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Feeling kind of the sorrow

时间:2016-02-04 12:30:41      阅读:147      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


It‘s almost a long time, in this place, but sometimes, feelings do vary.

When I step in front of those machines, maybe they can still be used, maybe some of them may already not be usable, but I see the curves on them, the keyboards, the hosts, the monitors, the mouses, they are just laied there. I don‘t know who will deal with them, but time is still going on, some are meant to get lost in time. We are living on these machines.

One moment, some words of Steven Jobs suddenly came to my mind, "We will build a big campus, so, we can sit there all day, writing softwares, write the codes, those, hard work."

But now, Steven is gone. Same programmer, life is meant to be like this, end like a sand, the world is still turnning, something changed, something never changed, life still going on.

Kind of miserable for an existence, then, what about mine? That was a programmer‘s life.

Feeling kind of the sorrow



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