open:false}, {id:601, pId:6, name:"隐藏普通节点", file:"exhide/common"}, {id:602, pId:6, name:"配合 checkbox 的隐藏", file:"exhide/checkbox"}, {id:603, pId:6, name:"配合 radio 的隐藏", file:"exhide/radio"} ]; $(document).ready(function(){ var t = $("#tree"); t = $.fn.zTree.init(t, setting, zNodes); demoIframe = $("#testIframe"); demoIframe.bind("load", loadReady); var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("tree"); zTree.selectNode(zTree.getNodeByParam("id", 101)); }); function loadReady() { var bodyH = demoIframe.contents().find("body").get(0).scrollHeight, htmlH = demoIframe.contents().find("html").get(0).scrollHeight, maxH = Math.max(bodyH, htmlH), minH = Math.min(bodyH, htmlH), h = demoIframe.height() >= maxH ? minH:maxH ; if (h < 530) h = 530; demoIframe.height(h); } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <TABLE border=0 height=600px align=left> <TR> <TD width=260px align=left valign=top style="BORDER-RIGHT: #999999 1px dashed"> <ul id="tree" class="ztree" style="width:260px; overflow:auto;"></ul> </TD> <TD width=770px align=left valign=top><IFRAME ID="testIframe" Name="testIframe" FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING=AUTO width=100% height=600px SRC="core/standardData.html"></IFRAME></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>自动化运维</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/demo.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/zTreeStyle.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/status.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ztree.core-3.5.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var setting = { view: { showIcon: showIconForTree }, data: { simpleData: { enable: true } } }; var zNodes =[ { id:1, pId:0, name:"巡检", open:true}, { id:11, pId:1, name:"磁盘空间"}, { id:12, pId:1, name:"表空间"}, { id:13, pId:1, name:"OGG状态"}, { id:14, pId:1, name:"失效的普通索引"}, { id:15, pId:1, name:"失效的分区索引"}, { id:2, pId:0, name:"部署", open:true}, { id:21, pId:2, name:"weblogic部署"}, { id:211, pId:21, name:"金三"}, { id:212, pId:21, name:"自有"}, { id:213, pId:21, name:"预生产"}, { id:214, pId:21, name:"培训"}, { id:22, pId:2, name:"oracle部署"}, { id:221, pId:22, name:"linux环境"}, { id:2211, pId:221, name:"单实例"}, { id:2212, pId:221, name:"集群"}, { id:222, pId:22, name:"aix"}, { id:2221, pId:222, name:"单实例"}, { id:2222, pId:222, name:"集群"}, { id:23, pId:2, name:"ogg"}, { id:231, pId:23, name:"linux版本"}, { id:232, pId:23, name:"aix版本"}, { id:3, pId:0, name:"版本升级", isParent:true}, { id:31, pId:3, name:"自有门户"}, { id:311, pId:31, name:"版本"}, { id:312, pId:31, name:"war包"}, { id:32, pId:3, name:"金三门户"}, { id:321, pId:32, name:"版本"}, { id:322, pId:32, name:"war包"}, { id:33, pId:3, name:"总局"} ]; function showIconForTree(treeId, treeNode) { return !treeNode.isParent; } $(document).ready(function(){ $.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes); }); </script> </head> <body> <div> <ul id="treeDemo" class="ztree"></ul> </div> </body> </hrml>