F7 :Build Ctrl+F7 :Compile Ctrl+F5 :Run Ctrl+Break :Stops the build F5 :Go Ctrl+F10 :Run to cursor F11 :step into Alt+F10 :Apply codes changes Ctrl+F9 :Enable/Disable a breakpoint Alt+F11 :将 Memory Window 切换到下一种显示模式 Alt+Shift+F11 :将 Memory Window 切换到上一种显示模式 Ctrl+Shift+F9 :去掉所有断点 Ctrl+Shift+F5 :Restarts the program Ctrl+Shift+F10 :将当前行设为下一条指令执行的行 Alt+Num* :滚动到当前指令 Shift+F11 :跳出当前函数 F9 :断点 F10 :step over Shift+F5 :停止 Debugging Ctrl+F11 :Switches between the source view and the disassembly view for this instruction Alt+F12 :Queries on the selected object or current context
Alt+F6 :Toggles the docking feature for the window on/off Shift+Esc :隐藏窗口
Ctrl+Shift+G :? Ctrl+* :打开string table Ctrl+Space :? Ctrl+F3 :向下查找下一个 Ctrl+Shift+F3 :查找上一个 Ctrl+D :查找 Ctrl+I :向下查找下一个 Ctrl+Shift+I :查找上一个 F6 :?Activates the next pane Shift+F6 :?Activates the previous pane Ctrl+M :?Detects duplicate mnemonics in the resource Alt +O : 头文件与cpp文件的交互显示