使用TSQL 代码移除UCP
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_sysutility_ucp_remove;
Before you use this procedure to remove the UCP from the SQL Server Utility, note the following requirements. The stored procedure will run prerequisite checks as part of the operation.
Before you run this procedure, all managed instances of SQL Server must be removed from the UCP. Note that the UCP is a managed instance of SQL Server.
This procedure must be run on a computer that is a UCP.
If the instance of SQL Server where the UCP was removed has a non-Utility data collection set, the UMDW database (sysutility_mdw) will not be dropped by the procedure. If this is the case, the UMDW database (sysutility_mdw) must be dropped manually before the UCP can be created again.
Remove a Utility Control Point (SQL Server Utility)